Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

Exercise and Fitness

Have You Heard? The Get Movin’ Challenge is Back

January 30, 2018

RRC’s Recreation Services is hosting this year’s Get Movin’ Challenge. Those who are involved are trying to log 7,000 steps per day, through a variety of activities. Sign up to join the fun.

Since physical activity contributes to a healthy mind, we’re supporting the Challenge with weekly group walks outdoors at the Notre Dame Campus. These walks will be a perfect opportunity to connect with friends or colleagues, meet new people, get fresh air and sunshine, while logging 3000 steps.

Walks will start at 12:15 outside the Campus Store (NDC) and will return to the same place by 12:50.


Mondays February 5, 12, 26

All students, staff and faculty are welcome to join; there is no need to register.


The Rebel in You – A 12 Week Wellness Program

September 5, 2017

Sometimes starting an exercise program can be more challenging than the working out itself. Having to figure out how to get started, learning new terminology to what’s the difference between a rep and a set as well as knowing what to exactly do while in the gym. That is why we designed a custom program specific for The Rebel in You.

This program is a complete guide to getting moving and started on a journey of healthy living. Inside you’ll learn different terms and a glossary of definitions. The program booklet has advice as to why being active is the right thing for you to do and it gives tips to help keep you on track, even when we find ourselves with a setback, we can still learn from it and use the tips to get back on. You will be shown how to find your target heart rate to make sure that when you are training aerobically you are being efficient and reaching the level needed to reach your goals. It also helps you with how to make and set goals!

Included in the program booklet is a couple of full workout programs, which you can do at your own pace and you can keep track of it with the weekly calendar data chart to measure progress. Each program can be done for the entirety of the 12 weeks, or you can switch to another one if you feel you’d like to be challenged a bit more from the previous program. One of the programs is designed without any equipment which means it can help you become more familiar with movement and your body but also it means you can also do it at home. At the end of a workout or on a day you feel you need a stretch you can use the stretching guidelines to help balance out the work you’ve been putting in from the exercising.

Regardless of your level of fitness or experience, this program is designed to help you get a little bit more from your wellness plans and to help guide you in a total wellness program. The Rebel in You wellness booklet can be found on our website and it is free to download. Feel free to ask coworkers to join in, or family members to help provide support and a bit of social gathering time while you do something good for you. To be well is less about how you “should” go to the gym, or about the time you denied yourself dessert but more of an understanding that you matter and are important. That the higher value you place on yourself to take one more step or do one more rep pays out not only in your future self but also in your present self. We all are living a life where life happens, so we do not need to wait for life to happen in the “right way” for us to be well but we can practice being well in ourselves with each moment so that we create a life of wellness and well-being.



Registration Now Open for Fall Term Fitness Classes!

August 31, 2017

Red River College Athletics and Recreation Services offers Group Fitness Programs suited to all interests and fitness levels. Our highly trained and enthusiastic instructors will lead you through a fun and challenging workout suited to you.

Registered Programs for 2017 Fall Term

Metabolic Resistance Training with Lesley on Mondays from 12:05-12:50pm

Yoga with Amanda on Mondays from 4:15-5:15pm at NDC

Bootcamp with Ashton on Tuesdays from 12:05-12:50pm

Block Therapy with Joanne on Tuesdays from 4:15pm to 5:00pm

Zumba with LIndsay on Tuesdays from 4:15pm to 5:00pm

Circuit Training with Cameron on Wednesdays from 12:05-12:50pm

Tantric Hatha Yoga with Keith on Wednesdays from 4:15pm-5:15pm

NEW*** Morning Boot Camp Thursdays from 7:00am to 7:45am. FREE for RRC Staff and Students!

Dynamic Core with Lesley on Thursdays from 12:05-12:50pm

Dynamic Spin with Lesley on Thursdays from 4:15pm-5:00pm

Gentle Hatha Fusion Yoga with Linda Thursdays from 4:15-5:15 at EDC

Fitness Classes  Free for Students!!!

All Fitness Classes are free to use for RRC Students. Students can fill out Fitness Class registration form, minus payment, and drop it off at GM20 in the North Gym or email to Recreation Coordinator Cole Skinner @ Students are also welcome to drop in the fitness classes as well, provided space is available. (For EDC Yoga, students can also submit their registration form to the instructor before the start of class.)


Classes will start September 11th and run until December 21st

Drop in cards for 5 or 10 classes per term can also be purchased.


To register for a class download the registration form, complete it and if your staff, alumni or community user fill it out and take it to the Student Service Centre to make a payment.  If you are a student, drop off at front desk in the North Gym. (For EDC Yoga, students can also submit their registration form to the instructor before the start of class.)

