Welcome to the new TLTC Website and Blog
The TLTC is revamping its web presence here at Red River College. For years we’ve had pages located in many different areas of the College’s websites, and it’s about time that we consolidated all of that as much as possible into one location.
This should help people find help resources more easily, will allow us to start publishing interesting and useful information in this blog like technology reviews, updates on what’s going on with the technology suite we support, and breaking news items like planned downtime for upgrades.
We’re going to be making an effort to only have one copy of the same information displayed… so, for example, the same FAQ will show in LEARN and on this website. This means that if we update the FAQ in one location it will update everywhere it appears immediately.
We’re going to be posting lots of information here about our support, training, and instructional design services. You’ll be able to find FAQs, how-to videos, software downloads, and more! Check back often as we update the site.