Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

Wellness resources are only a click away

January 24, 2012

Whether we’re 25 or 75, everyone needs wellness.

While our fitness goals and needs might change as we get older, staying healthy is the number one tool you can use to help in the prevention of health problems down the line.

In order to help provide wellness resources to all Manitobans at every age level, the Province has created a great portal in their Manitoba Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors website.  It links to all their different healthy living initiatives, from information about infant nutrition to promoting age-friendly options for seniors, and even the latest in provincial wellness news.

One initiative that really stands out is Manitoba in Motion, whose tagline reads “Physical Activity – do it for life!”.  You may recognize this initiative from the mini-videos they play on TV, featuring CTV’s Maralee Caruso and Gord Leclerc, but the model of the strategy really focuses on providing different health options for Manitobans of any age – children, youth, adults, older adults, and families. They’ve also developed three really great programs to help encourage group participation in getting healthy:

Want to get your workplace, community, or child’s school thinking healthier? Sign up! Each program provides users with ideas, resources, and support to help develop wellness plans and strategies.
Sometimes, working towards health goals as a group can often be more successful than trying to do it on your own. Need help? Don’t be afraid to use resources to help you – that’s what they’re there for!

 Submitted by Hayley Brigg, Creative Communications student

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