Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

More Fun = Better Grades

November 17, 2014

As a student I was always looking for ways to get better marks and if possible with less work. Little did I know that shooting hoops with my friends and playing co-ed intramural volleyball was doing exactly that.

A recent article quoted a study from Purdue showed students “who visited rec facilities 15 times or more earned 3.08 GPAs, compared with 2.81 for those who made no visits.” Further evidence for the benefits of visiting your campus recreation centre are shown in a study that “Recreational sports and fitness center members achieved higher GPAs and completed more credits than nonmembers.”

imagesWhile I thought that I was taking part in sport and recreation for the physical and mental benefits it provided me little did I know that it also helped me with my grades.

The semester is coming to an end, papers are due and exams are coming up, its important to remember to be active and have fun. You can come to the EDC fitness facility or Loft and get in a workout, swing by the North Gym and play badminton, or maybe take part in one of the our drop in sports sessions.

Looking for a great group activity? Take part in our Co-Rec Futsal Tournament on



November 29. This indoor soccer tournament is free for students and staff and is a day long recreational fun event where you can sign up as a team or as an individual.  The registration

deadline is November 21.  You don’t need to be a soccer player, you just need willingness to have fun, laugh and be active.

Give yourself a better chance of getting that “A” by having some fun.



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