Exporting Grades
Export Grades to Excel
You’re able to export the LEARN gradebook to a CSV or Excel file to save for your records, or to transfer grades from one term to another.
- Access the Gradebook by clicking “Assessments” (1) and “Grades” (2).
- Click “Enter Grades” (1) and “Export” (2).
- Go through the “Export Options” selecting the various settings you with to export.
- Next, select what grades you wish to export.
- Clicking the top “Grade Item” select box (1) will allow you to deselect or select all grade items.
Tip: Deselecting all grade items and exporting will give you a spreadsheet with student names and usernames without any grade items. - You are able to select or deselect indevidual grade items (2).
- When ready clicking “Export to CSV” or “Export to Excel”
- The system will prepare your download. When ready click “Download” (1)
Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos