
Creative Communications Alum sails the Arctic

August 24, 2009


Red River College grad Cameron Dueck (Creative Communications) has taken the notion of a summer sailing trip to a whole new level.

He's currently at the halfway point of a 7,000 nautical-mile expedition from Victoria, BC to Halifax, NS via the Northwest Passage. As of August 23rd, Dueck and the four-member crew of the Silent Sound were near Gjoa Haven, Nunavut.

The purpose of the voyage is to highlight the impact climate change is having on Canada's Arctic. From

Climate change is causing temperatures in the Arctic to rise twice
as fast as elsewhere on the globe. The sea ice has melted so rapidly
that the Northwest Passage has been open water during the past two
summers. The warming climate is forcing Arctic communities and wildlife
to adjust their lifestyles to survive.

To explore these
dramatic changes taking place the 40-foot sailing yacht Silent Sound
will embark on a voyage that five years ago was nearly impossible for
amateur sailors….The goal of this expedition is to
use written word, video and photos to tell the story of how climate
change is affecting Arctic communities.

Learn more about the project, and track the Silent Sound's progress at the Open Passage Expedition website. Read about Cameron's own voyage from journalist to Arctic explorer in the Interlake Spectator or the Winnipeg Free Press.

Student profiled for volunteer efforts

August 17, 2009

1407574 RRC student Deanna Ng (Disability and Community Support) is profiled in the Winnipeg Free Press today for her volunteer efforts with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.

A client of the CNIB herself, Deanna has worked with the organization for six years, helping with fundraising, assisting with
clerical work in the organization's offices and serving as a mentor to visually impaired children.

Deanna is also a recipient of a 2009 Youth Leaders in Action Scholarship from the United Way of Winnipeg.

Can colleges save the economy?

July 31, 2009

Interesting article in the July 20th issue of Time that focuses on the role that community colleges can play in helping rebuild the U.S. economy, and the attention they're getting from policymakers.

But there's at least one Ivy Leaguer who is trying to help Americans
get past the stereotypes and start thinking about community college not
as a dumping ground but as one of the best tools the U.S. has to dig
itself out of the current economic hole. His name: Barack Obama.

The article, penned by Laura Fitzpatrick, goes on to cite the flexibility of community colleges and their focus on the labour requirements of local industry as two reasons to justify further investment in college programs and facilities.

A tip of the hat to the Mohawk Matters blog for bringing this article to our attention.

It’s Game Time!

July 30, 2009


On Wednesday night, Manitoba’s best young athletes gathered at Red River College for a pep rally as a send off to the 2009 Canada Summer Games.

Over 300 athletes on Team Manitoba will compete against others from across the country in 18 events from August 15-29 in Prince Edward Island.

Throughout the pep rally, Ace Burpee kept the athletes pumped up as they got introduced and showed off their team cheers. Capping the night off, local magician Darcy Oake mesmerized the crowd with a high-energy magic show.

It was a great night for the athletes and coaches and Red River College wishes Team Manitoba the best in PEI.

Go Team Toba!

Notre Dame Campus in bloom

July 6, 2009

Red River College’s groundskeeping staff have been hard at work over the past few months to bring some colour to the Notre Dame Campus. Here’s just a few examples of their work.

Photos courtesy of RRC’s Jonathan Ferber.

RRC receives infrastructure funding to enhance trades programs

July 2, 2009

2009 funding announcement BJM & greenspace

The Honourable Vic Toews, President of the Treasury
Board and Regional Minister for Manitoba, along with
the Honourable Ron Lemieux, Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation
Minister, today announced a significant investment under the Knowledge
Infrastructure Program for Red River College.
Red River College was awarded $2.125 million from each level of
government towards four projects at their Notre Dame Campus. The
projects include:

  • Construction of a new Energy Centre/Power Engineering Building
  • Construction of a new Green House
  • Renovations to Building M to allow for the expansion of the Automotive Program
  • Construction of a new Landscape Construction Shop

“The Government of Canada’s investment in the Red River College will
provide a significant short-term stimulus to Winnipeg and create jobs
in this region,” said Minister Toews. “Our government is investing in
innovation to create jobs, to help our economy recover quickly and to
improve the quality of life for Canadians.”
“We are very proud of all the programming that Red River College has to
offer and today’s announcement will only strengthen the college’s
education base,” said Minister Lemieux. “Every time we improve
educational opportunities, we better equip students to get into the
workforce and gain employment.”
“This investment is an important step toward development of a new
Skilled Trades Centre at our Notre Dame Campus,” explained Dr. Jeff
Zabudsky, President of Red River College. “Adding new labs and
reconfiguring existing spaces will allow us to increase capacity to
meet the strong demand for skilled workers in Manitoba.”

Minister Toews visits campus to announce apprenticeship grant

June 30, 2009

Toews apprenticeship grant  

The Honourable Vic Toews, President of the Treasury Board, was at RRC's Notre Dame Campus on Monday, June 29th to announce details of the new federal Apprenticeship Completion Grant.

The Apprenticeship Completion Grant is a $2,000 grant the Government will provide to eligible apprentices who successfully complete their apprenticeship training and receive their journeyperson certification in a designated Red Seal trade on or after January 1, 2009.

While on campus, Minister Toews and RRC President Dr. Jeff Zabudsky took time to visit with a class of carpentry apprenticeship students.

For more information on the Apprenticeship Completion Grant, see

RRC wins Manitoba Commuter Challenge

June 17, 2009

Building on our growing reputation as a leader in sustainability, Red River College achieved the highest participation rate among all Manitoba employers in our category during the recent Commuter Challenge.

122 RRC employees participated – a 135% increase from last year, giving us a 28.7% participation rate.

Thanks to all of you who bused, biked, walked, carpooled and worked from home from June 1st – June 5th, our green commute:

  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 2203 kg
  • Saved $663 in fuel
  • Burned 89,935 calories

Prizes for the College department with the highest participation will be announced later in the week. Congratulations to everyone who participated and helped to make Red River College a sustainability leader.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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