T2202A Tax Reciepts

T2202 Tax Receipts

T2202 tax receipts are available online via your HUB account by the end of February for the previous calendar year (they are not mailed out).

To access your T2202 tax receipt:

  1. Visit HUB
  2. Login using your RRC Polytech username and password
  3. Select the Payments and Profile application in the Launchpad widget
  4. On the following screen, select Tax Information

Contact Information

Full-time students

Email: studentservices@rrc.ca
Phone: 204-632-2327
Toll-free: 1-800-903-7707
In-person: visit a Student Service Centre

Part-time students

Email: cde@rrc.ca
Phone: 204-694-1789
Toll-free: 1-866-242-7073
In-person: visit a Student Service Centre

Regional campus students

Please contact your campus ›

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included on my T2202?

The College will issue you a T2202 in the amount of tax-deductible tuition paid as well as the months of attendance you may be able to claim. These amounts are based on the previous calendar year (not academic year) as per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requirements.

It is your responsibility to determine if you are in fact eligible to claim one or both of these tax credits, particularly if your tuition was paid by a third party (Employment Manitoba, a sponsoring agency, etc). If you are unsure, you should contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281.

Tuition includes the following fees: tuition, endowment, lab, technology, software, student service, application, ID card, supplemental exam, materials, and possibly other miscellaneous fees. Students’ Association fees, recreation fees, health and dental fees are not eligible.

Full-Time Students (full-time programs)

  • Forty hours per month equals one full-time month.
  • Your months of attendance in the full calendar year are eligible. Partial months may be included depending on the amount of time attended.
  • You will receive credit for tuition fees paid towards a term that began in the previous calendar year.
  • Co-op terms are eligible for months of attendance and tuition paid for the co-op period.

Part-Time Students (part-time programs)

  • 12 to 39 hours per month equals one part-time month. Less than 12 hours per month equals no monthly credit.
  • Course fees are pro-rated if the course overlaps years, e.g. your tuition credit may be split over two tax years if the course started in one year and ended in another year.

Who is eligible to receive a T2202?

  • Full-time and part-time students
  • Sponsored students (to be eligible to use your T2202 you must also have received a T4A from your sponsor agency)

Can a third party (parent, spouse, and sponsor) request a copy of my T2202?

No, due to Manitoba Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) regulations, the College provides T2202 information to students only.

Is there a charge for a printed copy of my T2202?

There is no charge when you access and print your T2202 from HUB. If you request the College provide you with a printed copy, you may be subject to a fee. Additional fees for faxing services, etc. will apply.

What program name will be shown on my T2202?

If you were active in more than one program, the program you most recently graduated from is usually the program listed on your T2202, otherwise the name of your most recent program will be displayed. The program name listed should not affect your tax return.

Why did someone in the same full-time program as me get different information on their T2202?

Eligible tuition amounts and months indicated on T2202s may vary from student to student for a variety of reasons:

  • Some students may have taken Continuing Education courses in addition to their full-time program
  • Students who have outstanding accounts will only receive credit for the paid portion of tuition
  • Some students are attending full-time programs on a part-time basis and their fees may have been adjusted accordingly
  • Some students have purchased items or services that are tax deductible such as replacement photo ID cards and supplemental exams.

Why did I receive credit for months only – no tuition amount?

A few College programs have terms that span more than one tax year, e.g., a Fall term runs from September to April.

Your tuition fees would have been assessed and due for the full term in September when the term began.

The months you attended would be split between the two tax years and T2202s – four months on one T2202 and four months on the next. To determine if you attended a one-term program please visit your program’s page (choose your program and then select Courses and Descriptions from the menu on the left) to review the number of terms per academic year.

What can I claim as a deduction?

For information on common deductions and credits for students, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency.

T4A Information

Email: accountspayable@rrc.ca

T4 Information

Phone: 204-632-2321
Email: paybenefits@rrc.ca

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.