Referencing and Restoring Deleted or Modified Grades and Grade items in the LEARN Gradebook
LEARN keeps track of all changes to the gradebook and in some situations also offers a restore function.
To reference changes to the gradebook you will be looking for the “Event Log” icon.
Here is a step by step post on how to access the event log in a number of different locations in the Gradebook. There is a video outlining the process at the end of the post.
For example:
- If you would like to view changes or restore deleted grade items from the gradebook, you can access the “Event Log” from the “More Actions” drop down menu.
- When viewing the gradebook click the “action button” (small triangle) to view the “Event Log” either on the grade item or the grade category.
- Click “Event Log”. You can now view changes that have been made to that grade item. Weight, points, other custom settings.
- You can view changes made to student grades by first clicking “Enter Grades”.
Here is a video outlining the process: