Learning Technologies

Learning Technologies

LEARN Demo Student

February 19, 2013

Demo Students in LEARN

Demo students are used for checking anything in your course which requires a students view. The demo student also allows you to check against grades schemes or rubrics. To request a demo student be added to a course simply email LEARN support at learn@rrc.ca, please be sure to include the name of the course you wish to have the demo student added to.

Impersonating a Demo Student

  • Enter your course
  • Click “Communication”, and “Classlist”
    Clicking Communication and Classlist in LEARN
  • Click the dropdown menu beside the demo student’s name (1) and select “Impersonate” (2)
    Impersonating a Demo Student in LEARN Classlist
  • You are now able to view the course as a student completing assessments, viewing feedback, viewing the gradebook etc. Note that release conditions based on content viewed will not be activated by impersonating a demo student.
  • When done impersonating the demo student, click the demo students name in the upper right-hand corner of the page (1) and click the “X” beside “Impersonating: Demo _Student” (2).
    Ending a Demo Student impersonation session


Tagged in: How to Videos, LEARN V10

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