Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

Focus and Distraction

February 27, 2015

By Mario De Negri

Fitness Coordinator, Rebels Athletics and Recreation Services

It’s come to that time of year where most of us have not only given up on our New Years resolutions but more importantly just recalled we had some. What’s so fascinating about this is that now that we have brought it back to the forefront of our thoughts, most, and I’m saying close to all of us will still not do anything about it.

So I ask what is it that would stop me from implementing an action towards that resolution I had. I would like to think its distraction. When I am focused and I know what I want I usually do what is necessary to get it.

For example the fact I haven’t eaten anything for breakfast today, and not really a lunch that when I get home I all I can do is focus on a way to eat or better yet the urgency to have to go to the bathroom keeps me pretty focused.stock-photo-the-word-focus-with-blurred-words-in-background-isolated-on-white-as-concept-for-business-ideas-137038271

I think distraction is the cause of non focus. Next time you have to go to the bathroom really bad try to get angry at something in your life that at other times makes you really angry and try to hold off on going to the bathroom. What will happen is that you might start to get the rise of anger but shortly following is the call of nature. So you can persist and keep focusing on getting angry but just around the corner is the sound of the tap being turned on. Eventually you will give in and accept and in that moment your focus won’t be of anger but of relief.

So does this work when not being forced? Try this; Start to pay attention to yourself. Watch to see how you react to things. You see something and it’s making you angry. That anger has taken over your whole body. Stop! Look at the anger. Say to yourself “I choose not to be angry” over and over and over again until one, you’ll say to yourself how stupid this is and that it doesn’t work which will keep enforcing the anger or two, you treat this mantra like the urgency of having to use the loo and you will experience change.

Anger cannot exist if the focus is on not being anger. Just as darkness cannot exist when light is focused on it. If we agree that focus will only exists if there is no distraction then we must continue to keep watching to see if we stay on track to what we want. When distractions arise like I have no time, it’s too late, I don’t know how to do it or whatever the distraction is you accept to yourself we must stop, see it for what it is, and go back to focus.

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