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Yoga your way to a healthy mind and body

March 9, 2015


Sam Chisick is the director of Yoga Public and a yoga instructor. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with an honours B.Sc. in Human Nutritional Sciences.

If you’ve never done yoga, Sam Chisick may just convince you to give it a try.

The director of Yoga Public not only runs the studio but is passionate about teaching classes and practicing yoga herself. She also happens to have a background in nutrition. So basically, if you want to know about health, Sam is a pretty solid bet.

She can also relate to being a student since she was one herself not that long ago.

“I first started going to yoga daily to get away from the stress of school. It made me feel so good..I never stopped!” says Sam. “Eventually, I ended up starting to teach yoga and then helped to open a yoga studio.”

So what’s so good about regularly standing in tree pose or bending over in downward dog? Sam says there are too many benefits to list them all but the most important physical and psychological benefits include:


  • better mood
  • greater attention span
  • improved concentration and memory
  • decreased anxiety, depression and stress


  • muscular strength
  • flexibility
  • decreased pain
  • increased energy levels and endurance
  • normalized blood pressure

She says many people will also gain greater self-acceptance and awareness from practicing yoga. This can be especially beneficial for people with depression who may at times feel disconnected from themselves and others.

“Sometimes its just a matter of taking time for yourself, working with your breath and clearing your mind through silence and movement,” says Sam. “As you re-enter the world after class, you’ll feel more clear, aware and comfortable. I’ve experienced an increase in self-acceptance through yoga first-hand.”

Another great thing about yoga? Anyone can do it.

“There is a suitable class for every type of person — regardless of your age, gender or ability level,” says Sam. “Some classes use yoga as a workout and other classes help you increase flexibility by stretching and then there’s classes that just help you relax and let go. It’s just a matter of finding the class that works for you.”

What benefits have you experienced from doing yoga? Tell us below!

Focus and Distraction

February 27, 2015

By Mario De Negri

Fitness Coordinator, Rebels Athletics and Recreation Services

It’s come to that time of year where most of us have not only given up on our New Years resolutions but more importantly just recalled we had some. What’s so fascinating about this is that now that we have brought it back to the forefront of our thoughts, most, and I’m saying close to all of us will still not do anything about it.

So I ask what is it that would stop me from implementing an action towards that resolution I had. I would like to think its distraction. When I am focused and I know what I want I usually do what is necessary to get it.

For example the fact I haven’t eaten anything for breakfast today, and not really a lunch that when I get home I all I can do is focus on a way to eat or better yet the urgency to have to go to the bathroom keeps me pretty focused.stock-photo-the-word-focus-with-blurred-words-in-background-isolated-on-white-as-concept-for-business-ideas-137038271

I think distraction is the cause of non focus. Next time you have to go to the bathroom really bad try to get angry at something in your life that at other times makes you really angry and try to hold off on going to the bathroom. What will happen is that you might start to get the rise of anger but shortly following is the call of nature. So you can persist and keep focusing on getting angry but just around the corner is the sound of the tap being turned on. Eventually you will give in and accept and in that moment your focus won’t be of anger but of relief.

So does this work when not being forced? Try this; Start to pay attention to yourself. Watch to see how you react to things. You see something and it’s making you angry. That anger has taken over your whole body. Stop! Look at the anger. Say to yourself “I choose not to be angry” over and over and over again until one, you’ll say to yourself how stupid this is and that it doesn’t work which will keep enforcing the anger or two, you treat this mantra like the urgency of having to use the loo and you will experience change.

Anger cannot exist if the focus is on not being anger. Just as darkness cannot exist when light is focused on it. If we agree that focus will only exists if there is no distraction then we must continue to keep watching to see if we stay on track to what we want. When distractions arise like I have no time, it’s too late, I don’t know how to do it or whatever the distraction is you accept to yourself we must stop, see it for what it is, and go back to focus.

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Consider Mental Health First Aid

February 23, 2015


Tessa Blaikie has her bachelors degree in sociology from the University of Winnipeg and a masters degree in Political Economy from Carleton University. She is a youth mental health promotion worker at the Canadian Mental Health Association Winnipeg and was Winnipeg’s official champion of the Clara Hughes events in Winnipeg during Clara’s Big Ride for Bell Let’s Talk.

