Sustainable Development Goals Student Competition

The RRC Polytech Sustainability Office is pleased to announce the second annual Sustainable Development Goals Student Competition! The competition provides an opportunity to celebrate the valuable work that students, instructors, and researchers are undertaking in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) here at RRC Polytech.
Learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals, their targets and indicators here. To learn more about RRC Polytech’s commitment to the SDGs, read about our signing of the SDG Accord.
The 2025 competition is sponsored by Crosier Kilgour. Three cash awards and a special recognition prize are available:
- Best Overall Submission $1000
- Special Prize for Top Applied Research Entry $500
- Special Prize for Top Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Entry $500
- Special Recognition Award for Top Academic Assignment
What are the eligibility requirements?
All currently enrolled students at RRC Polytech are eligible to apply. Students may enter the contest as an individual or as a team. Projects must have taken place in the 2024/2025 academic year.

Do we have to use the award money towards implementing a project?
No, the prize money may be used by you/your team however you wish.
Can I submit a project that was part of a course assignment?
Yes. Course-related projects are eligible for the award.
Does my submission need to include applied research?
No. Although there is a prize specifically to recognize the top applied research project, we are interested in all sustainability-related projects, research, studies and learning happening here at RRC Polytech! Eligible submissions include, but are not limited to innovative designs, business plans, capstone projects, demonstrations, case studies and more.
What is the evaluation criteria?
The adjudication committee will look for clear descriptions of:
• The “where, why, what, when and how” of your project.
• How your project supports sustainability and one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
• How your project may contribute to ongoing momentum towards sustainability.
How do I apply?
To apply please fill out the application form below. If you would prefer a downloadable application form or have any questions regarding your submission, please email: Applications must be received by March 24th, 2025.