

Construction and Engineering students honoured at annual Technology Awards Reception

December 12, 2014

Paul Charette Year 2 Civil Engineering and Construction Management  Awards 2Students from the College’s School of Construction and Engineering Technologies were honoured last month, at RRC’s annual Technology Awards Reception.

Held Nov. 27, the event brought together donors, related College staff, and student award recipients from RRC’s Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering Technology programs. Over the years, the event has expanded from 62 awards to 114; the reception is held each November to coincide with National Technology Month.

Awards and scholarships are presented based on a range of criteria, including academic excellence, good character, strong work ethic, leadership qualities, and active involvement in the community.

See below for a sampling of some of this year’s winners. (Click on photos to enlarge.) Read More →

BIT students partner with city archives to bring Winnipeg’s history into focus

December 8, 2014

Box-P4-File-5Winnipeg’s rich photographic history is now more accessible than ever, thanks to collaboration between the city and students from Red River College’s Business Information Technology (BIT) program.

Winnipeg in FOCUS is a new web-based application that allows users to search and view photographs and other graphic materials held by the City of Winnipeg Archives. The web app is the product of a partnership between RRC, the city’s Archives, and the city’s Corporate IT department.

In January 2014, RRC students in the BIT Industry Project course began developing an app to improve access to the Archive’s collection of photos. Functional requirements were provided by the Archives; technical mentorship and design services were provided by Corporate IT.

Materials held by the Archives capture moments in the city’s development. Many were taken by civic employees in the course of their work documenting projects or program delivery, though the collection also includes individual photos and collections donated to the Archives.

“[They] have much to show us about ourselves, our government, and the history of the natural and built environment from 1974,” reads the city’s website. “These images are a powerful record of change and growth.”

Currently, Winnipeg in FOCUS includes only a fraction of the thousands of images in the Archive’s holdings, though content will be added as resources allow.

Click here to learn more about the initiative, or to search the database.

Above photo courtesy of the City of Winnipeg Archives: Winnipeg looking west from the tower of City Hall, September 5, 1900. Present site of Red River College’s Princess Street campus.

RRC hosts lunch-hour blitz to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 5, 2014

IMG_3702Red River College’s Disability and Community Support program and its Diversity and Intercultural Services department came together this week to raise awareness of the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

On Wed., Dec 3, students and staff gathered in the Library hallway at the Notre Dame Campus, where they offered passers-by holiday baking. Others fanned out across campus, distributing stickers and bookmarks with powerful messages.

The bookmarks were made to address how societal attitudes can present a barrier to those faced by people with disabilities in achieving full acceptance and integration in society. They offered ideas for appropriate and respectful language related to disabilities, while also addressing less respectful terminology.

“The goal of the event was to raise awareness about local issues such as Manitoba’s Accessibility legislation,” says Cheryl Martens, lead instructor of Disability and Community Support. “By connecting with the RRC community face-to-face, we hoped to focus on awareness on a local, global and personal level.” Read More →

CreComm students receive bursaries from Eric & Jack Wells Foundation

December 3, 2014

WellsBursaryWinnersA pair of Red River College students pursuing careers in journalism received a recent financial boost from two of their chosen profession’s late legends.

Second-year Creative Communications students Eva Wasney and Jade Markus each received $500 bursaries last month from the Eric & Jack Wells Foundation, established in 1994 by the families of the late Eric Wells (former Winnipeg Tribune editor and CJOB commentator) and “Cactus” Jack Wells, a ground-breaking Canadian sportscaster.

The bursaries were presented by Megan Wells — daughter of Eric and president of the foundation’s board.

“I know that my father and Uncle Jack would have been very happy to know that both of you will be following in their footsteps,” said Megan, shown above (centre) with Markus (left) and Wasney. “They both encouraged young people to get into — and stay in — the business.”

Wasney (who like Markus is majoring in journalism at RRC), says the support for CreComm students is always welcome, as the program is very demanding and includes a lot of work outside of classroom time.

“I live on my own — I can’t work as often as I need to,” says Wasney. “Having scholarships and bursaries in place is very helpful so I can focus on improving my skills and being a better journalist, not worrying about how to support myself.”

“Living with your parents isn’t an option for everyone,” Markus adds. “It’s really good [that] an option like this exists for students.”

The Eric and Jack Wells Foundation has given more than $70,000 in cash awards and bursaries to 100-plus CreComm students over the past 20 years. The Foundation’s awards for excellence in journalism will be announced in the spring.

Click here for more information about RRC’s Creative Communications program.

RRC-supported electric buses enter into service with Winnipeg Transit

November 27, 2014

electric busWinnipeg Transit will soon begin daily service using up to four battery-electric transit buses developed and designed by a consortium that includes researchers from Red River College .

