

Meet Whitney, RRC’s new Sustainability Coordinator

July 19, 2016

Whitney Crooks

Hi, my name is Whitney Crooks and I am thrilled to be Red River College’s new Sustainability Coordinator. I’m really looking forward to getting to know and working with all of you. I bring with me a fair amount of experience and a lot of enthusiasm! Here is a little bit about me and how I came to be here.

Environmentalism has always been a part of me and my life, however until about 10 years ago, I had no idea that you could turn that passion into a career! In University, I originally studied sciences, earning a BSc in Mathematics and Physics and an MSc in Applied Meteorology and Climatology.

I enjoyed my studies, but quickly learned that I didn’t want to be a meteorologist. I began looking into my options and found the Masters in Environmental Studies program at York University. In this program, I found my place and I earned my MES with a focus on community engagement around environmental issues.

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RRC holds 6th annual State of Sustainability

April 12, 2016

Every year coinciding with Earth Day, the Sustainability Office invites students and staff to attend our State of Sustainability. Now in its 6th year, this lunchtime event is an opportunity to review highlights and discuss the setbacks of our campus sustainability journey.

When: Friday, April 22nd from 12pm – 1pm
Where: Notre Dame Campus, Room A137
What to bring: Yourself and a bottle or mug for something to drink.

This event will also be live-streamed. We hope to see you there!

Sustainability: Recycling Info now on SHARE!

May 9, 2015


Are you wondering what can be recycled on campus, what to do with old office equipment or where your shredding or battery bins are located?

Visit RRC’s NEW Sustainability SHARE site and you will find those answers and much more. You can also save the NEW Recycling 101 card to your desktop for easy reference!

View our site and complete our SHARE Site Search Quiz between May 11-31 you will be entered to win a Camelbak water bottle, value $25.

Five for Five! RRC Named Canada’s Greenest Employer!

April 22, 2015

web banner 2015For the fifth year in a row, Red River College has been recognized as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers. This award acknowledges RRC’s sustainability policies and programs that effectively engage staff and students in the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainable living.

We are included amongst only a hand full of elite organizations across Canada who have won this prestigious award five years in a row!  We receive these accolades not only because of the hard work and commitment of the Sustainability Office but through support from the Recycling Team, active and engaged staff and students and our Leadership Community and Executive Team who champion this work.

Read the full story.


5th Annual State of Sustainability: Join us for Earth Week!

April 10, 2015

bigRed River College’s 5th annual State of Sustainability also shares Earth Day’s 45 birthday! Hard to believe how far we (the planet) has come in support of environmental protection since its launch in 1970.

Today, institutions like Red River College (RRC) lead the way in innovation and action that support a culture of sustainability on campus and in our community. RRC boasts being one of Canada’s Greenest Employers four years in a row, (we hope to make it 5, nudge-nudge-wink-wink). We receive these accolades not only because of the hard work and commitment of the Sustainability Office, but through the support of active and engaged staff and students, who participate in the many recycling programs we offer, and our Leadership Community and Executive Team who champion this work. Read More →

Last week we reduced our “waste line” by a few tonnes… here’s how!

October 31, 2014

Last week was Waste Reduction Week and Canadian’s across the country took steps to cut waste and improve the environment.  At Red River College we reduce waste every day, about 9 tonnes every month, but even we lost a few “extra pounds” this week.

During our fall e-waste round up, staff and students recycled more than 2.3 tonnes of electronic waste. Everything from home computers, printers, microwaves and overhead projectors were responsibly recycled.

Blog photo ewaste Read More →

Waste Reduction Week: rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle!

October 15, 2014

WRW 2014 blog photoWaste Reduction Week happens the third week in October each year.  It’s your chance to join hundreds of Canadian’s across the country taking steps to cut waste and improve the environment.

At Red River College we tackle waste reduction every day!  In fact, we collect and recycle over 9 tonnes of paper, food and beverage containers and cardboard each month.  We can also proudly say that our College’s diversion rate is over 50%.  This is a huge accomplishment considering that Winnipeg’s residential diversion rate is about 28%.

During Waste Reduction Week, we want to encourage you to take action, rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle this week and every week on campus!

Here’s 3 ways you can participate: Read More →

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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