Learning Technologies

Learning Technologies


LEARN – Changing a Course Image

August 9, 2017

Changing a Course Image

An image will be automatically assigned to each course in LEARN as it’s created, you are able to personalize any course that you are the instructor or developer in by changing that image and even uploading your own custom image.

  • Find the course who’s image you would like to change. Hover over the course’s existing image and click the “…” icon (1), then click “Change Image” (2)

Changing a Course Image;Find the course whos image you would like to change. Hover over the course's existing image and click the "..." icon (1), then click "Change Image" (2)

  • Type the topic you wish to search for an image in (1) and click “Enter”. Select the image you wish to use by hover over it and click “Use this Image” (2).
  • If you wish to upload an image that you have taken, or is free of copyright restrictions click “Upload” (3).

Click on "Chrome Legacy Window" pane;Type the topic you wish to search for an image in (1) and click "Enter". Select the image you wish to use by hover over it and clicking "Use this Image" (2). If you wish to upload an image that you have taken, or is free of copyright restrictions click "Upload" (3).

  • Clicking to upload an image will bring you to the Course Offering Information portion of your course. You can also access this page by entering the course, clicking “Edit Course”, and “Course Offering Information”.
  • To upload your own copyright free image click “Browse” (1) and follow the prompts. You can even add this image as a banner across the course home page by clicking “Display the image in a banner…” (2)

;Clicking to upload an image will bring you to the Course Offering Information portion of your course. You can also access this page by entering the course, clicking "Edit Course", and "Course Offering Information". To upload your own copyright free image click "Browse" (1) and follow the prompts. You can even add this image as a banner across the course home page by clicking "Display the image in a banner..." (2)

Video Description:

With the addition of the course tiles in the “My Courses” widget, you are able to change the image that is displayed.

To access the captioning for this video:

  • Move your mouse to the lower right side of the video window.
  • Click the menu item represented by three dashes
    Example Image of video options menu
  • If captions are available, click “Show Subtitles”
    Example of the Show Subtitles option on Sharestream video

Copy Components from Another Course/Master

August 9, 2017

Copy Components from Another Course/Master

If you have developed content in a development MASTER you can easily copy it into your course shell for delivery.


Copying Content (written guidelines):

  1. Enter your Course
  2. Click “Edit Course” in the upper right hand corner

  3. Click “Import/Export/Copy Components
  4. Click “Search for Offering
  5. Enter the name of the MASTER and click search.
  6. Select the MASTER you would like to copy from
  7. Click “Add Selected
  8. Click “Copy All Components

Follow the prompts, and your content will have copied from the MASTER to the live course delivery.


To access the captioning for this video:

  • Move your mouse to the lower right side of the video window.
  • Click the menu item represented by three dashes
    Example Image of video options menu
  • If captions are available, click “Show Subtitles”
    Example of the Show Subtitles option on Sharestream video

LEARN – Updating LEARN logo for Custom Nav bar

August 9, 2017

This video will show how to update the LEARN logo from a white low contrast version to the correct green LEARN logo. This will only effect courses with custom navbars that existed prior to the new daylight interface.

LEARN – Gradebook – The Final Adjusted Grade

March 22, 2017

Transfering Grade to Final Adjusted

The final adjusted grade can be used to modify the final grade and drop grade items for recalculation.

  • To access, click “Assessments” (1) and “Grades” (2)

Transfering Grade to Final Adjusted;Final adjusted grade can be used to modify the final grade and drop grade items for recalculation. To access, click "Assessments" (1) and "Grades" (2)

  • Scroll to the “Final Adjusted Grade” and click its menu button (1), next click “Enter Grades” (2)

;Scroll to the "Final Adjusted Grade" and click it's menu button (1), next click "Enter Grades" (2)

  • Click the menu item beside “Final Grades” (1) to access the bulk actions for your gradebook.
  • “Recalculate All” allows you to drop grade items from the final grade calculation (if using gradebook categories your final grade will still sum out of 100% as it redistributes the grades weight within the category).
  • In most cases, you will want to transfer the calculated grade to the adjusted grade column using “Transfer All” (2).

;Click the menu item beside "Final Grades" (1) to access the bulk actions for your gradebook. "Recalculate All" allows you to drop grade items from the final grade calculation (if using gradebook categories your final grade will still sum out of 100% as it redistributes the grades weight within the category). In most cases you will want to transfer the calculated grade to the adjusted grade column using "Transfer All" (2).

  • You can manually adjust grades in the “Final Adjusted Grade” column (1), and recalculate individual users grades by clicking the calculator icon (2).

;You can manually adjust grades in the "Final Adjusted Grade" column (1), and recalculate indevidual users grades by clicking the calculator icon (2).

  • If recalculating a users grade you will be able to select all grade items (1), select or deselect individual items (2), and once done “Calculate” (3) to make the change.

;If recalculating a users grade you will be able to select all grade items (1), select or deselect individual items (2), and onse done "Calculate" (3) to make the change.

  • In some cases you may wish to release a final grade for the students in LEARN. To do this click the “Release/Unrelease” (1) option.
    Note: you may wish to review/adjust your gradebook settings by running the gradebook setup wizard before releasing the grades. The setup wizard will allow you to choose the calculated or adjusted final grade for release.
  • When everything is as you want it, click “Save and Close” (2).

;In some cases you may wish to release a final grade for the students in LEARN. To do this click the "Release/Unrelease" (1) option. Note: you may wish to review/adjust your gradebook settings by running the gradebook setup wizard before releaseing the grades. The setup wizard will allow you to choose the calculated or adjusted final grade for release. When everything is as you want it, click "Save and Close" (2).



The final adjusted grade in LEARN allows you to re-calculate the final grade based on different criteria for your class, or an individual student as well as override the calculated final grade.

LEARN – Viewing Student Grades in the Gradebook

March 22, 2017

Viewing Grades in the Gradebook

Grades can be manually viewed/entered/edited in the LEARN gradebook in a few different ways.

  • Enter the gradebook by clicking “Assessments” (1), “Grades” (2)

 Entering Grades into the Gradebook; Grades can be manually entered and edited in the LEARN gradebook in a few different ways. Enter the gradebook by clicking "Assessments" (1), "Grades" (2)

  • To view/add/edit grades for one grade item, click the menu beside the desired grade-item (1), click “Enter Grades” (2).
  • You can also enter grades for multiple grade items by clicking “Enter Grades” (3)

; To add/edit grades for one grade item, click the menu beside the desired grade-item (1), click "Enter Grades" (2). You can also enter grades for multiple grade items by clicking "Enter Grades" (3)

  • After clicking “Enter Grades” you will see your entire gradebook.
  • You will see the “Standard View” which is a colour coded display. To edit/add from the “Enter Grades” area click “Switch to Spreadsheet View”

; After clicking "Enter Grades" you will see your entire gradebook. If you receive the colour coded gradebook view, click "Switch to Spreadsheet View" to be able to add/edit multiple grade items.

  • You can now add/edit grades (1) for the entire class and all of the grade items.
  • You can view/add/edit grades for one student by clicking that students name (2).

; You can now add/edit grades (1) for the entire class and all of the grade items. You can add/edit grades for one student by clicking that students name (2).


RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.