Child Care

Child Care

For over 30 years, the RRC Early Childhood Centre Inc. has offered early childhood care and education to children of students and staff at RRC Polytech as well as the surrounding community.

The Centre

The Centre houses 51 children between the ages of 18 months and five years of age. Our Toddler Program has an intake of four children (18 months to two years) and the Preschool Program caters to 47 children (two years to five years).

The Centre strives to offer exceptional childcare and education in an enriched learning environment. The children are actively encouraged to explore, interact, and experiment with their environment in order to develop social and life skills.

Learn more about the R.R.C. Early Childhood Centre ›


Every child is a unique individual with rights for love, respect and quality care. We offer a play-based program where children choose from experiences that support physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth. Children are active learners, so every attempt is made to have them learn through decision-making and problem solving.


  • Daily outdoor play to promote adventure and nature education
  • Daily child-initiated and teacher-directed experiences in the Centre’s emergent curriculum
  • Newly renovated space and child-centred equipment
  • An integrated program for all children
  • A central location on a vibrant college campus
  • Access to gym facilities and other College services (e.g., Library, Health Centre)
  • Early Childhood Education students applied learning
  • Shared expertise with RRC Polytech Early Childhood Education instructors


The Centre is fortunate to employ some of the best and brightest in the business – each committed to fostering a positive and nurturing environment. The staff has a variety of training and experience; but more importantly, are warm, compassionate and energetic.

All staff meet current licensing requirements including First Aid and CPR training, criminal records investigation and are classified by the Manitoba Child Care Program.


Parents are the most important and significant people in a child’s life. We strive to keep our parents informed of their child’s interests and day-to-day activities. Parents are encouraged to drop in and spend time with their child at any time.

If you are looking for quality childcare, please drop by or call to set up an appointment.

Due to the popularity of our program, a spot may not be available. If that situation arises, your child will be placed on a waiting list.

Subsidy information is also available at the Centre.

Contact Us

For more information, visit the website or contact Samantha Henry, Executive Director of the Centre, at:

A101 – 2055 Notre Dame Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3H 0J9


RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.