Many of you probably took first aid or CPR training through school, summer camp or work, so you know what to do if someone sprains their ankle, starts choking or experiencing chest pains. But what if you came across someone having a mental health crisis? Would you know what to do?

Why Mental Health First Aid?

Unlike physical injuries, mental health issues aren’t always obvious, which can mean they get overlooked. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches us how to recognize when others are struggling with a mental health problem and equips us with tools and information so we can help. At the same time, MHFA also helps reduce mental health stigma as accurate information is shared about people with mental health issues including risk factors, symptoms and more.

MHFA is important because mental health issues are so prevalent in our society. One in three Canadians will experience a mental health problem at some point in their life. Professional help is not always on hand so even if we want to help someone in crisis, we may not know how. MHFA teaches us how.

Helping a friend

Here’s an example of how MHFA training can be useful. You notice one of your friends has been irritable lately. Then they confide in you that they’ve been drinking a lot of coffee to stay up and study and then drinking alcohol to fall asleep. From your MHFA training, you recognize that what they’re doing is not safe or sustainable. You’re training has also taught you how best to approach them with your concerns and make suggestions for how they might go about changing their behaviour. You talk to them about the different stages of change that you learned about through MHFA and direct them to the right resources.

This is the kind of aid MHFA will teach you how to provide until appropriate professional connections are made for the person in crisis or until the crisis resolved. MHFA will also give you the knowledge and skills to be able to assess the person’s safety to determine if he/she is at risk for suicide.

In this example, your friend may want to connect with a counsellor in Counselling and Accessibility Services to get help with gradually slowing down their caffeine and alcohol consumption. Or they may want to take a study skills workshop to learn how to better manage their school workload and stress.

Want more information?

If you think you might be interested in taking MHFA training or just want to learn more, visit the Canadian Mental Health Association Winnipeg for upcoming courses including basic MHFA and MHFA for adults who interact with youth. Check out for MHFA courses offered by other organizations throughout Canada.

Measles Virus-Working to eradicate a preventable disease

February 4, 2015

We have not yet reached our World Health Organization goal to be measles free and with measles outbreaks being in the news, below are a few important points to remember.

The illness begins with the following, which lasts for 2 to 4 days: high fever, cough, runny nose, loss of appetite, and sore red eyes (conjunctivitis or “pink eye”) .The virus can live in your nose, mouth, eyes and on your skin. It is highly contagious, meaning it spreads very easily. The measles virus spreads:                                                                                         ■through direct contact                                                                                                               ■through the air—such as when an infected person coughs or sneezes                               ■on objects that were recently exposed to infected mucus or saliva—such as shared utensils, cups and tissues

Key points to remember about measles

  • measles is a potentially serious disease caused by a virus
  • measles can be prevented with vaccine
  • it’s very infectious – measles spreads very easily and quickly from one person to another
  • it usually takes 10 – 12 days from contact with someone with measles to the first symptom
  • babies,  children and young adults along with those who may be immuno-compromised are at risk for serious complications.
  • if your child has measles, keep your child resting at home until they are well again
  • isolate the ill person and do not allow visitors as much as possible
  • your health provider will advise you about the safest time for your child to return to school or childcare
  • children and adults with measles often develop complications like pneumonia, deafness or swelling of the brain
  • immunization is the only way to prevent measles. Adult or child, we need two (2) doses of the MMR vaccine. (measles, mumps, rubella)

A contact is defined as any individual who has:

  • spent any length of time in a room or enclosed space with a confirmed measles case during that case’s infectious period (i.e. approximately 4 days before rash onset to 4 days after rash onset);or
  • spent time in a room previously occupied by a measles case, during that case’s infectious period, within 2 hours after that individual left the room/space

If you or someone at home becomes ill, contact Health Links at (204) 788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257, or your health provider as some may require hospitalization.It you think you have or have been exposed to measles, because it is highly contagious, call before going to any clinic.

If you have measles. There is no cure, so symptom control such as pain relievers (never give aspirin to a child), eating well and drinking lots of fluids, along with staying home at least 4 days after the rash appears and isolating yourself is the best plan. Call your health provider if you have any concerns.

