Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

Bud, Spud, & Black Bottom rrrr…

April 27, 2012

Well, I just got my Bud Spud n Steak ticket from Cristina Gomes (Cashier’s desk, C212) for the RR Rebel Dragons Dragon Boat Team’s (rrrddbt…?)  event on May 11th at the Palomino Club. Go Rebels Go! (you can also get yours from Maria Evaristo at  or Christine Buchanan at}

Speaking of Rebels, we are now 4 RR Rebel Riders (rrrr…) gearing up for the MS Ride Sept. 8 & 9: Moi, Roxanne Hildebrand, Mike Poitras, and Wayne Ferguson. No team rides yet. But Mike did finally get his bike out this week and has now clocked over 100 km. Roxanne’s been doing two 30 min. commutes a day for weeks already. Wayne made a solo sticky bun run to Niverville last weekend (though the head wind was so bad that he opted for a Clubhouse instead to revive his tired legs; probably could have used a Spud n Steak!). I hit 300 km with a  couple of work commutes this week and a Sat. morning ride along Sturgeon Creek, the Assiniboine and the Red to St. Adolphe. No sticky bun for me either at the end of that run. This time my reward was lounging in the grass off Pembina with a black-bottom cupcake and a grande latte.

Early morning from a bike path through Assiniboine Park.

The Bears on Broadway behind the Legislature.

Black-bottom cupcake and a grande latte.





RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.