Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

And the Winners Are…

October 13, 2012

James Slade (1st), Derek Kochenash (2nd), Jason McMaster (3rd)

The first annual Red River Fun Run has come and gone, and there were many winners.

James Slade displaying the winning time.

The fastest runner of the day was James Slade who completed the race in a time of 25:44 over the 5.8 km distance.  James also helped out immensely organizing the race, and did well to nab one of the randomly drawn prizes, a $25 gift certificate for the Prairie Lights.Filling out the podium were race winners Derek Kochenash and Jason McMaster. Derek and Jason are both part of the RRC Run Club which started up in the summer and regularly had 5-20 staff members out walking or running every Wednesday.

So while we’re at it, let’s throw a bouquet to Run Club members like Sara MacArthur, Judy McMullen, Laurie Musick, Chau Le, Michael Whalen, Dayna Graham, Margarita Rowley, and Alison Ivey who got it all going in the summer.  Some of the other regulars like Jackie Wood wanted to run, but work got in the way this day.

Steve and Avery on the run.

The Students’ Association also made its way into the Winners’ Circle, thanks to the efforts of VP Academic Jocelle Cuevos and Director Steve Nachtigall, who helped organize the event, donated some swag, and are working to develop more student-focused Wellness event in the future. One of the students who ran the race, Avery-Anne Gervais has started a Nutrition-focused student group, and she’ll be working alongside the Wellness Committee to get started in the New Year.

  • Kudos to College Relations staff Colin Fast, Nathan Buddenfeld, Ezra Reimer, and David Schmeichel who contributed the concept for the race, and marketing support – including some very funny posters.
  • Kudos to Human Resources folks like Lori Grandmont, Shaneesa Ferguson, Bev Smith and Colin Finlay and to those from the Controller’s office (Alison, Chau, Judy, Kacy Vann and Christopher Huynh) for coming out as a team.
  • Kudos to Winkler Regional Campus Manager Keith Doerksen, who made the trip, ran the race, and helped plant some seeds for a future Wellness event on the Winkler Campus.

Dayna sets up the clock, with Mike and Gabriela looking on

Big thanks to race volunteers like Gabriela Ludusan, Dayna Graham, Isabel Bright, and Dan Gilbert for braving the cold to help support and cheer on the runners.

And finally… thanks to Guy Dugas, Nancy Ball , Marilyn Dykstra, Christine Siewart, Kimberly Mitchell, Margaret (aka Mouse) and Ella the dog + anyone else whom I missed (PS – drop me a note and I’ll add you to the list) for making this a fun event. Have a look at some of Guy’s photos of the event.

Guy ecstatically crosses the finish line

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.