Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

It’s Mental Health Week!

May 2, 2021

The 70th annual Mental Health Week, championed by Canadian Mental Health Association, takes place May 3-9. This year’s theme is “name it don’t numb it,” highlighting how naming, expressing and dealing with our emotions (event he difficult ones) is important for our mental health.

Here are a few suggested ways to participate in Mental Health Week:

  1. Attend Workplace Strategies for Mental Health’s live webinar on strategies that can help you flourish. The session takes place Tuesday May 4 at noon.  Learn more here.
  2. Explore Library Services’ Healthy Minds Healthy College Guide, featuring books, videos, websites and other resources on the topic of mental health.
  3. Connect on social media, using the hashtags #GetReal and #MentalHealthWeek.
  4. Attend a live, guided, drop-in mindfulness session with MindWell U. There are several date and time options each week that can be accessed through your MindwWell U hub. If you don’t already have a MindWell U account, you can create one here.

All suggested activities are free of charge. Any questions can be directed to Breanna Sawatzky, Mental Health Coordinator.

When it comes to emotions, feeling sad, angry and anxious at times is part of being human. When we have good mental health, it doesn’t mean that we’re happy all the time. Instead, we’re able to experience a full range of human emotions—even the uncomfortable ones like sadness, fear and anger.

When we push feelings down or ignore them, they don’t go away. Rather, one of the best methods to quiet an emotion is to give it a voice—name it.

Can you think of ways that you name and mange difficult emotions? Many people find it helpful to talk, write, or express themselves through art or music. Once you can label and sit with an emotion, it becomes easier to shape how you experience that emotion and make wise choices about your behaviour.

Everyone deserves to feel well and understanding our emotions is a part of feeling well.



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