
RRC Helps Hutterite Colonies’ Welders Succeed

August 19, 2011

Welders from nearby Hutterite colonies aced their trades qualification tests in record numbers recently, thanks to training provided by RRC’s Corporate Solutions.

The welders were part of a group of 10 seeking formal industry accreditation as a means of increasing the manufacturing opportunities on their colonies. Though some have already worked as welders for decades, they still needed to go through the proper processes — including initial assessments and providing proof of prior experience — before completing their qualifications testing with Apprenticeship Manitoba, the Canadian Welding Bureau and the Manitoba Department of Labour.

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RRC Delivers Online Lectures In China

August 18, 2011

The ongoing partnership between Red River College and the Shenyang Institute of Engineering (SIE) has led to an award-winning project in which Power Engineering Technology lectures are delivered online to students in China.

The new initiative, in which two courses per year are delivered through a mix of online and on-site lectures, recently resulted in a 2011 Learning Innovation Award for RRC instructor David Kinasevych (Mechanical, Manufacturing & Communications) and Duojiao (Sarah) Guan, a visiting faculty member from Shenyang, China.

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Aboriginal Youth Soar at RRC’s H.A.W.K. Camp

August 12, 2011

Aboriginal youth aged 11 to 13 got their first taste of trades and technology programming, while participating in Red River College’s second annual Hands-On Activity Week for Kids (H.A.W.K.).

The five-day summer camp, which ran July 25 – 29, blended cultural programming, recreation time and team-building exercises with hands-on activities and games that introduced them to such skilled trades- and technology-related programs as Construction Trades, Electronics, Mechanical Engineering Technology/Manufacturing, Aviation and Civil Engineering.

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Girls Explore Career Options at Trades & Technology Camps

July 26, 2011


Staff and instructors at Red River College helped expose young women to an array of trades- and technology-related career options this summer, by hosting the Girls Exploring Trades & Technology (GETT@RRC) Camps over three weeks in July.

With a focus on technology and applied skills, the GETT@RRC camps provide girls 12-14 with a chance to explore non-traditional career options via hands-on activities and encounters with female mentors. The camps reinforce the importance of pursuing science, advanced math and industrial arts courses in high school, by stressing the impact these subjects can have on future career choices.

“During the five-day GETT camps, the instructor and assistants emphasize to the girls the importance of continuing with Math and Science courses because many occupations, particularly technical ones, require a solid grounding in these subjects,” says Dr. Dale Watts, Dean of the School of Construction and Engineering Technologies. “An awareness of that requirement at this age may provide the motivation for these students to continue taking Math and Science courses throughout secondary school.”

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Shaw TV’s Joanne Kelly to Join RRC’s CreComm Team

July 25, 2011

205186_5410051717_581081717_98286_9423_n Shaw TV’s loss is Red River College’s gain.

Longtime Shaw TV personality Joanne Kelly has revealed she’ll be leaving the community-access channel by mid-August, having accepted a new position as a journalism instructor with RRC’s industry-renowned Creative Communications program.

“I can’t believe I am writing this,” Kelly said in a Twitter post yesterday, “but after seven amazing years at Shaw TV I am moving on to my other dream job — teaching CreComm!!!”

Kelly — who’s served as host and producer at Shaw since 2004, and a producer at CTV stations in Winnipeg and Vancouver in years prior — will take over broadcast journalism duties from former CreComm instructor Steve Vogelsang, who retired in June. Read More →

RRC Instructor Accepts Prestigious Industry Award

July 20, 2011

General Mills

Red River College instructor Linda Ament accepted a prestigious honour on behalf of General Mills Winnipeg recently, after the company was named Employer of the Year at the Manitoba Food Processors Association’s Industry Excellence Awards.

The award was based on a wide range of criteria, including General Mills’ employee relations, training, communications, continuous improvement, labour relations, and compensation and benefits practices. Ament (shown, bottom right), who serves as Human Resources Manager at GM’s Winnipeg plant, says the honour comes at an especially important time in the company’s evolution.

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Measuring Sustainability Success

July 6, 2011

Building on the honour of being named one of Canada's Greenest Employers for 2011, Red River College (RRC) is the first post-secondary institution in Manitoba to join a new program to measure sustainability in all aspects of higher education across North America.

The Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) is administered by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). To date, over 230 higher education institutions have registered as STARS participants, including 22 in Canada.

"We’re participating in STARS to give us a measure of our sustainability performance in all areas of the College – from the courses we deliver, to the way we operate our campus, and the way we plan for the future," explained Sara MacArthur, Manager of Sustainability for RRC.

