Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

Exercise and Fitness

7 Stretches To Try at Your Desk

March 8, 2022

The following is a guest post by RRC Polytech’s Fitness Coordinator, Mario De Negri

Most of us have to sit for long periods because of our work or school. When we sit for long periods of time it becomes easy to let our posture slip into a position that has us slouching or hunching forward which can lead to sore muscles and an aching body. Unfortunately, with the increase of work that requires us to be sitting, we can find ourselves deskbound for most of the day and sometimes long into the evening. However, by taking short breaks from sitting, we can help increase our cardiovascular function, increasing our life expectancy! Incorporating stretching throughout the day will also help increase your blood flow and improve your posture.

It is important to find reasons to get up from the chair and incorporate extra movement in our routines to minimize body stiffness and pain. A general rule of thumb is for every 60-90 minutes of sitting, we should get up and try to move for a minimum of 20 minutes. The longer we remain seated, the harder it will feel to get up and move. Movement does not mean we have to go for a long run or head to the gym. Increasing our activity can be as simple as doing a few stretches to switch up our routine.

So, if you find yourself having to be deskbound for long periods at a time, take a few of these easy stretches and put them in your pocket to use throughout the day. They require no equipment, take very little space, and can even be done while sitting in your chair.

Click here to find 7 simple stretching exercises you can do while sitting at your desk. 

MindWell: Free Events for March

February 28, 2022

MindWell has some incredible trainings and programs coming up for you this month:

  • Mindful Cooking: Healthy Meals Made Simple – Part 4
  • Performance Management from the Inside Out: Mental Health for Leaders
  • Building Fitness Habits
  • Improve Your Sleep

These programs are included as part of your MindWell account. All MindWell Events and Workshops are FREE of Charge for students, faculty and staff at RRC Polytech. Be sure to spread the word to your classmates and colleagues about these events, and make a plan to attend together! Working on our wellness can be a group activity!

Mindful Cooking Thursdays at 1pm ET / 10am PT | Begins Thursday, March 3rd

In Mindful Cooking Part 4, Chef Kristin will show you how to take the stress out of health eating through easy-to-prepare recipes that will keep you full and fueled throughout the day.

Register Here 

Performance Management from the Inside Out: Mental Health for Leaders Wednesday, March 9th, 2022 | 1pm ET / 10amPT

We continue to face new challenges and stressors inside and outside of the workplace as the pandemic continues. As leaders, supporting our own mental health is critical for clear decision-making, effective communication, achieving goals and supporting the success of our teams.

Register Here

Studio Be Build Fitness Habits- Every Monday in March

Lasting habits begin small.

This March, join Lucia’s fitness class every Monday to build the foundation of movement with a focus on the core and explore how a small but consistent commitment to showing up can shift your mindset around lifelong exercise.

Register Here

 Improve Your Sleep – Every Friday in March

For the month of March, join Ross each Friday in our Studio Be class, ‘Experience Mindfulness’ to learn how to tackle restlessness and get a better nights’ sleep.

Register Here

Sign up for a MindWell Account to access all training and workshops for Free! Click here to sign up. 

February Fitness Classes: Yoga, Strength and Movement

February 1, 2022

Campus Well-Being Coordinator, Evelyn Carriere, delivering Full Body Strength and Conditioning class to students and staff who are working out at home.

The Campus Well-Being team is here to support your physical and mental health. Until we can welcome you to our facilities in person, we invite students and staff to join our live, virtual classes.

To join, simply register and show up ready to move. Your camera and microphone will be turned off, but you will be able to communicate with your instructor using the chat box. Our goal is to help you refresh and rejuvenate before you get back to your school or work day.

