

RRC Partners with Winnipeg Foundation to Nourish Young People’s Potential

March 4, 2013

Red River College has teamed with The Winnipeg Foundation and the Winnipeg Free Press on a new weekly feature aimed at helping kids develop healthy eating habits.

Every Wednesday, the Free Press’ Food section will include an easy-to-make snack recipe provided by RRC’s Culinary Arts program and developed with young people in mind.

The new “Recipe for Success” feature is a component of The Winnipeg Foundation’s Nourishing Potential initiative — a planned $5-million endowment fund to support child and youth nutrition programs.

To date, nearly $2 million has been raised and more than $360,000 in grants distributed to organizations providing after-school, drop-in, and summer food programs for children and youth.

Click here for archived recipes and here for additional information or to make a gift to the fund.

RRC Welcomes Delegates from Partner University in China

February 28, 2013

This week, Red River College played host to a team of delegates from Xi’an Siyuan University (XSU) in China — one of a growing number of post-secondary institutions that have struck international partnerships with RRC in recent years.

The delegation was composed of the University’s Chairman Zhou, Yanbo; its Director of Human Resources Guan, Zhongmin; Director of International Development Shou, Shiheng; and RRC’s External Facilitator in China, Andrew Yang.

While here, the delegation met with RRC representatives to discuss joint programming opportunities in business, language training, and construction and engineering technologies.

Canada’s Answer to European Hospitality Schools Now at Red River College

February 21, 2013

Canada’s newest hospitality and culinary school opened its anchor restaurant today – Jane’s – the final piece in a 10-storey school where students learn, work and live in a facility modeled after the best European schools – all housed in a fully renovated historic building.

From here we are going to attract people from around the world to Winnipeg,” said Red River College President Stephanie Forsyth as she opened the doors to Jane’s – the opulent 90-seat fine dining restaurant of the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute in the 1904 restored Union Bank Tower in downtown Winnipeg. “Learning and working in a space like this really inspires staff and students to do their best. The institute will attract and graduate the best hospitality people in Canada.”

“As the anchor restaurant, Jane’s provides the finishing touches to a school that the Canadian hospitality industry has been requesting for decades – a Canadian equivalent of the finest hotel and culinary schools in Europe. This is Canada’s answer. The Paterson GlobalFoods Institute combines culinary, baking and pastry arts, mixology and hospitality management with a student residence. At Jane’s, for example, the classroom is the restaurant. Students prepare and serve the meals in an open-concept kitchen, allowing guests to see the students and learn more about cooking while they dine,” Forsyth said.

Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger, who was among the first guests to walk through the facility, says Jane’s and Paterson GlobalFoods Institute will help meet the skilled labour shortage in Manitoba. The Manitoba government has contributed $5 million toward the school and restaurant.

“This new restaurant at Red River College is an innovative approach to helping meet the growing demand for skilled workers in Manitoba and we’re proud to support its creation,” said Selinger. “And for the 140 graduates every year who will have trained at Jane’s and the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute this means practical experience that will help them more quickly transition from school to a good job.” Read More →

Paterson GlobalFoods Institute Honoured with Heritage Winnipeg Conservation Award

February 19, 2013

Diane Ready, RRC Vice-President Finance and Administration (right) receives the Heritage Winnipeg Conservation award from Lisa Gardewine, 1st Vice-President, Heritage Winnipeg.

Red River College received a prestigious Heritage Winnipeg Conservation Award over the weekend, for its work transforming the century-old Union Bank Tower into the newly-opened Paterson GlobalFoods Institute.

The award, accepted Monday afternoon during a ceremony at the Millennium Centre, recognizes special efforts to protect, conserve and reuse structures of high historic or architectural value. Commercial, institutional or residential projects are eligible, in particular those that involve the sensitive and adaptive use or re-use of such structures, while providing for their long-term protection.

Of particular interest to the judging committee were RRC’s “amazing” efforts to preserve the bank tower’s original facade and windows, the repurposing of old materials such as marble corridors and hardwood floors, the marriage of old and new elements, the highly-accessible public spaces included in the design, and the fact that PGI represents one of the largest such projects undertaken in years.

“So why would Red River College, with its strong culture of innovation, put so much effort into restoring a century-old building?” asked Diane Ready, vice-president of finance and administration at RRC. “Because we strongly believe in preserving Winnipeg’s architectural heritage — for it reflects our history, culture, traditions and values.” Read More →

Red River Radio Seeks Students for On-air Appearances

February 12, 2013

Tune into any radio station in Winnipeg, and you’re likely to hear a Red River College grad. From the deejays who chat in between songs, to the news reporters on CBC, RRC has a long history of producing excellent talent in radio. The tradition continues with the launch of Red River Radio this past summer, a fully-functional, online station run almost entirely by Creative Communications students. But that doesn’t mean they should have all the fun.

Red River Radio is looking for all RRC students to participate in the station. Listen online at, or better yet — appear on the station yourselves! Got a cool project to talk about? Want to promote your band’s upcoming show? Are you planning a fundraiser, or bragging about a recent accomplishment? Red River Radio wants to hear from you. Plus, if you head down to the station in the Roblin Centre Campus you’ll get to experience how a real radio station works. Read More →

Students Turn RRC Viewbook into iPad App

February 6, 2013

Students in Red River College’s Advanced Graphic Design class have harnessed their considerable technical skills to create a new iPad app that showcases the best the College has to offer.