The New Flyer Xcelsior® buses will be in daily operation on a 40-kilometre, two-hour route starting at Winnipeg Richardson International Airport, making its way through the city centre to East Kildonan, and returning to the airport.

The route was chosen because its length, speeds and loads are typical of many central business district routes in Canada and the U.S., and because the Winnipeg Airports Authority permitted New Flyer to install a high-power charging station at the airport – a project that was completed in October 2014.

“We didn’t want an easy route,” says Paul Soubry, New Flyer’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “We encouraged Winnipeg Transit to select a route that would showcase the technological capability of our Xcelsior battery-electric bus in a real life in-service situation that will experience a wide range of weather and traffic conditions.”

The project is a continuing collaboration between New Flyer, the Province of Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Red River College and Winnipeg Transit. The project team – which started the effort in May 2011 – received additional assistance in October 2012 when Sustainable Development Technology Canada announced funding of $3.4 million to take the project from prototype to full production and field demonstration, and in 2014 when Manitoba’s Vehicle Technology Centre provided an additional $94,000 for charging station development.

“This electric bus project is a key element in Manitoba’s Clean Energy Strategy and supports our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote the use of effective, cost-efficient, renewable energy,” said Eric Robinson, Minister responsible for Manitoba Hydro. “Our innovative advancements in clean energy technologies have contributed to our placement as the first in Canada to employ the new, unique on-route rapid charging system, promoting affordable public transportation and electric vehicle knowledge which will create jobs.”

Zero-emission battery-electric propulsion transit buses are expected to significantly reduce green house gas and smog-causing criteria air contaminant emissions. In Manitoba, where the electrical grid is highly renewable (nearly 100 per cent of electricity is generated without burning fuel), the use of electric propulsion buses are expected to translate to an estimated reduction of 160 tonnes of green house gas emissions, per bus, per year.

“Red River College is proud to support community economic development as a participant in this project,” said David Rew, Interim RRC President. “Our instructors, staff and students have all contributed to the success of the consortium and we look forward to the zero emissions bus going into commercial use at many transit authorities across North America.”

College celebrates partnership with TransX Group of Companies

November 26, 2014

TransX_Announcement_20141126_0061_smIn recognition of a generous gift and ongoing support from TransX Group of Companies, Red River College unveiled a plaque today naming a classroom in the organization’s honour at the Heavy Equipment Transportation Centre (HETC).

The newly-named space symbolizes the long-standing partnership between TransX and RRC, which includes support of alumni and student success, and a $100,000 pledge.

TransX joins a host of other industry partners that have supported HETC by providing opportunities for students who graduate from a variety of RRC programs.

“Support from industry partners like TransX assists Red River College in creating opportunities for students that align with industry needs,” says RRC President David Rew. “TransX’s financial and advisory support allows the College to create a state-of-the-art learning facility designed with industry in mind. Our students are the ultimate beneficiaries of their support, and we are grateful for this ongoing partnership.”

Located at RRC’s Notre Dame Campus, HETC boasts 60,000 square feet of classroom and lab space in which students can work on large vehicles representing a variety of industry sectors. Offering modern transportation technology, the facility meets the LEED silver standard in energy efficiency, and is home to four RRC programs: Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic, Outdoor Power Equipment Technician, Transport Trailer Mechanic Apprenticeship and Transport Truck/Bus Apprenticeship.

“We are proud to support a first-class training centre at Red River College that helps promote, attract and train heavy duty technicians for the transportation industry,” says Mike Jones, Vice-President of Operations at TransX. “Our industry relies on highly skilled graduates and we’re proud to partner with RRC to continue to provide these types of opportunities.” Read More →

Break barriers and open doors: International Day of Persons with Disabilities – Wed., Dec. 3

November 26, 2014

IDPDDid you know that one out of two Canadians will be touched by a disability, either personally or within their immediate family?

Help Red River College reaffirm and draw attention to the rights of the more than one billion people throughout the world who are living with a disability. Join us at noon on Wed., Dec. 3, for a Disability Awareness Lunch Hour Blitz at the Notre Dame Campus, where you can visit a display in the library hallway, or chat with students from RRC’s Disability and Community Support program.

Did you know?

Internationally: More than one billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, are living with a disability. Canada is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which affirms that all people with disabilities have human rights and freedoms.

Locally: Manitoba has signed into law Bill 26, the Accessibility for Manitobans Act. This legislation ensures there is a plan to eliminate barriers that currently exist for 200,000 Manitobans with disabilities, allowing them to experience their human rights with the same expectations as other citizens.

