

RRC Polytech hosts 23rd annual Pow Wow

May 5, 2023

RRC Polytech hosts its 23rd annual Pow Wow today to celebrate Indigenous students and graduates, while also honouring the Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S), or Red Dress Day.

Each year, RRC Polytech’s Pow Wow welcomes hundreds of guests, community members, dancers, drummers, staff, faculty and Indigenous graduates from all programs to join in the celebration, hosted by the School of Indigenous Education with guidance and leadership from the College’s Elders-in-Residence.
This year, campus flags will be lowered to half-mast and the day will be recognized with a Memorial Song dedicated to MMIWG2S, their families and those impacted by the loss of loved ones.

“Creating space to celebrate Indigenous achievement is essential action for reconciliation and is the responsibility of all of us that call North America — Turtle Island — home,” says Isabel Bright, Dean of the School of Indigenous Education.

“While we celebrate the achievements of all Indigenous students, it’s important to recognize that the date of our Pow Wow coincides with the Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People. Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit people deserve respect and safety.”

Earlier this year, College leaders were invited into Indigenous communities to hear directly from members about the barriers that Indigenous learners face when considering post-secondary education. Some individuals expressed fear for the safety of their daughters or granddaughters when they leave their communities to come to Winnipeg or other urban centres, and worried whether they would make it home.

“Not only should we ensure all students are getting the highest quality education we can offer, but they should feel safe while doing so — this should never be a barrier to access,” says Fred Meier, RRC President and CEO.

“We will continue to work collaboratively with Indigenous communities to ensure we are taking meaningful steps to address the calls for justice in the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, and to ensure that all women, girls and Two-Spirit people are supported and safe in their educational journey.” Read More →

RRC Polytech and RBC celebrate Indigenous food, fashion and music

April 19, 2023

In partnership with RBC Future Launch, Indigenous culture takes centre stage today as RRC Polytech students, staff and community members gather for a celebration highlighting the importance of entrepreneurship in Indigenous culture.

Running 1:00–5:00 p.m. at Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, Indigenous Food, Fashion and Music: An RBC Reaction by Collision Community Event will showcase Indigenous culture and arts in Winnipeg. As part of RRC Polytech’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, the event will immerse guests in Indigenous culture, as represented by some of the brightest local entrepreneurs, chefs, designers and performers.

“Representation and celebration of Indigenous culture is an important way to let Indigenous students, staff and community members know they are welcome here and they belong at RRC Polytech,” says College President Fred Meier.

“When RRC Polytech connects with partners like RBC, amazing things can happen. This is the second year we’ve had the pleasure of hosting the RBC Reaction by Collision Event in-person, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank RBC for choosing to support RRC Polytech students.”

Event highlights will include a haute couture fashion show, delectable cuisine from local chefs, a crafter’s market with local artisans and music provided by Juno nominees Indian City. Featured guests include Brownees Urban Bistro, Feast Café Bistro, Olivia Nasikapow, Gayle Grubin, Dawn Harris, OGICHIDAA, and many others.

Miranda Harper, an RRC Polytech grad and drummer in the local rock band Venus Man Trap, is taking part in the event’s panel and looks forward to sharing her experience as an Indigenous musician with students and community members.

“We’re showing future Indigenous generations that they’re welcome here, that there’s space for them to innovate and be bold,” Harper says. “I get inspired when young people ask me questions, either about my experience as a musician or about my career in commercial banking. It’s important for me to share the path and journey I went on to get to where I am and hopefully motivate others to do the same.” Read More →

Indigenous Culinary students savour world-class training opportunity

April 4, 2023

A world-class event, a thousand hungry attendees, and seven eager first-year Indigenous Culinary Skills students from RRC Polytech were among the ingredients making up a true recipe for success, served up in downtown Winnipeg last month.

Opportunity knocked when organizers of last month’s International Indigenous Tourism Conference reached out to the College looking for help in feeding visitors to the RBC Convention Centre who were attending the largest Indigenous tourism event in the world.

Chef Patrick Anderson, an Indigenous Culinary Skills instructor at the College, didn’t have to do much to convince his current class members to step up and show off their skills. All seven first-year students immediately volunteered and even organized their own carpool to ensure they didn’t miss the chance of a lifetime — to work in the kitchen at a massive international event preparing upscale traditional dishes and learning from world-renowned top chefs.