Fifteen students collaborated on the fall project, which saw them develop an iPad version of RRC’s 2013-14 Viewbook, an annual recruitment publication featuring info on the College’s programs and support services.

Now available in the App Store, the 2013-14 Viewbook app is enhanced by additional photos, videos and slide shows, and was inspired by a similar project a few years ago in which program coordinator Diane Livingston beta tested the Adobe software used to create the app. This software is now part of the Adobe Creative Suite software used by all Graphic Design students.

Livingston says the work provides Graphic Design students with valuable experience learning to use the technology to adapt existing print material. After finishing work on the Viewbook project, each student then designed and created his or her own individual iPad apps.

“Graphic designers are no longer designing just for print,” says Livingston. “We are a design school, so our students are designing user interfaces and web pages too. We know this is the way industry is going, because it allows them to save on printing costs.”

Students appreciated the chance to push the boundaries of their skill sets by using technologies they’ll encounter in the workforce, says Livingston, noting the Viewbook app has been especially well-received by RRC’s student recruiters.

“They love it because they can just take it on the road — plug their iPad into a projector, and all their program information is there,” she says.

Click here to check out the iPad Viewbook app yourself, and here for more information on RRC’s Advanced Graphic Design program.

Red River College Recruits Students in India

February 5, 2013

Lt.-Col. B.S. Sandhu, President, Continental Group of Institutes, and Stephanie Forsyth, President and CEO of Red River College, sign a Memorandum of Understanding in Mohali, India.

Building on the success of its strong relationship with China, Red River College is actively recruiting in India this week and will sign deals with five educational institutions to bring hundreds of new students to Manitoba.

The enrolment of Indian students will increase opportunities for Manitoba students and help address Manitoba’s shortage of skilled labour. This year RRC has more than 150 students from China alone, and another 380 from several other countries, enrolled in three campuses. These successful models will be repeated to attract students from India with five-year agreements. After recruiting in India, RRC will target more international students working with sister campuses and educators in South America.

“Our India relationships benefit the college, the Province and India,” said RRC President and CEO Stephanie Forsyth from Delhi, India. “Foreign students, who pay the full cost of their education, allow us to develop even more programs and seats for Manitobans. Just as importantly, foreign students bring the global community to us. When they join our students and faculty on campus they help us all learn about their culture, and that helps us see how we can grow Manitoba and Canadian business abroad. India has a growing number of youth striving to achieve a strong post-secondary education, but the competition for limited spaces in India is strong. We provide educational opportunities in Canada that might otherwise be impossible to attain in India. The vast majority of these students have their sights on Canada as their future home.” Read More →

Income Tax Receipts to be Available Online

February 4, 2013

For income tax purposes, T2202A tax receipts will be available through WebAdvisor at the end of February 2013 for the 2012 calendar year. T2202As are only available online and are not mailed out by the College.

If you have any questions about your T2202A please contact us:

E-Mail: Full-time students
Part-time Continuing Education students
Regional Campus students – please contact your campus

Phone: Full-time students 204-632-2327, toll free 1-800-903-7707
Part-time Continuing Education students 204-694-1789, toll free 1-866-242-7073
Regional Campus students – please contact your campus

In-person: Student Service Centre, D101, Notre Dame Campus
Student Service Centre, P104, Exchange District Campus
Regional Campus students – please contact your campus


Business Students Gear Up for Directions Conference 2013

January 24, 2013

Red River College students will have an opportunity to network with leaders from Manitoba’s business community, at next month’s 2013 Directions Business Conference.

Approximately 600 people, including past RRC alumni, are expected to attend this year’s event, which will be held Feb. 6, 2013, at Canad Inns Polo Park.

The annual conference targets students from RRC’s School of Business and Applied Arts, providing them with a chance to meet industry leaders and potential employers. Participation also allows students to create valuable contacts, and to benefit from the experience of attending a professional business conference.

In the morning, students will hear from keynote speaker Norva Riddell, senior vice-president of sales and marketing for True North Sports and Entertainment. In addition, they’ll have the opportunity to sit in on a number of breakout sessions on topics ranging from mobile apps, environmental sustainability, corporate and social responsibility, and effective networking strategies.

In the afternoon, other industry leaders from across Manitoba will help mentor students by hosting  roundtable sessions in a variety of different career areas – accounting and finance, hospitality and tourism, entrepreneurship, marketing and sales, and information technology.

Click here for more information about the 2013 Directions Business Conference.

Register Now for Kids Kamps in Electrical Engineering Technology

January 15, 2013

Back by popular demand, Red River College’s Electrical Engineering Technology department will again host a series of spring Kids Kamps — free programs that introduce Grade 7 and 8 students to the field of electrical and electronic engineering technology.

The sessions will run at both the Exchange District and Notre Dame Campuses, every Saturday from Feb. 23 to April 7, 2013. A total of 12 sessions are scheduled (eight at the Exchange District, four at Notre Dame); students can take part in one session each.

The Kids Kamps will cover basic theory, but the emphasis of each session will be on developing practical skills, and on encouraging younger students to consider careers in science and technology. Read More →

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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