Registration Form: 2017 Fall Fitness Classes Registration Form

****EDC/Downtown Students and Staff.

Sport Manitoba is offering fitness classes this year that are open to RRC Students and Staff. With the Sport For Life Centre only a few blocks away in the Exchange, this is an excellent option for those working/studying downtown and looking to participate in fitness classes. View the below link for class listings.

Bring new meaning to the phrase “Take it to heart”

May 2, 2017

Our hearts are more than a symbol for our feelings, although the heart does respond to stress, attraction, anxiety, joy and depression among many influencers. Our hearts provide a “pulse” (pun intended) for our current state of health – if the pressure is too high or too low we experience negative side effects, and the body responds through physical reactions such as sweating, “blushing”, feeling dizzy or short of breath. It’s important to listen to your heart when faced with mental and physical concerns, it will indicate the severity of the situation and if need be will override your whole system.

Taking care of your heart can be as simple as what you put into your body, using recipes like these found through the Mayo Clinic: Nutritional habits, however, are rarely as simple to identify and stick to so don’t be hesitant to ask for professional assistance.

Physical activity, particularly cardiovascular exercise, will benefit your mind and body. The heart requires exercise to strengthen it, allowing it to pump blood more efficiently throughout the body and keep all vital systems nourished. Although it is not always necessary to lost weight to improve your heart health, weight loss is often a side effect of improved nutrition and physical activity. Canadians are busier than ever, in their work and home lives, and it can be very tough to set aside time each day to exercise. The best strategy in that case is to learn how to sneak more physical activity into your already established routine, such as these examples:

Stress is a leading cause of high blood pressure, a huge strain on your heart. Learning to cope with external stressors before your body needs to physically react to call attention to the issue will benefit your mental and physical health. Resilience is our greatest weapon against stress. Learn to improve your personal resilience through this guide:

Take your total health to heart, and take care of it!


Focus on your process; not your goals

April 11, 2017

By Conor Lloyd

About four-months ago I decided to really knuckle down and focus on improving my health.

Now to couch that previous statement, I am not generally an unhealthy guy. I don’t smoke – I quit five years ago — I am not a heavy drinker, and I really don’t eat that poorly, if you don’t consider pizza, chicken fingers, steak, and hamburgers unhealthy that is.

Suffice it to say I am an expert at talking myself out of going to the gym and will – on many occasions – opt to binge watch Netflix, read a good book, go shopping for vinyl, or head out for dinner. In January of this year, I tipped the scale at what I consider a very unhealthy weight. My doctor threatened a litany of cholesterol medications, and frankly taking the stairs felt like a workout.

Needless to say, it was time to make a change.

But rather than simply setting a goal of losing 30, 50, or even 60 pounds, I focused on changing my process to achieving a healthy lifestyle, and used benchmarks along the way to track my performance. Those benchmarks provided me with valuable feedback to see how I was performing and allowed me to adjust my approach along the way.

Those benchmarks didn’t simply revolve around weight loss, albeit that was probably one of the dominant performance indicators at the start, I used a lot of different markers along the way, and that included:

  • Consistent meal preparation
  • Water consumption
  • Weight-loss; and
  • Level of activity (I aimed to visit the gym and meet with my trainer three times a week).

Read More →

Get Movin Challenge Prize Winners

March 3, 2017

The Get Movin Challenge Winners for 2017 were announced in the Cave today. For the entire month of February, staff and students at RRC met the challenge of reaching 7,000 steps per day. Three separate prize categories were made, with entry into each level’s draw based on the amount of days with 7,000 steps reached. As the prize winners were announced, folks also enjoyed a pancake breakfast put on by the RRCSA, with proceeds going to the Food Bank. Thanks to everyoneattending today, and all of those who participated in the Get Movin Challenge, we already look forward to next years Challenge!

Bronze Level Winners (min 10 days)

Rebels Pack Winners: Dennis Korabelnikov; Lynn Gibson; Chad Smith; Samantha Feal; Debra Wutke; Tracy Luedtke; Ray Hoemsen; Laureen Janzen; F. Rick Pizzi; Penny Rawson; Roberta Mack

Yard Game Winner: Lynn Thompson

Lawn Chair (provided by Great-West Life) Winner: Erika Skaftfeld

Beach Umbrella (provided by Great-West Life) Winner: Leslie Ternowetsky

Yoga mat (x2) Winner: Marie Graff and Lauren Waples

Cooler basket (provided by HUB STRATA) Winner: Derek Reykdal

Silver Level Winners (min 15 days)