“Our students got to work shoulder-to-shoulder with 11 of the most accomplished Indigenous chefs from all over North America, helping them make 650 portions of some of the most well thought-out and delicious Indigenous dishes,” says Anderson.

“Even I was blown away by all the amazing flavors they developed and served. This menu was proof that Indigenous cuisine is so much more than bannock, berries and smoked meat.”

Although cooking for convention attendees was a first-time experience for most of the students, they leaned on their training, their mentors and each other to embrace the moment and perform to rave reviews.

By the end of the night, their confidence was off the charts as they enjoyed samples of their work and even danced a few friendly jigs with event coordinators and guest chefs in celebration.

Culinary Skills students cooking at the International Indigenous Tourism Conference“It was a really useful experience,” says Culinary Skills student Belinda Johnson. “I’d been to conferences before when I worked in health care, but being able to help prep and plate next to these chefs was so exciting.”

The professional chefs could not stop raving to instructors about how diligent and skilled the students were. A few of the students even received job offers out of the experience.

“Our team did not look like first-year culinary students at this event — they acted like graduates,” says Anderson.

“They worked like experienced cooks that have an incredibly bright future ahead of them. One of the coordinators came up to me and told me she believes the future of the Indigenous culinary industry is very bright knowing there are programs like ours.”

College forges bond with CWB Welding Foundation to host Women of Steel™ program

March 31, 2023

RRC Polytech is partnering with the CWB Welding Foundation to remove barriers for women pursuing careers in the trades, by introducing the Women of Steel™: Forging Forward Program.

The tuition-free offering will foster personal growth and confidence by providing experiential learning for anyone who identifies as female and is interested in exploring welding or working in other welding-related skilled trades.

“Creating more pathways and opportunities for women and members of equity-deserving groups in our community to pursue rewarding and prosperous careers in the skilled trades industry is a key priority for RRC Polytech, and for our industry partners,” says Fred Meier, President and CEO.

“We are proud to be one of 14 hosts for the Women of Steel™ program in Canada and to partner with the CWB Welding Foundation, because by working together, we are pushing for progress, removing barriers to access and participation in the welding industry, and reinforcing the fact that a career in the trades is one that anyone and everyone can enjoy and excel at.”

Women of Steel™ runs May 1 to Aug. 25, with in-person training to be hosted at RRC Polytech’s Skilled Trades and Technology Centre. The 17-week pre-employment program (15 weeks of training, two of work placements) will deliver practical theory, hands-on welding training and skills development in a safe and supportive environment.

Shorter training periods will be used to familiarize participants with a number of welding processes, giving them the ability to obtain multiple CWB welding qualifications in various positions and making them ready for apprenticeship, post-secondary and employment. Read More →

Micro-credentials, maximum impact: Quick Train courses contribute to cleaner, more inclusive economy

February 22, 2023

Manitoba’s only polytechnic is ready to boost Canada’s resilient recovery, with the introduction of Quick Train Canada, a fully funded series of micro-credentials from post-secondary institutions throughout the country.

RRC Polytech is part of a coalition of Canadian colleges, polytechnics and cégeps, called Canadian Colleges for a Resilient Recovery (C2R2), that worked together to secure federal funding for this important training initiative, and is the only Manitoba institution to offer Quick Train courses.

C2R2 formally launched Quick Train at Mohawk College in Hamilton this morning, with the announcement of a $46.5-million investment from the federal government’s Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program.

“One of our strengths as a polytechnic is offering agile, relevant training that empowers people to excel in their fields,” says Dr. Christine Watson (shown above, third from left), RRC Polytech’s Vice-President, Academic.

“This funding creates access to important upskilling and re-skilling opportunities throughout their careers, ensuring Manitoba has a workforce that contributes to a more sustainable and equitable economy.”