Full Body Strength and Conditioning with Evelyn Carriere

  • Mondays and Wednesdays 12:15-12:45pm
  • Body weight only, equipment is optional for additional challenge
  • Modifications for all fitness levels

Register for each class that works for you:

Functional Moving with Mario De Negri

  • Thursdays 12:15-12:45pm
  • Functional movement and restoring
  • Rubber exercise bands, body weight and light weights are used
  • Modifications for all fitness levels

Register for each class that works for you:

Yoga with Holly Pluchinski

  • Tuesdays 4-4:30pm
  • Fridays at noon-12:30pm
  • Yoga for all levels

Register for each class that works for you:

For any questions or accessibility needs, please contact

To further support your wellness, check out our virtual paint night, cooking night and our free fitness and lifestyle consultations.

Wellness in the time of COVID-19  

January 21, 2022

Many of us feel the continued pressure that the global pandemic has brought into our lives. Many of us are still working and learning from home, which can feel not very reassuring for some. In contrast, others may feel comfortable with the continuation of virtual life. Many of us are also sitting in a place where we feel tired and unsure of what the future has to bring. The Campus Wellness Team curated resources that approach wellness through a holistic lens- meaning the body and mind are parts of ourselves that require care during challenging and difficult times. Prioritizing caring for our mind and body during grief helps us combat isolation. And It gives us the tools to be able to support our mental health.

Below you will find some resources to help maintain physical and mental wellness during a time of social distancing. For additional information, continue to check for updates. 

RRCP Recreation Services

  • Monthly fitness challenges – challenge your friends to see how many you can accomplish at home!
  • New: Weekly Fitness classes facilitated live- Check out staff and student news 

Fitness Apps 

Several are free, but check to ensure before you download. Some examples include: 

  • Tone It Up (Apple and Google Play) 
  • New: BodySpace – this includes an online community component (Free)
  • New: 7 Minute Workout: Fitness App (Apple and Google Play) (Free with paid options) 
  • New: NIKE Training Club App (NTC (Free with paid options)

Fitness Bloggers 

Follow your favorite fitness professional on social media, or check out a new community to share your progress. 

  Many fitness facilities and companies are live streaming classes or providing online content. Check your local yoga studio, gym or other fitness facility to see if they are hosting anything. Alternatively, check out one of the options below. 

Fitness Subscription & Online Classes 

Please note that these options may involve fees. 

Fitness Streaming  

Mindfulness & Meditation 

  Mental Health Bloggers 


Social Connection 

  • Check staff news for events organized by Campus Wellbeing  
  • Connect with mental health coordinator 
  • Schedule a fitness and lifestyle consultation 
  • Schedule an informal coffee break on WebEx. Grab your beverage and just chat about whatever you feel like. 
  • Challenge yourself to reach out to colleagues and friends  
  • Send voice messages or hold video calls with friends and family 
  • Plan a skating day at the Forks 
  • Send in a Cheers for Peers to a colleague
  • If children are home from school, consider creating a daily schedule 
  • New:  Take a course at McNally Robinson 
  • New: Meet friends at the Winnipeg Art Galley- Free and Paid Classes  



Stress and anxiety are normal reactions to abnormal situations. Now more than ever, it’s important to prioritize self-care and finding activities that help us feel grounded.   Reach out to the Campus Well-being Team if you have any questions about campus Mental Health and Fitness resources.


New! Fitness and Lifestyle Consultations

January 16, 2022

Campus Well-Being is now offering fitness and lifestyle consultations to staff and students.

Looking for some expert fitness advice? Not sure where to start on your journey to better overall health? Book a free, virtual session with one of our certified fitness professionals.

What to expect from a consultation

Your consultation will will take 30 to 40 minutes and can be done over the phone or via MS Teams. Your coach will ask you some questions about your current health, fitness, and lifestyle before collaborating with you on a plan to take concrete, actionable steps to better your health.

You are welcome to book up to two additional check-ins with your coach to talk about your progress and any obstacles you’ve faced.

How to book a session

To book a consultation, please contact a coach directly to set up a mutually agreeable time.

Your coaches

Mario De Negri

Mario De Negri is the Fitness Coordinator for Red River College Polytechnic. He’s been training in fitness and wellness for over 20 years and has a number of certifications in personal training, yoga and massage. He’s traveled abroad to study different forms of training in health and wellness and has completed a couple 10-day non-speaking meditations. His personal goal is to live to be 100 years old. He believes that being healthy isn’t just about picking up weights, but involves working on one’s inner and outer aspects in order to naturally feel more comfortable in one’s own body.

