
News and Events

Paterson GlobalFoods Institute – take a sneak peek

October 31, 2012

In a few short months, the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute (PGI) will open its doors to the public. One-hundred and nine years ago, back in the days of horse and buggy, the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute (formerly the Union Bank building) was western Canada’s first skyscraper. Today, it will be a state-of-the-art training facility and the College’s first student residence.

To meet the College’s commitment to sustainability, PGI is being built to achieve LEED certification.  Check out this video to see how PGI is reducing energy and conserving resources.

Whenever possible, the building’s original materials were retained and restored. The exterior facade, window frames, marble and hard wood floors and plaster walls are all more than 100 years old. Reusing these materials preserves a piece of history and reduces the environmental impacts from extracting, manufacturing and installing new materials.

Prior to renovations.

Student Residence







Cyclists will be will be happy to see that PGI has 35 secure, indoor bike racks.

A sustainable building is a lot more than how it’s constructed. We’re working hard to put programs and good practices in place to ensure PGI operates as sustainably as possible.

Some items in our PGI + Sustainability To Do list include:

– Implementing a post-consumer compost program

– Creating a “Green Residence Guide” to give our residents tools to reduce their impacts

– Developing a green building tour to showcase the building’s sustainable features.

See you at PGI!

Meet RRC’s new Sustainability Coordinator – Sue Hayduk

October 19, 2012

Hi I am Sue Hayduk, and I’m excited to be working in RRC’s Sustainability Office.

Somehow – I think – sustainability has always been inherent to me. My mom was frugal and “reuse and recycle” were part of our everyday household; my dad was an avid outdoorsman and I grew up knowing the value of healthy land, clean air and clean water; and I grew up in Winnipeg’s North End, a mix of people, cultures, languages, foods and traditions, a vibrant reminder of my roots and where I chose to live today. So this is where it all started for me this path of being where I am now as Sustainability Coordinator. Read More →

The Compost Conundrum

October 3, 2012

What keeps a Sustainability Officer up at night? The thought of eggshells, food scraps and coffee grounds ending up in the landfill.

As many of you know, RRC is slated to open the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute (PGI) in January, 2013. Located in the historic Exchange District, this architectural marvel will deliver the College’s Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Tourism Management Programs. This means that students and staff working and schooling downtown will soon be able to dine on culinary delights and purchase warm breads and mouth-watering baking — my personal faves are the peanut butter brownies. On top of these programs (literally), floors 4 – 10 will house the College’s first student residence.

While this project is exciting for many reasons, putting a culinary school, three restaurants and a 100-bed student residence is a downtown setting can pose some operational challenges. This brings me to my initial question of why I’m tossing and turning over organics instead of counting sheep. Read More →

RRC instructors investigate sustainable drug testing

September 14, 2012


Curtis Aab & Michael Judge














Over the past year, RRC Instructors Michael Judge (Chemical & Biosciences Technology) and Curtis Aab (Pharmaceutical Manufacturing) spent their spare time investigating how to reduce the negative environmental impacts of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

[**Author’s disclaimer – The last time I thought about chemical compounds was in Mr. Valentin’s grade 11 chemistry class, so for you White Coats out there, please excuse the elementariness of these scientific descriptions.] Read More →

Bottle Fill Stations – You asked, we delivered!

September 7, 2012

Last year we asked RRC students about their “top of mind” sustainability issues for the College.  Full results from that study can be found here, but those interested in the Coles Notes version need to know that installing more bottle fill stations ranked in the sustainability top-three.

The Notre Dame Campus now has 16 chilled, filtered bottle fill stations located in every building and on every floor on campus. Bottle fill stations can also be found at the Portage Campus and are planned for the Paterson GlobalFoods Institute (under construction). Sorry Roblin Centre, because the taste and temperature of your fountain water is p.d.g. (pretty darned good), we did a quick retrofit of your fountains with goose necks. Read More →

Carpooling – Team up and save!

August 21, 2012

Did you know that Red River College offers “top of the lot” parking spots for students who carpool? Carpooling is a great way to save money on parking and gas and reduce your environmental impacts. But did you know that carpooling can also help to relieve stress?

“Top of the lot” spots for student carpoolers at the Notre Dame Campus.

At the Notre Dame Campus, students who team up to carpool can receive preferred ‘top of the lot” parking spots. It’s a nice perk that becomes even perkier when the temperature dips to -30 outside. To register or for more information, visit the Parking Services Office. And not to fear, carpool spots will not run out. Parking Manager Socrates Papadopoulos will continue to add carpooling spots to meet the demand… so team up!

Looking for a carpool buddy? Red River College is one of 9 Winnipeg employers that subscribes to This ride-matching service helps you find fellow Red River College carpoolers in your area. Happy commuting.




Join RRC in the Commuter Challenge!

May 24, 2012

Have you been thinking about leaving your car at home? Not sure what to do without it? Let the 2012 Commuter Challenge be the time to give it a try!

RRC is taking the Challenge and we encourage you to join in! During Environment Week, June 3rd to 9th, join the more than 7,000 Manitobans who will cycle, walk, run, skate, bus, carpool or telecommute their way to work!

The Commuter Challenge is a friendly, national competition that encourages daily commuters to choose greener modes of transportation. Whether you ride Transit on a regular basis, or cycle to work for the first time ever, you qualify as a Commuter Challenge participant. So register for the Challenge and be counted – the more of us that participate, the better our chances of winning! Read More →

Measuring Sustainability Literacy

April 26, 2012

Sustainability – There’s a lot of talk about it, but how much do students and staff really know?

Sustainability: the three-legged stool

To gauge ‘sustainability literacy’ of Red River College students and staff we set out to:

– measure knowledge of general sustainability concepts
– determine which College sustainability programs were having an impact
– and, to seek feedback on sustainability priorities for the future.

Student and staff surveys were conducted online in the Fall and Winter terms using random, representative samples.

Not only is measuring sustainability literacy one of the credits in STARS, but it’s also an important action in the RRC Strategic Plan.

Full results from the student and staff literacy surveys are here. For those looking for the highlights, check it out…. Read More →

Red River College Goes Green for Earth Day

April 24, 2012

Students and staff at Red River College pledged to continue serving as sustainability leaders this week, during activities timed to coincide with Earth Day celebrations around the world.

On Monday, April 23 (one day after the actual Earth Day), RRC held its second annual “State of Sustainability” celebration to inform the College community of the results of a recent environmental assessment.

Over the past year, RRC became the first Manitoba institution to take part in the Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating system (STARS), a comprehensive process to measure post-secondary sustainability performance — including operations, academics, social outreach and long term planning — and to benchmark those results against other post-secondary institutions. Read More →

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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