Three flags flying on flag poles

Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement


Welcome to Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement!

March 20, 2025

Truth and Reconciliation is always evolving and expanding, so we’ve updated our website to reflect that.

PLEASE NOTE: We are currently working on the blog subscription function. Please check back later to subscribe.

At RRC Polytech, we have intentionally created a separate section for Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement distinct from the School of Indigenous Education to recognize their unique roles within the institution. These two areas are often grouped together, but they are administered differently, have separate staff, and serve different functions within the College.

While both areas collaborate frequently at a strategic level, the work they do on the ground often differs. Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement is primarily focused on the institution’s growth – how we, as a College, affirm truth and advance reconciliation through our policies, staff development, and institutional commitments. This, in turn, shapes the way we deliver programming and engage with students.

In contrast, the School of Indigenous Education provides direct, wraparound supports to Indigenous students, such as navigation coaches, academic advising, and cultural supports. These services are student-centered, ensuring learners have the resources they need to succeed. Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement, however, does not offer these same supports, as its focus is broader to influence systemic change at the College.

By maintaining this distinction, we ensure the College community understands both areas’ respective mandates and are able to access the resources each area provides more efficiently.

What can I find in the new Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement section?

You can find dedicated pages for the Knowledge Keepers Council, Initiatives, and Resources related to the department.

The Knowledge Keepers Council section includes information on what the Council does at the College, biographies for each Council Member, and how to bring initiatives to the Council for consideration.

The Initiatives section catalogues a number of remarkable initiatives that have had profound influences around the College and the work each area does to affirm truth and advance reconciliation, including:

  • The RRC Polytech Land Acknowledgement
  • The RRC Polytech Inclusive Pride Flag and Raising the Flags of Treaty One and the Red River Métis
  • Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement Week
  • The Mínwastánikéwin Award
  • The RRC Polytech Original Orange Shirt
  • The RRC Polytech Original Red Shirt
  • 4 Seasons of Reconciliation
  • The Truth and Reconciliation Immersive Experience
  • Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice
  • The Witness Blanket and Canadian Museum for Human Rights Tours
  • Manitoba Collaborative Indigenous Education Blueprint
  • Winnipeg Indigenous Accord
  • CICan Indigenous Education Protocol
  • SDG Accord
  • Manitou a bi Bii daziigae
  • Mitakuye Oyasin Okciyape
  • The City View Classroom (E473)
  • The Roundhouse Auditorium (E240)
  • The Multipurpose Room (E155)
  • The Indigenous Murals Project

The Resources page is home to Frequently Asked Question about topics concerning Truth and Reconciliation, videos about Indigenous culture, and links to resources within and outside of RRC Polytech.

The Contact page is an easy way to connect with the Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement team

What kind of news can I expect from Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement?

The Truth and Reconciliation and Community Engagement blog will keep up with institutional strides in the College’s strategy to affirm truth and advance reconciliation through professional development opportunities for staff and faculty, new policy development, and projects that are aligned with our strategy. Some upcoming stories to look out for include:

  • The Witness Blanket and Canadian Museum for Human Rights Tour recap story, featuring Marilyn Dykstra and several staff members that had gone on the first tour in February
  • The Mínwastánikéwin Award winners’ profile story
  • Stay the Course Speaker Series re-run (2020-22)

And much more! Subscribe now and get updates directly to your inbox.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of the Anishinaabeg, Ininiwak, Anishininwak, Dakota Oyate, and Denésuline, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.