Quick Train programming is designed to enable workers and employers to update their skills quickly through multi-week, virtual and in-person learning. Each of the 14 C2R2 institutions offers

Quick Train courses specific to their areas of expertise, all of which support Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy while fostering equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Through this partnership, Manitobans have access to Quick Train micro-credentials from C2R2 institutions across the country. Many courses are offered in-person for local learners, while others are entirely virtual. Read More →

RRC Polytech opens doors to thousands of potential students

February 21, 2023

RRC Polytech will welcome more than 3,000 prospective students tomorrow for Open Doors, its first in-person open house event since 2020.

“After two years of virtual events, we’re thrilled to once again open our doors to future students to introduce the many options available to them through a polytechnic education,” says Dr. Christine Watson, Vice-President, Academic.

“The landscape of work is ever-changing, and employers are seeking a diverse workforce. Open Doors gives us the chance to demonstrate how diversity drives innovation at RRC Polytech. We’re transforming our learning model, in part to address changes in the workforce, to prepare our students for the future of work.”

RRC Polytech is hosting 13 program-specific tours at the Notre Dame Campus and four at the Exchange District Campus, giving potential students a firsthand glimpse at the College’s equipment and facilities.

The Open Doors’ Exhibition Hall at the Notre Dame Campus will feature information booths where attendees can connect one-on-one with staff and instructors to learn more about RRC Polytech programs, campuses and supports.

“We know how important it is to create exposure to RRC Polytech early on, so we’ve been going out into the community to meet potential students where they’re at,” says student recruitment officer Clint Thiessen. “Now, we’re looking forward to welcoming these students onto our campuses to give them a taste of what they can expect from a polytechnic experience.

“RRC Polytech prepares students for today’s workforce because they learn from industry-trained faculty, on the latest equipment, and in environments similar to what they’ll find on the job.”

In addition to full- and part-time learning, RRC Polytech is increasing its micro-credential and flexible learning opportunities to provide more options to learners at any stage in their journey — whether they’re at the beginning of their career, or they’re upskilling or re-skilling as a mature student.

Open Doors – RRC Polytech’s Open House takes place Wed., Feb. 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses. For more information, visit

For more information about RRC Polytech programs, visit

RRC Polytech rises to 11th place in ranking of Canadian research colleges

January 27, 2023

RRC Polytech is once again one of Canada’s top research institutions, as announced earlier this week in Re$earch Infosource’s annual ranking of the country’s top 50 research colleges. The College jumped three spots from last year’s 14th place position.

RRC Polytech ranks first in the prairies in the category Spotlight on College Research Activity – Medium Tier, and third for research partnerships nationwide. The College completed 93 applied research projects in the 2021 fiscal year.

“Partnerships are at the heart of everything we do at RRC Polytech,” says Jamie Wilson, Vice-President, Indigenous Strategy, Research and Business Development at RRC Polytech.

“We work with industry every day to come up with innovative, sustainable solutions to business problems. Thanks to the support from our partners in the community, industry and government, we can continue to make positive change here in Manitoba and throughout the country.

“This national recognition reinforces that ground-breaking work doesn’t happen in a silo. It takes a community of creative staff, students and industry partners to achieve the results that place us so high on this list.”

An ongoing partnership between RRC Polytech’s Prairie Research Kitchen, Prairie Fava — a Glenboro, Man.-based food startup — and Big Mountain Foods, a Vancouver-based innovator of plant-based consumer packaged goods, that resulted in an award-winning product is just one example of the innovative collaborations completed in the last year.

Another is a recent building airtightness test at Gordon Bell High School completed by RRC Polytech’s Building Efficiency Technology Access Centre (BETAC) that will help the high school reduce energy costs by 50 per cent. Read More →

Manufacturing new career paths: Gene Haas bootcamps offer hands-on training for youth

January 25, 2023

Starting next month, Winnipeg youths with an interest in 3D printing, manufacturing and robotics will have the opportunity to hone their skills and learn about new technologies through one-day bootcamps at RRC Polytech.

The Gene Haas Manufacturing Bootcamps are open to students in Grades 7 and 8 (ages 12 to 14), along with their parents or guardians. Participants will learn how to create things using industry-standard equipment and technology, while exploring some of the many career options in Manitoba’s rapidly growing manufacturing sector.

“RRC Polytech is excited to partner with the Gene Haas Foundation on these camps because we know there is incredible potential for young Winnipeggers in the manufacturing field,” says Mark Blackner, Chair of Electrical, Mechanical and Manufacturing at RRC Polytech.

