Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being


Ride Don’t Hide: Join the RRC Team and Bring Mental Health Into the Open

June 7, 2021

This June our friends at Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) are hosting a “choose-your-own-adventure” version of their classic Ride Don’t Hide event.

RRC staff, students and faculty members are invited to join the RRC team for a chance to move more, give back and feel better. There is no cost to register and whether and how much you fundraise is completely up to you. We may not be gathering to ride as a group, but we will be together in spirit.

About the Ride

You decide how—and how much—to get involved. Ride Outside, Ride Inside or Ride in Spirit.

You can Ride Outside for 100 km throughout June or simply go out for a “leisurely” Sunday ride.

You can Ride Inside with a rigorous 30-day spin challenge or casually pedal your stationary bike while bingeing on Netflix.

Or you can Ride in Spirit, because it doesn’t have to be a literal ride. Crossfit in your basement, do yoga in your living room, take a brisk morning walk before you start work or take 10 minutes in your day for mindfulness. However you take care of yourself this spring – that’s your Ride.

And sharing it with others – that’s your ‘Don’t Hide.’

What’s more, CMHA will be streaming live virtual “Spirit Week” programming from June 21-27.

RRC’s 2019 Ride Don’t Hide Team


  1. Register and choose your own adventure – pick the route, the activity and the goal that excites you. Connect with others by joining the RRC team.
  2. Set up your personal Ride Don’t Hide page to track your activity and achievements.
  3. Decide if you want to fundraise and if so, use your fundraising dashboard to send emails, post to social media, and get others on board.
  4. Download the Ride Don’t Hide mobile app to automatically track your activity.
  5. Ride! Or run, walk, jump rope, do yoga, dance, climb stairs, lift weights, play tag with your kids…Move more, give back, feel better.
  6. Snap a photo of your Ride and send it to Breanna to be featured in a Wellness Blog post.

Ride Don’t Hide

June 25, 2019

RRC’s 2019 Ride Don’t Hide Team, post-ride at The Forks

On Sunday, June 23 a team of RRC staff and students, along with some family members, supported Canadian Mental Health Association by participating in Ride Don’t Hide – Canada’s largest mental health bike ride.

The team enjoyed a beautiful 20 km ride, beginning at The Forks and continuing through St. Boniface, Assiniboine Ave., Wolseley, River Heights, Tuxedo, Crescentwood and back along the river path to The Forks.

Sponsored by RRC’s Healthy Minds, Healthy College Initiative, the team raised funds and awareness, bringing mental health out into the open.

Three cheers for your RRC team members:

  • Angela Tessier (and partner Tom)
  • Michelle Lodewyks (and partner Josh)
  • Tom Liu
  • Leslie Ternowetsky
  • Breanna Sawatzky (with family Joel, Vincent and Nevica)
  • Sherry Seymour
  • Tanya Cole
  • Lori Cutrone (not pictured)
  • Nicki Albus (not pictured)

Across Canada, over 10 000 riders participated, raising over $2 million dollars for community based mental health supports. Go team!

She Wore Flowers in Her Hair 2019: Happening Saturday, June 8th!

June 4, 2019

She Wore Flowers in Her Hair is an event in support of mental health awareness in memory of Jaedra Winter who died by suicide in June 2015. The aim is to raise awareness, spread love & create a community where people feel safe talking about mental health. All proceeds go to Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba.

The event takes place at Kelburn Estate and starts at noon on Saturday, June 8th. Pre activities such as Bootcamp by Johana Seier and a Volleyball tournament will commence at 11:00 am. Pre registration for these events is 10:30 AM – 11:00 am.

Bring a lawn chair, cash, Picnic blanket, yoga mat, sunscreen, etc.

Activities include:
Live Bands
Inspirational Speakers
Flower Crown Workshop ($5)
Craft Table
Self Care Booth – come make your own self care bag with goodies! (FREE)
Therapy Puppies
Pony Rides
Silent Auction
Makers Market
SWF Merch, Pop, Chips, Cotton Candy on sale!
Lunch by Pony Corral (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, FREE)
Laughter Yoga
Yoga by Modo Yoga
Closest to the Pin Gold Competition with prize
Axe Throwing by Lumberjax
Card Readings
Photobooth by Photomonkey

Tickets are on sale now

Follow She Wore Flowers in Her Hair on Instagram @officialsheworeflowers
& Facebook, for more information.

Join Ride Don’t Hide, the Largest Mental Health Bike Ride in Canada

May 23, 2019

RRC’s 2018 Ride Don’t Hide Team

You’re invited to participate in CMHA’s ‘Ride Don’t Hide’ – Canada’s largest bike ride for mental health.  The event is held on Sunday June 23rd in 25 communities across the country with 4 and 20 kilometer route options. CMHA’s Manitoba and Winnipeg division is starting recruit bike riders for the event and RRC is excited to participate.

According to CMHA, Ride Don’t Hide is a nationwide fundraising bike ride that brings mental health out into the open. With almost 10,000 riders and hundreds more family members, friends and volunteers across Canada taking part, the ride raises more than $2 million each year for the Canadian Mental Health Association. Get on your bike and join the movement. Ride. Don’t hide.

CMHA is a community partner, helping RRC with our Healthy Minds Healthy College Initiative. This makes participating in Ride Don’t Hide an ideal opportunity for us to show support in return.

In 2018, our team had a wonderful time participating in this meaningful and well organized event.

If you’d like to be part of the RRC team for Ride Don’t Hide, please contact Breanna Sawatzky or 204-632-2061. Participants can chose to raise funds, or just ride. Students, staff and faculty are welcome.

