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Campus Well-Being

The World of Educational Blogs – Part 1

January 25, 2012

The educational blogosphere is an interesting and ever-expanding place to find information about teaching, educational technology, and all the other stuff that we do at the College.  Here are a few blogs / educational websites that I’ve found to be useful and informative because they funnel information from a variety of sources.

Inside Higher Ed  is a US focused educational website that serves as a news hub and blogging headquarters.  The inside higher ed blogs (under the BlogU tab) cover many different facets of education –  including teaching, administration, sustainability, and educational technology – to name a few. 

Engaging Educators is dedicated to teaching and educational technology. It is updated regularly with interesting opinion pieces, spotlights on educational technology, and links to other interesting blogs and websites. It also provides a good window to quality educational content that is referenced via Twitter.

University Affairs is primarily a university-focused blog. It is also the one Canadian blog / website on this list featuring some interesting thoughts and articles related to education in our country. 

What  other educational blogs and/or websites would you add to this list?

Submitted by Mike Krywy, Research and Planning

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