Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

Gym Etiquette 101

September 6, 2014

Nobody wants to work out next to the sweaty meathead who smells worse than week-old gym socks. Make sure you’re not the one who’s turning heads for all the wrong reasons by following some simple rules of gym etiquette.

Rule #1: Always wipe the equipment after use.

No one wants to sit in a puddle of your sweat, and they shouldn’t have to. The Loft(and all gyms) provide paper towels and spray bottles to clean equipment after use. Not only is this more hygienic, but it shows consideration for others.

Rule #2: Never rest on the equipment between sets.

When waiting between sets, do not sit on the equipment, let other members work in. Not only are you not using the equipment but, neither is anyone else. Get up and stretch between sets to give others a chance to work out while you recover.imgres-2

Rule #3: Don’t dress like you’re on a beach.

Although this usually applies to women who wear short shorts and tiny, cropped tops, guys are equally guilty with their mesh or stretched out tank tops. Dressing in this fashion is not only distracting, but could make those who are just starting to work out feel awkward or intimidated. What ever you do make sure you wear clothing that covers all valuables. Also remember to wear proper footwear. Sandals not only put you at risk of a toe-crushing injury, they’re inconsiderate if you’re plagued by smelly foot syndrome.

imgres-3Rule #4: If you smell, do something about it.

We all sweat. We all smell when we work out. However, some people sweat and smell a little worse than others. If you’re one of those unfortunate souls, invest in an extra strength deodorant for the sake of those who have to work out near you.

Rule #5: Don’t work out in packs.

It’s great to have friends. They can help push you to a higher level when working out, spot for you and keep you motivated. However, surrounding yourself with too many friends when you train will only annoy others.

Rule #6: Let people work in with you.

Some people like to circuit train or do giant sets in quick succession. This is fine if the Loft/EDC is basically deserted, but during the peak periods (before and after classes and at lunch), it is just a pain. Why should one person monopolize all that equipment, especially when there are people waiting? Be considerate. Let people work in with you.

Rule #7: Always return your weights to the stacks.

When using free weights or plates, always return them to the stacks when you’re done. Leaving weights on the floor is a safety hazard. They’re the perfect height for people to trip over. Leaving weights loaded is not fair to other members who either have to spend effort and time unloading the bars, or possibly even skip the apparatus because they can’t manage the heavier weights.

Rule #8: Obey time restrictions for cardio machines.

Everyone’s concept of time is different. When you ride the exercise bike, it might seem like you’ve only been pedaling for five minutes, when in reality it’s been over 30. In the LOFT and at EDC people have to sign up for the cardio machines, especially the popular equipment such as treadmills, and elliptical riders. It’s damn annoying when people blatantly ignore their time restrictions, reset the timer, or place their towel over the control panel to feign ignorance if questioned.

Rule #9: Don’t create a scene.images-2

We all make noise when we work out, whether it’s breathing hard during a cardio workout, or the occasional gasp when lifting weights. However, loud grunts, groans, and obscenities are not welcome. Emitting these types of noises only makes you look like an idiot, or a show-off just begging for an audience. If you find yourself grunting like you’re passing a stone, then maybe you’re lifting too much.

Rule #10: The  Loft/EDC is not TYC or Whiskey Dix’s.

Though there are many attractive members, chatting them up during their exercise routine is poor timing at best. They don’t have time to be distracted by lonely singles looking for dates.

These 10 rules are designed to make your life at the gym better. Imagine a world where you can work out without drowning in other peoples’ pools of sweat, where boneheads don’t think they own the joint and the equipment is accessible any time. Well, the good news is that this utopia is actually easy to achieve. All that is required is for people to think of others, or at the least, follow this easy list.  For more information on the Loft and other on campus recreation facilities visit the Recreations Services website at

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We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.