From Health Services

Health Care Spending Account & Claim Submission Requirements

January 27, 2015

Upcoming Submission Deadline!

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to submit your 2014 claims to your Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) by March 31, 2015.

2014 claims must be received by Great-West Life prior to March 31st, 2015 to be claimed against your 2014 HCSA dollars. Any unused 2014 benefit dollars remaining after this period will be forfeited.

The HCSA can be used to cover a range of benefits not normally covered under other types of group benefits plans or by provincial medical plans.

What are covered expenses?

You are covered for 100% of eligible expenses that you incur while you and your dependents are covered, up to the total amount of dollars in your HCSA.Care for Cash

The Income Tax Act governs the types of expenses that can be reimbursed under the HCSA. This includes medical or dental services provided by a:

  • Licensed medical practitioner;
  • Dentist; or
  • Public or licensed private hospital.

Please visit and search on medical expenses for a complete list.

On January 1st, 2015 your HCSA refreshed based on the Flex Option you have chosen and part-time/full-time status where applicable. Please visit to review your claims history and obtain your HCSA statement including balance.

Under the HCSA, you can carry forward claims up to 12 months from the date of service. This means if you had more 2014 expenses than you had 2014 HCS A dollars, you can carry forward those claims for reimbursement against your 2015 HCSA balance.

Supporting Your Wellnessshutterstock_173113409

The LifeWorks website contains useful tools and articles to help you and your family prepare for winter. You even have access to seminars at

This month the recommended seminar is ‘Bouncing Back: How to Stay Resilient During Life’s Challenges’. Build resilience, overcome obstacles and achieve your New Year’s goals!


Did You Know?

Through the Voluntary STRATA Select Program, you are eligible for discounts on new security systems or monitoring of existing systems through AAA Alarms?    AAA Alarms has three incentives Oct -Questiondepending on customer needs. Check it out!

  • Save 15% off all equipment with the first 3 months of Basic Monitoring.*
  • Get an upgraded system and a $50 credit on your account just for signing up.*
  • Eligible for current market promotions when you sign up!

*based on a 3 year contract

Log on to your STRATA Select website for more information.

Login: rrc              Password: voluntary

How to build resiliency

January 26, 2015

coping 3

Some people are simply more resilient than others. Whether it’s genetics or something they learned growing up, we all know of someone who takes challenges in strides, shrugs off disappointment and perseveres in the face of stress.

If you happen to be someone who is less resilient (you find yourself dwelling on problems, feeling overwhelmed or having trouble coping with stress) — know that you’re not alone. Also know that there’s good news! There are many things you can do to build your resiliency. It may take time but eventually, you can feel confident in your strengths and abilities, manage your emotions and handle stressful situations in healthy ways.

Here are our top 10 tips for building resiliency:

1. Think of stressful situations as temporary. You can’t change the fact that highly stressful events happen, but you can change how you perceive these events and the way you respond to them. Try to picture several weeks or months into the future when the stressful event or crisis has passed. Are things really that bad? In most cases, probably not.

2. Accept that change is a part of living. Things change around and within us all the time. Try to accept change will happen and focus on the ways the new circumstances could be positive.

3. Identify realistic goals. Set regular goals — even if they seem like small accomplishments. This will give you motivation to work toward bigger goals. To do this, ask yourself each day what you can accomplish today that will help you move in the general direction of where you want to go.

4. Take action. If a stressful or adverse situation occurs, don’t isolate yourself or detach from the problem and hope it goes away. Think about what you can do to make the situation better and the effective action you can take as soon as possible.

5. Learn from experience. There is potential for us to learn from every experience we go through — positive and negative. When going through a difficult time, think of how you’ve coped with hardships in the past. Try writing down what happened and how you solved a the situation. This exercise can help you identify what skills and strategies were helpful and that you should use again.

6. Keep things in perspective. Even when facing very stressful events, try to consider the stressful situation in a broader context and keep a long-term perspective. Avoid blowing the event out of proportion by reminding yourself that it will pass. Ask yourself, “Will this matter a few months or a year from now?”

7. Make every day meaningful. Do something each day that gives you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Try setting goals in the morning right after breakfast. Doing so can help you feel motivated and productive — a great feeling at the beginning of a new day!