Athletic Therapy session Winners: – Riann Ritchot and Cynthia Alles-Parasidis

$50 Gift Card to Jane’s Restaurant Winner: Lana Neufeld

1 Free Rec Services Fitness Class Winner: Karen Di Pietro

Saje Wellness Diffuser with Oil (valued at $100) Winner: Hellen Pollard

1 Pair Snow Shoes Winner: James Slade

$100 Golf Dome Gift Certificate Winner: Diane Brown

Photoshoot (valued at $175, provided by Lindsay Rowan) Winner: Patrick Griffith

Gold Level Winners (min 20 days)

$200 Thermea Spa Gift Certificate Winner: Sean Audet

$200 Visa Gift Card Winner: Faye Bychuk

$200 Float Calm Therapy Centre Gift Certificate Winner: Maria Turla

$200 Sport Chek Gift Card Winner: Lindsay Allan

Door Prize Winner

2 Pack of Manitoba Moose Tickets Winner: Michelle Johnson





Week 3 Get Movin Challenge Winner

February 23, 2017

Congrats to week 3 Get Movin Challenge Winner Lovell Li.

Lovell writes

One thing I’ve learned in the past years is the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Every day after work, I take the time to go to the gym and work out. Besides from exercising, I also make sure to maintain a healthy diet. After 2 years of working out and healthy diet, I lost 50 lbs. I’ve never felt stronger, healthier and happier. Here’s a picture of me and my wife, Francheska, working on our 7,000 steps!”





Thanks to the RRCSA, Rec Services, and GWL for this weeks prize.

Week 2 Get Movin Challenge

February 16, 2017

Week 2 Winner of the Get Movin Challenge is RRC Residence Admissions Coordinator  Melanie Liske!

Melanie writes:

“ Not all of my movin’ is solely steps. Here is a breakdown of a power clean and jerk from one of my Olympic weightlifting training sessions.   This challenge sparked my purchase of a Fit Bit which has allowed me to get a better picture of my activity level each day, while making me very accountable to those days where I move way to little. This new gadget along with this challenge has motivated me to keep enjoying as many of my old active habits as possible, but also to find new ways of living an active lifestyle throughout my day. Both have helped me to ensure those moving very little days don’t really happen anymore. Keep moving everyone! I hope you’re finding fun ways that work for you to keep your body movin’ and groovin’!  ”

Thanks to HUB and Rebels Athletics for providing this weeks prizes.

Wellness Walk: Get 3,000 Steps and Some Fresh Air!

February 16, 2017

The Wellness Committee’s Mental Health Subcommittee has arranged two wellness walks as part of the Get Movin’ Challenge. Those who are involved in the Get Movin’ Challenge ae trying to log 7,000 steps per day, through a variety of activities, although you don’t have to be signed up for the Challenge to come out.

The wellness walks will be great opportunities to log some steps, while getting fresh air and connecting with friends and colleagues. Students, staff, and faculty are welcome. There is no need to register.


The Plan

We’ll be meeting at noon. Everyone is welcome (students, staff, and faculty). After a short teaching on mindful walking, we’ll head out together for a 30 minute walk, logging roughly 3000 steps. Mindful walking is not a fancy or complex idea; it’s simply the practice of being aware of your experience as you walk.

After the walk, we’ll gather together, enjoying some fair trade tea and hot chocolate, courtesy of the Wellness Committee.


Why a Wellness Walk?

We know that being active is great for our physical and mental health. Outdoor, mindful walking with friends leads to many health benefits, including better mental clarity, a boost in positive emotions, and improved self-esteem. Taking a break from studying or sitting at your desk, getting out for movement, sunlight and fresh air will actually make you more productive over the course of the day. So, come out and join us!

When & Where


Date: February 28th

Meeting Location: The Cave Lounge

Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm


Date: February 27th

Meeting Location: Roblin Centre Cafeteria

Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm

*We’d like to send a special thanks to Dayna Graham and Debbie Donato for their help in coordinating the EDC walk.

Week 1 Get Movin Prize Winner

February 8, 2017

Congrats to our Week 1 Get Movin Prize Winners!: Pat Wherrett and Kristen Dohan!

Kristen writes:

I’m a nursing student at the college and if it’s one thing I’ve learnt, you have to keep physically and time  (which is tough to do with and time busy nursing schedule) so what my boyfriend  and I since starting this challenge together do is a sequence of exercises after to supper to help us digest our food. We do 3min of running in a spot ten jumping Jack’s and 200 abdominal reps of various exercises. It’s a fun thing we do together to try and stay physically active during our busy school schedules.

 Thanks for helping us get active!!!



While Pat shares a picture of her working hard on the elliptical alongside a furry friend!

Thanks to the RRC Bookstore and Great West Life for donating these weeks prize packs! Thanks to Pat and Kristen for sharing their Get Movin Challenge pics. We encourage participants to share theirs as well to enter for more great prizes!

Click Here for more information on the Get Movin Challenge


RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.