“It was important for us to include parents and guardians in these camps because often trades and technologies are seen as a dead-end job or back-up plan, which is not the case. Careers in trades and technologies allow people to create things every day, are high-paying and help our communities function and grow.”

Bootcamps run once a month, on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4p.m. They’ll provide participants with training in:

• 3D printing
• Computer aided design (CAD)
• Computer numerical control (CNC) machining
• Industrial robotics

Along with the Gene Haas Foundation and Thomas Skinner (Western Canada’s Haas Automation representative), the College has partnered with Career Trek and Skills Canada Manitoba to bring these bootcamps to life. Read More →

The great exchange: Brazilian teaching candidate finds cold weather, warm hearts in Winnipeg

December 9, 2022

Adão Lopes da Fonseca feels he was always destined to become a teacher. As a young child growing up in rural Brazil, he remembers constantly suggesting that family members of all ages play school with him, as long as he was the one leading the classes.

His passion for education never waned and he continued his studies with a goal of one day teaching English to the Portuguese-speaking middle and high school students of his homeland — but he never dreamed he’d end up perfecting his second language in Winnipeg.

That is, until he discovered that his excellent grades and achievements made him a prime candidate for an exchange program between post-secondary partners RRC Polytech and Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE).

It was an opportunity he couldn’t resist.

“It’s no longer something to dream of because I am living proof it can happen!” says Lopes da Fonseca. “I knew very little about the city, but my research warned me it would be frightfully cold, so my family was a bit worried. I was just excited about living a whole new life and making connections with so many new people.”

Adão Lopes da Fonseca, in snow-covered forestLopes da Fonseca’s four-month stint as a visiting student at the College’s Exchange District Campus is about to end, and while he had to wait until his final few weeks for winter to arrive, a recent cold snap has given him a new appreciation of the term “freezing.” As such, he’s grateful for those new people in his life who taught him how to dress to stay warm.

He will soon return home and present a report to his class on all the things he’s learned through the program, before collecting his English-Portuguese teaching certificate and license to teach middle and high school. He received a scholarship to come to Canada from his prospective employer, the Brazilian government, which will benefit from his experience observing classes, participating in lectures and seminars, and studying English for Academic Purposes teaching methodologies at RRC Polytech’s Language Training Centre (LTC).

“The main challenge to learning English is pronunciation, because in Latin America they have good comprehension, they can read, they can understand really well, but they lack conversation, which is needed to speak confidently,” he says.

“Most of the activities at the LTC are in groups, so when the instructors give out a task, everyone really helps each other and when you see that someone really wants to learn, it gives you the inspiration to give your best as a teacher.” Read More →

Eight RRC Polytech programs granted national accreditation

November 29, 2022

Today, RRC Polytech marked the accreditation of eight of its programs by Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC).

The accreditation is the result of a comprehensive audit that includes a tour of each program’s labs and student support services, and interviews with its students, faculty, alumni and graduates’ employers.

The eight programs that received accreditation are: 

·      Electronic Engineering Technology 

·      Electrical Engineering Technology 

·      Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology

·      Mechanical Engineering Technology

·      Structural Engineering Technology

·      Architectural/Engineering Technology

·      Municipal Engineering Technology

·      Environmental Engineering Technology

“Achieving accreditation for these programs is a real win-win,” says Derek Kochenash, Dean, School of Skilled Trades and Technologies at RRC Polytech. “Not only does accreditation open doors to even more career opportunities for our students, it provides our partners in industry with the essential talent to help their organizations achieve their goals. 

“RRC Polytech is grateful to Technology Accreditation Canada for this acknowledgment. The accreditation reflects the high quality of these eight programs, while enhancing graduates’ credentials as they enter the workforce.”

National program accreditation provides students, industry and RRC Polytech with confirmation their program has met defined standards. 

Accreditation also affords graduates an expedited path to certification through the Certified Technicians & Technologists Association of Manitoba (CTTAM) and provincial certifying bodies across Canada.

“We congratulate each program for its commitment to delivering to students a high quality program that meets the current standards of the engineering technology and applied science profession,” says Stephen Morley, Chair of TAC’s board of directors. 

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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