8. Be proactive. Don’t ignore your problems. As hard as it can be to do, addressing situations head on will help you feel much better in the end. Know that whatever the setback or difficult situation is, it will improve if you create a plan and start taking action.

9. Make social connections. Whenever you’re dealing with a problem, it is important to have people who can offer support. Talking about the challenges you are facing can be an excellent way to gain perspective, look for new solutions, express your emotions and problem solve.

10. Take care of yourself. No matter what you’re going through, it’s important to have love and respect for yourself. If you’ve made a mistake or done something wrong, don’t beat yourself up. Try and think about your past successes or situations where you’ve done the right thing. You may want to try some stress management and relaxation techniques such as a yoga or meditation class or deep breathing. At least make sure that you’re eating regular meals and getting enough sleep.

What has helped you become more resilient? Share your tips in the comment section below!


January 15, 2015

Rebels Athletics and Recreation Services along with the Student Association are hosting three Intramural Special Events this year in a variety of sports. This is great way to meet new people, relieve stress and be active! All events cost $10.00 each, so this is an affordable way to get exercise and participate in some fun sports! Each event is open to all RRC staff and students. Door prizes and a player’s lounge are a part of every event.

To participate, print the 2015 Winter Intramurals Registration Form and take it to either The OX on Notre Dame Campus or The Mercantile in the Exchange Campus to register. Deadline to register for each event is the Wednesday prior to.

birdie copySaturday January 24- Rebels Badminton Classic
Location: North Gym
Time: 8am-4pm
Cost: $10 per person. Can enter as many categories as you wish
Categories: Men’s and Women’s Singles and Doubles and Mixed Doubles

Saturday February 7th-Rebels Floor Hockey
Location: North and South Gyms
Time: 8am-4pm
Cost: $10 per person
Categories: Register as a team or a Free Agent. 5 players to a team including goalie.

Saturday March 21st- March Madness 3vs3 Basketball
Location: North
Time: 8am-4pm
Cost: $10 per person
Categories: Register as a team or a Free Agent. Men’s and Women’s Divisions. Max 5 players per team, 3 on the court at one time.

For further information please contact Athletics and Recreation Coordinator Cole Skinner at 632-2397 or

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Strategies for combatting anger

January 12, 2015


Last week we posted some tips on handling feelings of anger. Along with those immediate coping mechanisms, it’s also worthwhile to consider some longer-term solutions for managing anger.

Here are some things you might want to try if you’ve been feeling a lot of intense anger.

  • Explore what is making you angry. Is it something you have control over or not? If your anger is related to school, keep in mind that we all have different academic abilities, but are there are things that can help you reach your goals. Connecting with Tutoring Services, talking with your instructor, developing good time management or maybe even reducing your course load may help.
  • Learn your triggers. What tends to set off your anger? Do you find you are quick to anger when you are feeling time pressured, when you feel like things are unfair, when you don’t understand something, when you hear about situations of injustice or when you are feeling guilty or shameful about something. Knowing what might trigger your anger will help you prepare for it.
  • Learn your warning signs. This could include a racing heart, clenching your jaw or just feeling tense. Whatever your warning signs are, try to identify what it is you feel right before your anger comes on so you can learn to manage your anger before it escalates out of control.
  • Have an anger management plan. Come up with a clear plan you can put into action if your anger starts to escalate. Your plan might be as simple as 3 steps – step 1 leave the situation, step 2 take 10 deep breaths and step 3 think about something else. Other parts of your plan may involve things such as relaxation strategies to help you feel calmer or regular eating, sleeping and exercise. Let’s face it, we all cope better when we’ve moved our bodies around, eaten a good meal and had a good night’s sleep.

Chronic anger or irritability combined with other symptoms can be associated with other mental health conditions, like depression and anxiety. If you have any concerns that you might be struggling with one of these things, you may want to book an appointment with one of counsellors in Counselling and Accessibility Services.

Navigating the healing process

January 7, 2015

healing process

People’s experiences with grief don’t follow orderly or predictable stages. Each of us copes with loss in our unique way and our grieving changes over time.

Sometimes our “own way” of grieving doesn’t always work and we can find ourselves overwhelmed. There are things we can do to help us work through our grief when this happens.

