Institutional Research

SEI/C – Student FAQ

Why doesn’t my Student Evaluation of Instruction/Course link work?

Your link has probably expired. The evaluation period for each course ends seven days before the end of the course. This is in case there are exams during the last week of the course. We may be able to extend a course evaluation if needed. Please contact us so that we can provide assistance.

The SEI/C link for my course doesn’t work. What should I do if I get a “server error” type of message when I try to open the online evaluation form?

First try clicking on the browser’s back button. If that doesn’t take you to your course evaluation, please close your browser. Go back to your email and click on the link in the email to go to your Student Evaluation course list. Try the course link again (if you have multiple courses being evaluated and one still doesn’t work, try another one.)

Alternatively, go to your LEARN page and look for the RRC Polytech Surveys widget. It will list any active surveys you have available. Clicking on a survey link will take you to your survey form.

Please contact us if you are still not able to access the online form.

I’ve been trying the email invitation link and I get a box that says, “This content has been disabled.”

(click on the image to make it larger)


Clicking on the Undo button (see below) will allow you to access the link.


(Please click on this image to enlarge it)

Other options:
1. If using Chrome, you can change your web content settings within Chrome’s “Advanced Security Settings” (Learn more)
2. If using Microsoft Edge and there are issues/problems accessing the survey form, try adding “*” to the “Change site access permissions for extensions in Microsoft Edge” page) (Learn more)

Please contact us at if you have any problems with this issue.

Why didn’t I receive an email about the survey but my classmates did?

All students taking RRC Polytech courses, that are 15 days in length or longer, are contacted through their academic email addresses. Please check your academic email or login to LEARN and check to see if your survey links are showing in the RRC Polytech Surveys widget. If you forwarded your academic email to a personal email but have not received anything there, please check your academic email (i.e. ).

Look for an email with something like SEI/C: Evaluate your Courses and Instructors or SEI/C Reminder: We Need Your Opinions – Please Respond Now in the Subject line.

Why can’t I wait until after my course is finished to do the evaluation?

Your course evaluation link(s) will have expired by the time your course ends. The evaluation period ends a week prior to the end of the course. Your second reminder email comes two days before the link(s) expire.

Do I have to complete the instructor/course evaluations?

The Student Evaluation of Instruction/Course is not mandatory but it is important to give your feedback because it helps us identify what’s working and what needs to be improved. Even though you don’t see the results and comments from SEI/C, all students and instructors benefit from the feedback that each person gives about their instructor.

It works best if time is set aside so that students can complete their instructor/course evaluations. Generally speaking, online surveys completed outside of class-time do not have an adequate response rate. Using class time brings the response rate closer to ideal. If you are taking courses in-person, your instructor may book a computer lab in order that all students can participate, if they want. Whether in class on campus or online, students can use computers, smart phones or tablets to complete the surveys.

How do I know my opinions won’t affect my grades?

All responses are confidential. Also, the reports on the courses and instructors being evaluated are not released until the current SEI/C evaluation period is over and the course final grades have been submitted.

Where is the link for the Student Evaluation of Instruction/Course?

Please check your academic email or the RRC Polytech Surveys widget in LEARN. There is no overall link to the survey. Each student is emailed an individualized link with just their course(s) available ‐ just courses that are being evaluated during a specific time frame. Students will also receive two reminders if they haven’t completed the survey. The survey end dates for each course are seven days prior to the course end date in case of exams (Note: the 2nd reminder is sent two days before the evaluation link expires.)

Please contact us if you cannot find the answer to your questions here.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.