
News and Events

Earth Hour a Success – What’s Next?

March 28, 2018

On Saturday, March 24 we joined millions of people around the world in powering down lights and non-essential electronics for Earth Hour 2018 from 8:30-9:30 PM.

And we couldn’t have done it without your help! Many of our RRC community helped by ensuring that lights were turned off, computers were shut down, and unnecessary electronics were powered down and unplugged before the weekend. Not only that: Read More →

Power Down for Earth Hour and Win!

March 9, 2018


Join us in shining a light on climate change for Earth Hour 2018. Millions of people around the world will power down their lights and electronics for one hour on Saturday, March 24 from 8:30 – 9:30PM local time.

Red River College is powering down for Earth Hour and we need your help. Non-essential lights will be turned off during the hour, and we ask that before you leave for the weekend you shut down your computers, unplug unnecessary electronics and turn off your lights.

Did you know that the College spends about $555,935 annually powering products plugged into AC outlets and lighting? Powering down lights and electronics when possible can save a lot of money! Read More →

Are you 18-30? Looking to Start a Green Career? Join us!

March 7, 2018

Are you a youth interested in starting a career in the sustainability sector, but having a hard time getting a foot in the door? If so, this may be the opportunity you’ve been looking for!

The United Nations Association of Canada’s (UNA-Canada) Canada Green Corps program connects un- and underemployed youth with employers in the green sector. Participating employers receive a subsidy to hire youth who bring their talents to the table and gain meaningful work experience, gain new skills, and make valuable connections to help kick start their green careers. Read More →

Please don’t leave the light on this holiday break

December 20, 2017

Someone pulling a cord to turn off a light

Don’t forget to shutdown all unnecessary lights and electronics before you leave for the break.

The winter break is fast approaching and we’re making a list and checking it twice – our seasonal shutdown checklist that is. With the College being closed for 10 days, we’re asking for your help to clean up and shut down before you leave for the holidays.

Over the break, the College’s major building systems will run in “Un-Occupied Mode”, which means lower temperatures and, in most cases, minimal ventilation.  This will reduce our energy consumption, and our environmental footprint, while the College is shutdown. We can increase that impact by everyone doing their part to ensure unnecessary lights and electrical equipment are shut down.

So, before you dash away into the night, please go over the checklist below to help save energy and reduce our collective footprint at the College this holiday season. Read More →

BRAVO AWARD | Sustainability Leadership Award Nomination

December 1, 2017

Do you know of an outstanding colleague or team who demonstrates leadership in environmental, social and/or economic sustainability here at RRC? We sure do, and we are calling on YOU to take a look around and nominate someone who goes above and beyond to show their commitment to enhancing the College’s culture of sustainability.

Whether it’s through research and education, everyday activities, initiatives and events, or advancing and integrating sustainability in College governance and operations, we want to highlight and celebrate this work!

Please visit our microsite to learn more about the values, strategies and programs here at the Office of Sustainability, and check out the 2017 winner!

Hurry, you have until December 20th to submit your nomination for the BRAVO Sustainability Leadership Award, get started here!

E-WASTE DRIVE | Accepting items from home and work all week*!

November 24, 2017


Heavy materials weighing you down? Now is the time to get rid of all of that pesky e-waste!

On average, RRC recycles the weight of 14 Manitoba bison in electronic waste every year! This year, let’s strengthen the herd and securely dispose of our e-waste in an environmentally responsible manner. RRC is holding an e-waste drive to collect and recycle old, broken and unwanted electronic waste (batteries as well!) throughout the week of December 4-8. Read More →

We’re having a Pop-Up Market!!

November 16, 2017

Snow is flying, streets are slippery, gingerbread lattes are being served… holidays are right around the corner. The Sustainability Office and Students’ Association have partnered to bring holiday cheer and reduce your holiday stress by holding our first ever Loving Local Holiday Pop-Up Market at the Notre Dame (Nov. 29) and Exchange District Campuses (Nov. 30). We’ve assembled a stellar lineup of 20+ small local businesses and individual artisans to give you a one-stop-shop for all your holiday shopping. We’ll even have an eco-gift wrapping station on hand to wrap your lovely local gifts in a sustainable manner. This service is free, but we’ll be gladly accepting donations for the Students’ Association Food Bank. Read More →

Bike Lockers – rent yours today!

October 15, 2017

We’re happy to tell you that bike lockers are now available for rent at the Notre Dame Campus. Seventeen bike lockers have been installed in high traffic locations around campus. The lockers have access doors on both ends and hold two bikes each – adding a total of 34 bike parking spots on campus. These lockers are ideal for regular bike commuters who want a place to lock their bike, bag and helmet in a secure place protected from the elements. Read More →

RRC named a Finalist for Sustainability Award

October 13, 2017

Red River College has been named as a finalist for the 2017 AASHE Sustainability Awards. Our Pitch In redesign project – Branding our Waste: Creating College-Specific Recycling Signage through Collaboration – earned us this honour in the Campus Sustainability Achievement Award category for outstanding achievements in sustainability.

Environmental Engineering Technology Students performed waste audits to test the effectiveness of the initial redesign

“We are excited to recognize Red River College for their high-impact sustainability projects and pioneering research,” said AASHE Executive Director Meghan Fay Zahniser. “The innovation and leadership demonstrated by these finalists is inspirational.”

The College launched Pitch In, our comprehensive hallway waste and recycling program, in 2011. The concept behind “Pitch In” is two-pronged: it shows students and staff where to “pitch” their waste and recyclables and also reminds us that the program can only be successful if we all “pitch in” and do our part. Read More →

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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