Mario is available Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-6pm. Book a consultation by contacting him at

Evelyn Carriere

The reason Evelyn trains is to keep up with her Grandma. Evelyn has always admired her energy and adventurous lifestyle! By 90 years of age, she was still doing handstands against the wall in her condo. Evelyn wants to follow in Grandma’s footsteps while encouraging others to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. It’s never too late to be a boss.


  • CPT (Certified Personal Trainer), American Council on Exercise
  • Senior Fitness Specialist
  • Emergency First Aid & CPR/AED Level C, Canadian Red Cross


  • 2 + Years in Fitness Industry (Small group + team training, 1-on-1 coaching, Crossfit Masterclass 55+)
  • 13 + Years Coaching Volleyball (Canada and Europe)
  • 3 Years as a Professional Athlete (Indoor Volleyball)

Evelyn is available to Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11am. Book a consultation by contacting her at


Fitness and lifestyle consultations are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Staff and students should consult a medical professional if they are seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

Live and On-Demand Yoga for Staff and Students

September 21, 2021

If you find yourself sitting too much these days, you;re not alone. How about breathing? Are you remembering to do that? Thankfully, Holly Pluchinski is back this fall, helping RRC students and staff relieve stress and find balance through yoga. Holly teaches two weekly 30 minute livestreamed yoga classes just for us.

Yoga is a fantastic way to connect mind, body, and spirit while giving yourself the mindful movement you crave. As we all do what we can to cope with change and uncertainty, a regular yoga practice can take the edge off all of that stress.

Book the time in your calendar and do something good for yourself.

Date: Fridays
Time: Noon – 12:30pm

Date: Tuesdays
Time: Noon – 12:30pm
Classes take place on WebEx. New weekly registration links can be found every Monday in your Staff News or Student News emails.

Participants will be able to see Holly demonstrate, however participants themselves will not be visible to others. The class is suitable for all ability levels.

You don’t need fancy equipment, or the perfect setting — just the desire to tune in and move.

In addition to the live weekly sessions, below are three recorded classes that are available for on-demand viewing. Each is roughly 20 minutes long and focuses on a different goal. Try each one and see how you feel.

Questions can be directed to Breanna Sawatzky.

Ride Don’t Hide: Join the RRC Team and Bring Mental Health Into the Open

June 7, 2021

This June our friends at Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) are hosting a “choose-your-own-adventure” version of their classic Ride Don’t Hide event.

RRC staff, students and faculty members are invited to join the RRC team for a chance to move more, give back and feel better. There is no cost to register and whether and how much you fundraise is completely up to you. We may not be gathering to ride as a group, but we will be together in spirit.

About the Ride

You decide how—and how much—to get involved. Ride Outside, Ride Inside or Ride in Spirit.

You can Ride Outside for 100 km throughout June or simply go out for a “leisurely” Sunday ride.

You can Ride Inside with a rigorous 30-day spin challenge or casually pedal your stationary bike while bingeing on Netflix.

Or you can Ride in Spirit, because it doesn’t have to be a literal ride. Crossfit in your basement, do yoga in your living room, take a brisk morning walk before you start work or take 10 minutes in your day for mindfulness. However you take care of yourself this spring – that’s your Ride.

And sharing it with others – that’s your ‘Don’t Hide.’

What’s more, CMHA will be streaming live virtual “Spirit Week” programming from June 21-27.

RRC’s 2019 Ride Don’t Hide Team


  1. Register and choose your own adventure – pick the route, the activity and the goal that excites you. Connect with others by joining the RRC team.
  2. Set up your personal Ride Don’t Hide page to track your activity and achievements.
  3. Decide if you want to fundraise and if so, use your fundraising dashboard to send emails, post to social media, and get others on board.
  4. Download the Ride Don’t Hide mobile app to automatically track your activity.
  5. Ride! Or run, walk, jump rope, do yoga, dance, climb stairs, lift weights, play tag with your kids…Move more, give back, feel better.
  6. Snap a photo of your Ride and send it to Breanna to be featured in a Wellness Blog post.