Personally: Join us in taking a stand against the “R” word (retard), and “Spread the Word to End the Word”. Most people don’t think of this word as hate speech, but that’s exactly what it feels like to millions of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as their families and friends. Make a personal pledge to remove this form of hate speech from our collective vocabularies.

Sponsored by the Disability and Community Support program and the Diversity and Intercultural Services department.

Feds launch new fund to strengthen communities, support social innovation research in Canadian colleges

November 21, 2014

CCSI FundAlready a model of the potential for success through partnerships with community organizations, Red River College stands to benefit even further from a new pilot project aimed at strengthening communities through social innovation research.

Announced today by the Hon. Ed Holder, Minister of State (Science and Technology), the new Community and College Social Innovation Fund will increase colleges’ capacity to engage in collaborative projects with community organizations and businesses to address such social issues as poverty, crime prevention, community safety and economic development.

“Our government understands that local community organizations are essential in addressing social issues like economic development, poverty, education and integration in Canadian communities,” says Holder (shown above, fifth from left). “The Community and College Social Innovation Fund will connect the innovative talent of researchers and students at colleges and polytechnics to meet the research needs of local community organizations to build stronger, safer, healthier communities.”

Administered through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the fund allows colleges and polytechnics to partner with community organizations and businesses to apply for funding of up to $200,000 (plus an additional 20 per cent to offset overhead and administrative costs) to undertake collaborative projects that address community issues.

The new fund will provide $15 million over three years in support of social innovation projects, which could take the form of products, processes or programs that create positive social outcomes for communities.

“Social innovation requires breakthrough ideas, applied research and community collaboration,” says David Rew, Interim President of RRC. “We welcome the government’s recognition that colleges like RRC are instrumental in making meaningful contributions to advancing solutions to issues that face communities, not only in Manitoba, but [throughout the globe].” Read More →

RRC ironworking expert named Instructor of the Year by Apprenticeship Manitoba

November 20, 2014

20141119_neil and barry_0049_sm[1]A heavy metal shout-out to Red River College instructor Barry Chetyrbok, who’s spent the last 10 years forging a reputation as a highly-respected mentor to apprenticing ironworkers in Manitoba.

A former tradesman who turned to teaching after being injured on the job, Chetyrbok was recently honoured as the Instructor of the Year at Apprenticeship Manitoba’s annual Awards of Distinction.

Chetyrbok says his instructor position gives him the opportunity to invest in the next generation of ironworkers, by sharing his expertise with students and doing his best to prepare them for careers in industry.

“In my mind, the students themselves are responsible for their own learning. I’m just here to facilitate,” Chetyrbok told the Winnipeg Free Press recently. “I try my best to instill character, work ethic and a strong command of what the trade involves. I’m here as the result of an accident, so I really stress the safety part of it.”

Chetyrbok (shown above with Neil Cooke, chair of Transportation and Heavy Apprenticeship Trades at RRC) got his start as a student in RRC’s Welding program, but took an interest in ironworking after visiting a friend at a job site. After he suffered an on-the-job injury that prevented him from returning to work, his business manager suggested he try teaching.

Chetyrbok said he’d give it a go, and hasn’t looked back. He recently took time out of his schedule to coach a trio of students taking part in a Western Canadian apprenticeship competition.

Two of those students (Sebastian Barychynski and Jordan Orieux) took first and second place, respectively, while the third (Matthew Chetyrbok, Barry’s son) took sixth. All three travelled to Toronto in September for the 2014 Iron Workers International Apprentice Competition. Read More →

Teaching the teachers: Teacher Education students help integrate technology in Manitoba classrooms

November 18, 2014

Eva Brown2Teacher Education students at Red River College are flipping the professional development experience by teaching teachers how to integrate technology into their classrooms.

It’s all part of Flipping PD, a program developed by RRC’s Eva Brown, an instructor with the Business/Technology Teacher Education program offered jointly through the College and the University of Winnipeg.

Brown knows it’s impossible to anticipate the future of technology. Instead, she focuses on developing the skills teachers need to effectively utilize technology in lessons.

“My student teachers need to learn how to use tools, but more than that [they need to know] which tool to go where and how to help their students figure things out, because things are changing so rapidly.”

Future teachers need the ability to constantly learn and adapt; Flipping PD facilitates this by putting them in situations where they’re forced to think on their toes.

“I take my student teachers out into the world. I take them to conferences and different schools and they deliver professional development to reach teachers that want to use these technologies to teach in their classrooms.”

For example, Brown’s students might demonstrate ways classrooms can use Google Drive or Skype to facilitate global learning. Rather than demonstrate how to use a specific tool for a specific lesson, however, they show the learning opportunities that can be facilitated through technology.

“It’s categories of tools that we try to teach, and the ones that will be the most bang for your buck.” Read More →

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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