AASHE’s STARS program is the only one of its kind that involves publicly reporting comprehensive information related to a college or university’s sustainability performance. Participants report achievements in three overall areas: 1) education & research, 2) operations, and 3) planning, administration & engagement.

“The advantage of STARS is that institutions can earn credits for all of their contributions to sustainability,” said AASHE Executive Director, Paul Rowland. “From providing sustainability coursework, to using green cleaning products, to energy efficiency in campus buildings, there are lots of opportunities for a school to identify and track its sustainability progress.”

STARS is open to all institutions of higher education in the U.S. and Canada, and the program criteria and ratings are transparent and accessible to anyone. Because it provides a common standard of measurement, STARS allows colleges and universities to compare their sustainability performance against peers across North America.

"We're looking forward to engaging the College community in this process, and watching our sustainability efforts grow across all our campuses through our participation in STARS,” said MacArthur.

For more information about the STARS program, visit

RRC Appoints New Chair of Aviation and Aerospace

July 5, 2011

Bill Fraser has been appointed the new Chair of the Aviation and Aerospace department at Red River College.

Bill has been involved in aircraft maintenance training for 16 years, and has spent the last nine years as the coordinator for the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) diploma program at RRC's Stevenson Campus in Winnipeg. Previously, he worked for several companies as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, including eight years as a crew chief supervising AMEs and apprentices. Bill holds a current AME M1 and M2 license.    

An accomplished writer, Bill is the author of “CARs for the AME”, a text on the Canadian Aviation Regulations used by approved training and maintenance organizations across Canada. He has also published articles for the CBC, Wings magazine and the Winnipeg Free Press. Bill has been very active within the Manitoba aerospace and aviation industry, and has received an award of recognition from the Manitoba Aerospace Association for his leadership in organizing aviation events, such as the Centennial of Flight Aircraft Display.

"Bill is very enthusiastic about the future for aviation and aerospace in Manitoba, Canada and globally," says Don MacDonald, Dean of RRC's School of Transportation, Aviation and Manufacturing. "We are excited to have him lead our aviation and aerospace programs, staff and students — ensuring we meet the challenges and opportunities of the future."    

RRC Signs Credit Recognition Agreement with other PSE institutions

June 24, 2011


Manitoba’s public college and university presidents have signed an historic memorandum of understanding (MOU) that will make it easier for students to transfer credits between post-secondary institutions and receive credit for prior learning as they work toward careers in today’s provincial economy.

“Today’s historic event is about system-wide collaboration and co-ordination between our institutions.  This new agreement focuses on the needs of Manitoba students who want to receive a high-quality, post-secondary education and develop the marketable skills they need to succeed,” said Premier Greg Selinger.  “The colleges and universities partnering in this MOU will aim to at least double the opportunities for student mobility in the next four years.”

A task group of key stakeholders will develop a plan for appropriate articulation agreements and credit-transfer arrangements between universities, colleges and post-secondary institutions to ensure students receive maximum benefit from prior learning.  Options may include articulation and credit‑transfer agreements, dual-credit courses, co-op programs and priority areas where prior learning will be assessed.

“On behalf of Manitoba’s post-secondary institutions, I am pleased to say we are forging ahead to create clearly defined education pathways that will help students move from technical and vocational schooling to certificate, diploma and degree programming,” said Stephanie Forsyth, President of Red River College.  “It will be a pleasure to work with my colleagues to make Manitoba’s post-secondary education system as seamless and student-friendly as possible.”

The memorandum of understanding will guide the planning process and an interim report will be provided to the minister of advanced education and literacy later this fall with a final plan to be developed by no later than Feb. 15, 2012.

Animal Blood Bank Celebrates 15 Years

June 23, 2011

The Canadian Animal Blood Bank (CABB) will celebrate 15 years of giving the gift of life to animals at a special reception to be held on Thursday, June 23rd at Red River College's Exchange District Campus.

Established in 1996 by Red River College and the Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association, the CABB collects blood from hundreds of donors each year to assist dogs that need transfusion therapy to recover from illness or injury. It is the primary national supplier of animal blood products in Canada, providing over 1,800 units annually to veterinarians in every province.

The CABB is headquartered at Red River College's Notre Dame Campus, with a satellite collection site at NAIT in Edmonton, Alberta.

Event Details

Canadian Animal Blood Bank 15-Year Celebration
Thursday June 23rd
4:30 – 6:30 pm
Red River College, Exchange District Campus, 160 Princess Street

This event will be attended by representatives from the Canadian Animal Blood Bank, Red River College and the Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association. Several canine donors will also be recognized for their years of service to CABB.


RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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