Invitation to Participate in CMHA’s Ride Don’t Hide, the Largest Mental Health Bike Ride in Canada

March 2, 2018

You’re invited to participate in CMHA’s ‘Ride Don’t Hide’ – Canada’s largest bike ride for mental health.  The event is held on Sunday June 24th in communities across the country. CMHA Manitoba and Winnipeg are starting recruit bike riders for the event and RRC is excited to participate. There are 6 kilometer and 21 kilometer route options.

From CHMA’s website:

“CMHA’s Ride Don’t Hide is an annual fundraising bike ride held in six provinces in 31 communities. Supported by the fundraising efforts of more than 7000 riders, Ride Don’t Hide will raise funds for essential programs and services in communities, workplaces and schools – programs that change lives. Programs that save lives.


When we hide, mental health stays hidden. When we ride, we create change. This year, on June 24, ride in plain sight. Ride Don’t Hide. It’s more than the name of the event. It’s also the reason we’re riding.”

CMHA is a community partner, helping RRC with our Healthy Minds Healthy College Initiative. This makes participating in Ride Don’t Hide an ideal opportunity for us to show support in return.

The registration cost for an adult is $40 and youth registration costs $25.

If you’d like to be part of the RRC team for Ride Don’t Hide, please contact Breanna Sawatzky at or 204-632-2061. Students, staff and faculty are welcome.


Thanks from your rrrr…

September 18, 2015

Photo of 2015 Riders: Mike Poitras, Guy Dugas, Wayne Ferguson, Tyler Steiner, Deron Warkentin, Michael Whalen, Dayna Graham

Mike Poitras, Guy Dugas, Wayne Ferguson, Tyler Steiner, Deron Warkentin, Michael Whalen, Dayna Graham

We did it! Your team cycled 140 km to the MS Riding Mountain Challenge finish line because you encouraged us to keep going, and you helped make sure Canadians with MS receive as much support as possible. We couldn’t have done this without our supporters at RRC, and we can’t thank you enough.

You helped us raise $6,392 for MS!

We were the #2 team in Manitoba (the #1 team, Mosaic, had 23 riders and raised $18,380). Why not join us in 2016 and help the team hit #1 next year?

Thank you RRC!

A Biker’s Dozen (rrrr…)

May 19, 2015

Photo of Red River Rebel Riders 2014: Deron, Marnie, Mar-Zeus, Miguel, Guy, Dayna, Mike

Red River Rebel Riders 2014: Deron, Marnie, Mar-Zeus, Miguel, Guy, Dayna, and Mike by the fire at the end of day-1.

September 12th and 13th, your intrepid Red River Rebel Riders (rrrr…) will be cycling their 12th MS Riding Mountain Challenge (a biker’s dozen). Their goal? Raise another $5,000 for MS! Guy DugasDayna GrahamMichael Poitras, and Deron Warkentin have signed up from the Roblin Campus, and new members Kristen Cameron and Tyler Steiner have joined the team from Notre Dame. This is the call for a few more of you to come on board.

How can you help?

Simple. You can join the team or support us with a donation, or both!

Canada has the highest rate of MS in the world. 100% of the money we raise goes directly to MS research and valuable services for families affected by Multiple Sclerosis.

  • Join the 2015 team. It’s a beautiful 150 km round trip ride through Riding Mountain National Park. We drive to Dauphin Friday the 11th after work, cycle Dauphin to Clear Lake the morning of the 12th and back to Dauphin on the 13th, getting back to Winnipeg early that evening. Sign up and train with us through August to get in shape for the big ride! Email Guy Dugas ( for details or simply click here and then click on the Join team button.
  • Donate securely online by clicking on any team member’s name at this site. All monies raised go to supporting those suffering with MS or to MS research.

Together we can end MS.

Color Me Rad!

June 27, 2013

Color Me Rad

It’s official, there is now an RRC team registered for the Color Me Rad run/walk on July 21! What is Color Me Rad? The website has a very “colorful” way to describe what it is….basically you run/walk 5km and throughout are attacked with color bombs. Really for no good reason, other than it’s silly and fun!

All proceeds from the race go to Camp Manitou, and everyone is a winner as this is a fun run/walk. Read More →

All Charities Event Week at a Glance

September 27, 2012

All Charities Event Week at a Glance

All Charities Event Week will be held from October 1 – 5, 2012.  All Charities is quite unique in that it truly is what the name implies: “All Charities” are eligible to receive donations … any one of the 80,000 registered in Canada!

During the week there will be events held at the Notre Dame Campus and Roblin Centre.  Staff will also receive a pledge form for donating to All Charities. You can browse the catalogue to find a charity that you’d like to support or check out their general website for more information.

Guide to Notre Dame Campus:

October 1 – Pizza Day from 11am – 1pm in the Library Hallway

October 2 – Charity Tables from 11am – 2pm in the Library Hallway – Bring loose change to donate to the Charities

October 3 – Bake Sale from 11am – 2pm in the Library Hallway

October 5 – Proceeds of a Feature Dish in the Voyageur goes towards All Charities

50/50 Draw will be running all week with the winner announced at 2pm on Friday, October 5, 2012.

Guide to Roblin Centre:

October 2 – Charity Tables from 11am – 2pm in the Atrium – Bring loose change to donate to the Charities

October 3 – Bake Sale from 11am – 2pm in the Atrium

October 5 – Pizza Day from 11am – 1pm in the Atrium

50/50 Draw will be running all week with the winner announced at 2pm on Friday, October 5, 2012.

Last year, Red River College raised just over $128 000.00 and up 9% from the past year.  Please help to make this year another amazing success!

I would also like to challenge all departments to put a container out for Loose Change during the Event Week – The Change in your pocket will change a life!

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.