Portage Campus

Portage Campus


Textbook Fee

These fees are extra, unless otherwise stated. Students are expected to purchase their own books prior to the first day of class. Books can be ordered online or at 2055 Notre Dame Ave, Building DM-11, RRC Polytech Campus Store.

The Audit Option

This is the “no-tests, no-assignments, no-stress” course. Take any credit course for pure pleasure and enjoyment — without the work! (Some prerequisites may apply.) At your first class, let the instructor know that you are auditing, then participate and experience the joy of learning.

Transfer of Credit

Many courses are transferable to a full-time program at RRC Polytech or vice versa. Transfer credit will be given if program requirements are met, subject to approval. Credit for courses taken at other educational institutions may be granted towards RRC Polytech courses and programs. A formal application with proper documentation is required to transfer credits.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students demonstrating acquired knowledge from prior education, work and life experiences may be able to convert this learning into college credits. For further information, please contact the RPL Advisor at 204-632-3094 or visit the Advising website.

Transcripts, Certificates and Diplomas

New Students: Within the next three to five business days following your registration, you will receive an email with your user id and instructions on how to claim your account and set your password.

Returning Students: Log into your RRC Polytech online account for your registration confirmation; they should display one to two business days after your registration.


Students who have successfully completed a certificate program of 240 hours or more are eligible to participate in the College’s annual graduation ceremony in June. Information regarding the ceremony date and procedures will be forwarded to you upon completion of your program. Students who obtain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.8 or higher will graduate with honours.

Annual Tuition Tax Receipt

Tuition expenses of more than $100 in a year are tax deductible. As well, if you attended 12 hours of credit classes per month, you are eligible to claim a $120 per month education credit. T2202 tax receipts will be available through your HUB account at the end of February of each calendar year in which you’re enrolled. These receipts will not be mailed to you by the College

Administration Policies

It is the responsibility of all students registered at the RRC Polytech Portage Campus to be familiar with the specific academic and attendance requirements of the diploma, certificate, or document of achievement they plan to pursue. Students are advised to obtain a new program outline every September of keep informed of any program changes.

Name Changes

If you have legally changed your name since you last registered at RRC Polytech, and would like your student record changed, please provide the original legal proof of your name change and we’ll adjust your record. You may submit the request either by mail or in-person to RRC Polytech Portage Campus, 32 5th Street S.E., Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 1J2.

Originals must be presented and they will be returned when records have been adjusted. If you send your original by mail, we’ll be glad to return it to you. Please also advise us of address changes, so we can ensure your marks, receipts, and schedules reach you at your new address.

Looking for Job-Ready Training?

Examine the benefits of our full-time day programs in your own community.

  • Live at home
  • Save on travel
  • Affordable fees
  • Transferable credits
  • Small classes
  • Recognized certificate

Employment Insurance and Income Assistance clients may be eligible for financial assistance. Others may be eligible for student loans.

The College Needs Instructors

If you have special skills in general interest, hobby or leisure activities, your specialty may be of interest to other adults in the community and could be presented as a course. You may also have professional or vocational skills that could be used in college courses for business and professional community.

If you wish to discuss this, call Guy Moffat at 204-856-1914 or mail your resume to:

RRC Polytech Portage Campus
32-5th Street SE
Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 1J2

Declaration of Waiver

The information in this guide is accurate. The College does its best to update program information regularly so you are not inconvenienced. However, on occasion, changes do occur. Therefore, the College reserves the right to modify or cancel any program, option, course, program objective, fee, or schedule without notice or prejudice.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.