Learning Technologies

Learning Technologies


LEARN Entering Grades Into The Gradebook

September 5, 2014

Entering Grades into the Gradebook

Grades can be manually entered and edited in the LEARN gradebook in a few different ways.

  • Enter the gradebook by clicking “Assessments” (1), “Grades” (2)

 Entering Grades into the Gradebook; Grades can be manually entered and edited in the LEARN gradebook in a few different ways. Enter the gradebook by clicking "Assessments" (1), "Grades" (2)

  • To add/edit grades for one grade item, click the menu beside the desired grade-item (1), click “Enter Grades” (2).
  • You can also enter grades for multiple grade items by clicking “Enter Grades” (3)

; To add/edit grades for one grade item, click the menu beside the desired grade-item (1), click "Enter Grades" (2). You can also enter grades for multiple grade items by clicking "Enter Grades" (3)

  • After clicking “Enter Grades” you will see your entire gradebook.
  • If you receive the colour coded gradebook view, click “Switch to Spreadsheet View” to be able to add/edit multiple grade items.

; After clicking "Enter Grades" you will see your entire gradebook. If you receive the colour coded gradebook view, click "Switch to Spreadsheet View" to be able to add/edit multiple grade items.

  • You can now add/edit grades (1) for the entire class and all of the grade items.
  • You can add/edit grades for one student by clicking that students name (2).

; You can now add/edit grades (1) for the entire class and all of the grade items. You can add/edit grades for one student by clicking that students name (2).


Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos
Description: Learn how to enter grades into the gradebook

Exporting Grades

December 10, 2013

Export Grades to Excel

You’re able to export the LEARN gradebook to a CSV or Excel file to save for your records, or to transfer grades from one term to another.

  • Access the Gradebook by clicking “Assessments” (1) and “Grades” (2).

Export Grades to Excel;Your able to export the LEARN gradebook to a CSV or Excel file to save for your records, or to transfer grades from one term to annother. Access the Gradebook by clicking "Assessments" (1) and "Grades" (2).

  • Click “Enter Grades” (1) and “Export” (2).

;Click "Enter Grades" (1) and "Export" (2).

  • Go through the “Export Options” selecting the various settings you with to export.

;Go through the "Export Options" selecting the various settings you with to export.

  • Next, select what grades you wish to export.
  • Clicking the top “Grade Item” select box (1) will allow you to deselect or select all grade items.
    Tip: Deselecting all grade items and exporting will give you a spreadsheet with student names and usernames without any grade items.
  • You are able to select or deselect indevidual grade items (2).
  • When ready clicking “Export to CSV” or “Export to Excel”

;Next slect what grades you wish to export. Clicking the top "Grade Item" select box (1) will allow you to deselect or select all grade items. Tip: Deselecting all grade items and exporting will give you a spreadsheet with student names and usernames without any grade items. You are able to select or deselect indevidual grade items (2). When ready clicking "Export to CSV" or "Export to Excel"

  • The system will prepare your download. When ready click “Download” (1)

;The system will prepare your download. When ready click "Download" (1)


Tagged in: LEARN, How to Videos


Creating an Association Between a Grade Item and a Course Based Gradable Item

July 8, 2013

An association allows the grades from the dropbox or quiz tool to be automatically transferred over to the gradebook. This is especially useful when marking assignments in the dropbox, or when items are auto-graded in the quiz.

You create the association from the gradable item. Either as you create the gradable item, or by editing it.


1. Go to an Assignment you need to link to a grade item.

2. Click on the drop-down next to Assignment and choose “Edit Folder“.

3. Use the Grade Item dropdown to select the gradebook item:

4. Click “Save and Close“.


When an association is set up correctly, you will see an icon when viewing the Assignment and the association will be listed in the gradebook:

Quiz tool:

1. Go to the Quiz you need to associate with a grade item and click “Edit” your Quiz.

2. Click the “Assessment” (1) tab.

3. Click the “Allow attempt to be set as graded immediately upon completion” (2) if you want grades to be automatically sent to the grade book, and for the default submission view to be released to users when they complete an attempt.

4. Use the Grade Item dropdown (3) to select the gradebook item.

5. Click the “Auto Export to Grades” (4) button.

Don’t forget to “Save and Close“.


When an association is set up correctly, you will see an icon when viewing the Quiz and the association will be listed in the gradebook:

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