Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

I Dream Book

December 4, 2012

Hello. Today I am writing to get everyone involved in a dream I have. I have always wanted to write a book, so I have come up with an idea to get me on my way. I know that everyone at some point in their lives has had dreams and something they wanted in life. I came up with this concept for the book to help me get closer to my dream.

I would like to include you in my dream by asking that you participate with me. I want you to

  • take a 4×6 card, paper or photo,
  • write your dream on it,
  • create it with art, paint, photos, anything you want,
  • then mail it to me.

That’s it. It could take as little as 5 minutes or a lunch out with your colleagues. This is all anonymous so I won’t know who sends me what – so feel free to say anything you wish. After I have collected enough dreams I will print them into a hard cover book. Then I will have reached a dream by creating my book. I might look to publish it but that might be another dream. 😉 Have to put the dreams in order.

Join the Facebook group “I dream book” and the event. Any questions feel free to contact me. Pass this to everyone you know. Talk about it. I will also have a kids section so have your kids send me their dreams.

Mail dreams to:

I dream

650 Goulding St.


Also look up the youtube videos for more inspiration at “I dream” channel satorisound

Thanks – Mario De Negri

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

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