Live and On-Demand Yoga for Staff and Students

January 5, 2021

Holly Pluchinski, owner of Kayfabe Yoga, is back to teach a weekly 30 minute yoga class exclusively for RRC staff and students.

Yoga is a fantastic way to connect mind, body, and spirit while giving yourself the mindful movement you crave. As we all do what we can to cope with change and uncertainty, a regular yoga practice can take the edge off all of that stress.

Book the time in your calendar and do something good for yourself.

Date: Fridays
Time: Noon – 12:30pm
Location: WebEx, register here for the May 21 session (Please note the live classes are on pause for the summer. We plan to resume in the fall. Please use the recorded classes below to maintain your practice.)

Participants will be able to see Holly demonstrate, however participants themselves will not be visible to others. The class is suitable for all ability levels.

You don’t need fancy equipment, or the perfect setting — just the desire to tune in and move.

In addition to the live weekly sessions, below are three recorded classes that are available for on-demnad viewing. Each is less than 20 minutes long and focuses on different a different goal. Try each one and see how you feel.


Questions can be directed to Breanna Sawatzky, Mental Health Coordinator.

Friday Lunchtime Yoga is Back!

October 13, 2020

Holly Pluchinski, owner of Kayfabe Yoga, is back to teach a weekly 30 minute yoga class exclusively for RRC staff and students.

Yoga is a fantastic way to connect mind, body, and spirit while giving yourself the mindful movement you crave. As we all do what we can to cope with change and uncertainty, a regular yoga practice can take the edge off all of that stress.

Book the time in your calendar and do something good for yourself.

Date: Fridays, beginning Oct. 16
Time: Noon – 12:30pm
Location: WebEx, register here for the December 18 session

Participants will be able to see Holly demonstrate, however participants themselves will not be visible to others. The class is suitable for all ability levels.

You don’t need fancy equipment, or the perfect setting — just the desire to tune in and move.

Questions can be directed to Breanna Sawatzky, Mental Health Coordinator.

Wellness in the time of COVID-19

March 17, 2020

We are going through an unprecedented time at Red River College. Many of us have been asked to work or study from home, and aren’t participating in our usual activities. When our usual routine is disrupted, it can have an effect on both our physical and mental health.

Below you will find some resources to help maintain physical and mental wellness during a time of social distancing. Whenever possible, the following resources are free to either Red River College staff and students (look for the ^), or free for t0 general public (look for the *). For additional information, continue to check for updates.

Fitness and Physical Health Options

RRC Recreation Services ^

Fitness Apps

Several are free, but check to ensure before you download. Some examples include:

Fitness Bloggers

Follow your favourite fitness professional on social media, or check out a new community to share your progress.

Fitness Streaming

Many fitness facilities and companies are live streaming classes or providing online content. Check your local yoga studio, gym or other fitness facility to see if they are hosting anything. Alternatively, check out one of the options below.

  • Planet Fitness – Facebook
  • Host your own! Use a video chat or meeting service to join your friends in a virtual group workout.

Subscription Services

Please note that these options may involve fees.

Mental Health and Wellness Options

Mindfulness & Meditation


  • ADAM* audio guided relaxation
  • Get outside and observe nature
  • Clear the Deck exercise to calm worry*
  • Have a cup of tea
  • Enjoy a warm bath or shower

Social Connection

  • Schedule an informal coffee break on WebEx. Grab your beverage and just chat about whatever you feel like.
  • Send voice messages or hold video calls with friends and family
  • Virtual friends/family meals
  • Proactive #COVIDkindness, while keeping physical distance
  • Send thank you notes
  • If children are home from school, consider creating a daily schedule


Remember, taking care of your wellness will help sustain you through this challenging time. Be sure to make your well-being a priority.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.