Learning Technologies

Learning Technologies

How-To Videos

Embedding Video Into LEARN Content

April 24, 2013

Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos


This video shows how to quickly and easily embed videos into your learn content. It will show how to use the integrated Youtube search, as well as embedding from an embed code.

Student Success with the User Progress Tool

April 24, 2013

Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos


The User Progress Tool tracks several elements of your course automatically. This video shows how to use the User Progress Tool to easily analyze data to implement your own Student Success Strategy and reduce attrition.

LEARN Calendar

March 1, 2013

Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos

Access your LEARN Calendar


  • Enter a course
  • Click “Course Content” and “Calendar” to access LEARN Calendar

Calendar interface overview

1) Use the calendar views area to toggle between different event display layouts. Use the Agenda view to group your course events by Date, Course, or Category – events display in chronological order, and all-day events display at the top of each grouped listing. Use the Day, Week, and Month views to group your events in daily, weekly, or monthly increments. Use the List view to filter your events by Assignments, Checklists, Discussions, Grades, Materials, Modules, Quizzes, and Surveys.

2) Use the calendar content area to navigate through your content. Navigation will vary depending on the view you select.

3) Use the calendar menu to select multiple calendars to display, change the color scheme associated with individual calendars, and add new calendars.

4) Use the mini calendar to navigate quickly to a specific day, week, or month.

5) Use the task pane to create, track, and maintain personal tasks.

source: https://documentation.brightspace.com/EN/le/calendar/all/calendar_interface_overview.htm

LEARN Classlist

March 1, 2013

The Classlist provides you and your students with a list of people currently enrolled in your course. The Classlist is automatically updated from the College’s Student Information System (SIS). Groups can be created to arrange students in your class and grant different access to course tools.

  1. To access the Classlist click “Communication” (1), and “Classlist” (2).
    Clicking Communication and Classlist in LEARN
  2. From the top of the classlist you are able to Email all the users (1), and search or filter users in the classlist (2).
    Email Classlist and Search Classlist options examples
  3. You can select groups of users (1) and email them. (2)
    You are able to email individual users by clicking their name (3).
    Click on a users profile picture (4) will reveal their profile information.
    The classlist will list the user’s role in the course (5), and the “Last Accessed” column (6) shows when they were last in the course.
    Clicking the menu button (7) beside a users name will allow you to access options related to that user. If the user is a demo student, you can impersonate them (8) to see the course from a demo student perspective.
    Classlist options



LEARN Cleaning a Course Master

March 1, 2013

Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos


This video shows you how to clean content out of an old course master. This will allow you to copy new content into it and insure you don’t create duplicates or have stray files.

LEARN Discussions

March 1, 2013

Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos


The Discussions tool can be used for online discussions between you and your students or between groups of students. After setting up a discussion Forum (major categories), you can create individual topics within the forum for discussion. Students can post messages in a ‘threaded’ discussion. Students can also attach documents & images to their messages. You can set Discussions up to be marked.

LEARN Intelligent Agents

March 1, 2013

Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos


The Intelligent Agents tool monitors your course to find activity that matches criteria that you set. You can use intelligent agents to do things like email students with grades below a certain level, check for students that have not logged in recently, or perform actions when students view certain pieces of content.

LEARN Quizzes

March 1, 2013

Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos


The Quizzes tool allows you to create a variety of assessments for your students. While labeled ‘Quizzes’, this tool can be used for exams, surveys, and/or homework assignments. The Quizzes tool can be used to create the following types of questions: multiple-choice, true/false, arithmetic (including specifying ranges of numbers with significant figures), fill-in-the-blank, multi-select, matching, ordering, and long and short answers. Many of these questions can be graded automatically and then automatically entered into the Grades tool. Quizzes can be released conditionally based on date and time

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We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.