Vehicle Technology & Energy Centre

Frequently Asked Questions

Is VTEC the right solution for my organization?

VTEC serves original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of agricultural equipment, buses, fire trucks, trailers, motor homes and recreational vehicles, as well as associated parts and components. We undertake undertakes on- and off-highway vehicle technology applied research with a focus on vehicle performance testing and vehicle development. Learn more about our services and expertise and how VTEC can help you.

To check out the eligibility criteria, please go to How to Get Involved and see Step 1: Eligibility Criteria.

What’s the first step?

Start a project with VTEC by getting in touch with us. If you want to know all the steps on how to get involved, check out this page. Our team is ready to listen to your needs and shape a custom solution for your project, or to book a tour of our facilities.

Who works on our projects?

We work with a mix of full-time VTEC staff and can also count on RRC Polytech’s extensive network of expertise.

VTEC Staff

Our people have experience working with local and international organizations, actively undertaking applied research projects at RRC Polytech for over a decade. Find out more about our experts ›

Additional Personnel

Depending on personnel’s skills and areas of expertise, we also engage RRC Polytech’s faculty, staff and students as well as external associates in the delivery of services. Additional support provided by members of the central research office (RPI).


As our client, you are an integral part of the project. We listen to you, understand your requirements, and deliver solutions that fit your circumstances.

Who has intellectual property?

RRC Polytech offers flexible royalty-free intellectual property agreements. The College typically grants commercial rights to the private sector partner while retaining rights for further research and education. In addition, the College routinely accommodates non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to protect clients’ trade secrets and other confidential information.

The intellectual property of the projects is arranged on a case-by-case basis, but most of our clients have full IP over the content of the projects. To find out more, please contact us.

How much will the project cost?

The cost of a project is assessed individually based on the scope of the project, the resources required and the predicted length of the project. Estimates for the overall cost of applied research projects are usually based on faculty release time (and research personnel rates / salaries), materials and equipment needed, cost of travel and knowledge dissemination, department overhead and other justifiable project expenses.

Some College-related government grants may be available depending on the scope of your work and your company status. Contact us to know more about project costing.

Is there funding available for my project?

VTEC has access to college-related government funding opportunities. These grants are dedicated to cover part of the cost of the project and have the goal to support small- and medium-sized enterprises to achieve innovative and effective solutions for their challenges.

In many cases, different sources of funding are considered for the project, depending on the nature and size of the project, proposed timelines and private sector cash being leveraged. In other cases, especially in the case of services and contract training, the private sector collaborator pays 100% of the cost of the project. Read more about funding opportunities ›

What’s in it for Vehicle Technology and Energy Centre stakeholders?

Clients gain by having access to VTEC’s technology, expertise, and facilities.

RRC Polytech gains by fulfilling its mandate to cultivate strategic partnerships, supporting the growth of enterprises through applied research and training.

The staff and faculty involved with VTEC gain by developing professional accomplishments, while building relationships as the bridge between education and industry.

Students benefit by gaining experience through work-integrated learning.

Our Province gains from new innovations developed in Manitoba.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›