  • Journaling
    Expressing our feelings to other people can be really hard, especially about something so personal as going through a loss. Writing about our feelings is much easier because it’s private. We don’t have to share what we write if we don’t want to.

Buy yourself a notebook that will fit in your purse or backpack. When you’re feeling some emotion bubbling up, get out your notebook and write whatever comes to mind — a letter, poem, words, random facts about the day. Many people are surprised at what comes out when they sit down to write and how therapeutic this exercise is.
  • Meditation
    Find yourself a quiet and comfortable place where you can be alone with your thoughts for about ten minutes. Sit quietly or listen to your favourite music. Let your mind go and see where it leads you. It’s OK to cry or feel emotional. You’re working through the grief.
  • Join a support group
    How many times have you wished you could talk to someone who would understand? Support groups are a great way to connect with people who can relate to what you’re going through. If you don’t want to commit to attending meetings, online support groups such as are also a good option.
  • Talking about it
    When you feel ready, open up to someone you trust. This may be your best friend, partner or classmate, or it may be a counsellor.

Allowing yourself time to grieve is very important for your overall mental health. If you want to talk to someone about what you’re going through, you can meet with one of the counsellors in Counselling and Accessibility Services. To book an appointment, complete the online intake form.

Traveling out of Country for the Holidays? See this info from the Minister of State

January 6, 2015

December 15, 2014 – As many Canadians escape the winter cold this holiday season to visit family and loved ones or to celebrate with their toes in the sand, it is important that Canadians understand what they need to do to ensure that their well-deserved vacation does not turn into a holiday disaster.

Canada’s team of dedicated consular officials assist thousands of Canadian travellers abroad each year. We provide consular assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through more than 260 points of service in 150 countries. However, there are some situations that not even a Christmas miracle can resolve. That is why Canadians need to prepare before they travel to ensure that their vacation goes off without a hitch. Here are some tips from me to you this holiday season:

  1. A Canadian Passport Is Not a “Get-Out-of-Jail-Free-Card” Canadians should recognize that they are subject to the local laws of the country they are travelling, which are often different from those in Canada. Canada cannot intervene in foreign judicial processes, just as we would not accept a foreign government intervening in ours. Canadians abroad are expected to adhere to local laws, just as they would in Canada. We keep Canadians up-to-date on country-specific advice and information which can be found at: Country travel advice and advisories.
  2. Say Yes to Travel Insurance Canadians are urged to always purchase travel and medical insurance before they leave Canada. In almost all circumstances, the Government of Canada—and the taxpayer—will not help pay for a ticket back to Canada or medical treatment. Don’t let unforeseen bills ruin your vacation and your wallet. For more information please visit: Travel insurance.
  3. Register With Us Canadians can register their travel plans with our team of consular officials for free either online or through our mobile app. The purpose of registering is solely to ensure that if there is an emergency in the area you are travelling in, such as a natural disaster or civil unrest, we can reach you quickly and provide you with guidance and assistance. This quick registration will take you two minutes but will provide us with invaluable information to help assist you when you need it most. For more information on our Registration for Canadians Abroad, please visit: Registration of Canadians Abroad.
  4. Know How to Reach Us Canadian consular officials can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through our call collect number (613) 996-8885 or by email We staff this line with live officials at all times. Call us immediately if you are in trouble.
  5. We Love to Help—But We Cannot Supply You with Maple Syrup Yes—Canadians have asked us to supply them with an emergency supply of maple syrup and have even asked us to arrange for a chauffeur for their pet poodle through the airport during their holiday travel. As much as we love a good Canadian breakfast staple and are pet lovers ourselves, unfortunately Canadians have an unrealistic expectation of what we are here to help them with. For a list of what consular officials can and cannot do, please visit: Consular Services: general.

Finally, from my family to yours, I would like to personally wish you warm wishes this holiday season and safe travels wherever it may take you.

Lynne Yelich Minister of State (Foreign Affairs and Consular)

Remember to check with a travel clinic to ensure all immunizations are up to date. Some countries may ask about your immunization status. Keep track of your immunizations by downloading this app. It includes any health alerts.

Courtesy of Health Services

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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