Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

Monday Mash – Wellness Links – May 6

May 6, 2013

Photo by Gabriela Ludusan

Photo by Gabriela Ludusan

Here’s your set of Wellness Links for the week of May 6th, submitted by Gabriela Ludusan, Mentor Program Coordinator from Diversity and Immigrant Student Support. Enjoy!

  • The one magazine that I read every day is the Elephant Journal.  I like the focus on “the mindful life”: yoga, sustainability, conscious consumerism, non-new-agey spirituality, enlightened education, wellness and adventure…anything that helps us to live a good life that also happens to be good for others, and our planet. Read it with my morning coffee, every morning.
  • The Digital Photography School is a forum dedicated to all lovers of photography. There are weekly assignments that anyone can participate in, take photos and share them with others (latest weekly challenge is “Peace”).
  • Intelligence Squared is an online forum for intellectual debate. Ideas are debated by the world’s sharpest minds, experts in their fields and exciting orators. Some of the motions tackled:  “THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS IS A FREEDOM TOO FAR”, “THE TRADITIONAL NUCLEAR FAMILY HAS HAD ITS DAY: GAY PARENTS, SINGLE PARENTS, COMMUNES – ANYTHING GOES!” It’s always interesting to see the two sides of a coin, makes for a well grounded perception and critical thinking.
  • I like Dalai Lama’s approach and advocacy for an educational system with a strong focus on inner strength, tolerance, honesty, co-operation and compassion as key aspects that lead to a healthy society and progress.
  • Amnesty International campaigns globally for human rights for all. I follow their updates and like to get involved in their campaigns and sign their petitions as, for me, this is a small step to take action and make a difference, but I’m trying to do my part.
  • Noah’s Dad is a blog about baby Noah, Down syndrome, and videos, pictures, and facts that tell the story of Noah, his family and raising a child with Down Syndrome. The reason I follow this blog is because recently the most adorable and special baby boy was born into my family with Down syndrome and is a wealth of information and resources on DS. Plus, it’s so much fun watching Noah grow up, learn and enjoy life!
  • Who hasn’t watched or at least, heard of TED Talks?! TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It began in 1984 as an annual conference devoted to Technology, Entertainment and Design and now TEDTalks cover science, arts, politics, global issues, architecture, music and more. Speakers come from a wide variety of communities and disciplines and it hopes that the power of ideas can change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.
  • I recently started to follow the Diversity Journal for news and updates on diversity topics. Having started a new position in the Diversity and Immigrant Student Support department, I want to expand my knowledge in diversity/inclusion, best practices workforce diversity strategies also.

If you’d like to contribute your own set of links for a future Monday Mash, please contact Mike Krywy at

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