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Walk like a Penguin to prevent falls on ice

January 6, 2015

Did you know that in 2014 we had 8 “Slips and Falls” at RRC?

boy and penguin on iceNot all of those were ice related, but, whether you are at an RRC Campus, or anywhere else, here are a few tips to prevent Slips and Falls on ice.

1. Walk slowly and carefully when you walk across the parking lot to your building
2. Take short, deliberate steps in which the mid-foot strikes the ground first, not the heel
3. Change direction carefully when walking on slippery surfaces
4. Be aware that black ice can look like wet pavement
5. Be cautious of new snow that may be covering icy patches
6. Ensure your footwear has good tread and is appropriate for cold or wet snow
7. Keep your hands free for balance
8. Don’t carry loads where you can’t see where you are walking
9. Watch where you are walking, don’t text and walk at the same time
10. Avoid climbing over snow banks, look for an alternate route to walk
11. Be careful when getting in or out of your vehicle, look for icy patches where you park, face the vehicle, use it for support
12. Use hand rails when available
13. Wipe / shake off snow from your shoes on the mats when you enter the building to avoid getting the floors wet
14. Be aware that stairs and floors may be wet so use caution

Our Grounds staff does a great job in keeping the parking lot and walkways cleared of snow at NDC, but, we live in a difficult climate, and weather conditions do not always make things easy for them. We need to take precautions where ever we go whether at work or somewhere else.

Do not become a statistic this winter. Avoid those Slips and Falls.

If you have any concerns, contact

The Ways of Gratitude

January 5, 2015

By Mario De Negri, Fitness Coordinator for Athletics and Recreation Services


I’d like to take a few blogs and talk about ways to achieve gratitude. If you were at the “Say YES to Everything” talk we spoke briefly about how this applies to the work of acceptance. Gratitude is a very selfless state. Different actions can be ways to gratitude but we are ultimately looking to be living the state. When we exercise these actions they strengthen us to see things that we might not be seeing given we’ve choose to block them or not be aware of them. These actions when practiced on a regular basis start to become the new “normal” and within this state we see things the way they are and that becomes more frequent.  

Seeing things for the way they are makes it feel difficult to be grateful. How can I be grateful when my girlfriend dumps me, or when my friend doesn’t seem to have to work as hard as me to make more money? All of this can be true only if we resist seeing the real picture. I’m not saying these things don’t make happy feelings but what I’m saying is that with practice of gratitude when these things happen we are better equipped to manage these feelings.

Avoiding comparison is a tough one because we are programmed to want to keep up with the Jones’s. That if we don’t happen to have what others have then we are somehow less worthy of receiving. This is very dangerous as this thought process is the very reason we are not receiving abundance. Being able to not compare ourselves leaves us open to focus on the things we do have. This will lead us to more gratitude. I know I want the car with heated seats but if my suffering is coming from a place because someone else has what I want then I am the one who suffers not them. Instead being grateful I own a car at all, or even that I am lucky to know someone who can have a car with heated seats invites more happiness and lets the world unfold for me without my resisting or trying. So by comparing ourselves to others only limits us from our true greatness. When we can accept ourselves for who and where we are then the gates of gratitude will open.

Appreciation is also another action to achieve gratitude. When we appreciate the space we are in presently then we invite more joy into our lives. If we harbour resentment to our situation it will continue us on a path of suffering. It is easy to reject the cold winter, to spend a whole season living for the spring to come without any appreciation for the now. It takes discipline to find appreciation for where we are at. I appreciate the winter as it gives me more cuddle time with my friends and loved ones. I appreciate that the trees can be at such ease, almost unaffected by the cold. I appreciate I can walk freely in the sun without fear of my personal safety or how quiet and calm the winter can be. There are many opportunities to feel appreciation but we must discipline ourselves to the reality of life.

Another thing we can do for gratitude is care for my body. This again is an easy one to neglect as we take it for granted. We expect it to walk and move and breath and heal for us but we so seldom give anything back. We must look at our body as a relationship much like another person and treat it with the same love we want to receive from others. We cannot be in happy relationships if we never do our part to create a feeling of being grateful. We tend to be the worse towards ourselves over everything else. So taking some time to care for my body, with some gentle loving, stretching, and moving, feeding it well will lead to gratitude. When we care for our bodies it will care for us. This is the universal principal to happiness when it becomes a cycle state of constant giving and receiving. We must first be willing to give and be willing to receive.

Try out some of these and just keep them in mind, or write them down on post notes to thank-youleave on a mirror or stove. Do not judge yourself if you forget or move into a state of ungrateful. Just watch it and when you see it gently make the change. Play with it and leave it everywhere so you are consistently reminded of why you can be grateful.




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Stay Healthy This Holiday Season!

December 22, 2014

Reduce Your Stress This Holiday Season[1]

The holiday season often brings an unusual amount of demands – parties, shopping, baking, entertaining – which can contribute to a high stress level.

Try following some of these tips to help minimize the stress that accompanies the holidays.

  1. Be Realistic: The holidays don’t have to be perfect. Traditions often change or grow, so choose a few to hold on to and be open to creating new ones.
  2. Remember, it’s the thought that counts: Decide how much money you can afford to spend before you go gift and food shopping. Don’t try to buy happiness, try these alternatives:
    • Donate to a charity on behalf of someone
    • Give a homemade gift
    • Start a family gift exchange, instead of buying gifts for every family member
  3. Learn to say no: Friends and colleagues will understand if you can’t participate in every project or activity. Saying yes when you should say no can leave you feeling overwhelmed.June 2 - Mental Workout 3
  4. Take short relaxation breaks: Make time for yourself. Spending just 15 minutes alone, without any distractions, may refresh you enough to handle everything you need to. Some activities that may help you reduce stress are:
    • Taking a walk at night and stargazing
    • Getting a massage
    • Reading a book
  5. Spend time outdoors[2]: Sunlight stimulates the production of feel-good serotonin. Spend time outdoors or near a window on sunny days.
  6. Go tech-free: Continuous cell phone buzzes and e-mail alerts keep you in a perpetual fight-or-flight mode due to adrenaline. This can be exhausting and can also contribute to mounting stress levels. Enjoy spending time with your family and friends without the worry.

Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating[3]

  1. Be realistic: Don’t try to lose pounds during the holidays, instead try to maintain your current weight.
  2. Plan time for exercise: A moderate and daily increase in exercise can help to prevent weight gain and relieve holiday stress.Feb - healthy heart 3
  3. Don’t skip meals: Before leaving for a party, eat a light snack and you will be less tempted to over-indulge.
  4. Survey the food: Choose your favorite foods and skip others, including vegetables and fruits to keep your plate balanced.
  5. Be careful with beverages: Alcohol can lessen inhibitions and induce overeating.
  6. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed: If you overeat at one meal go light on the next. It takes 500 calories per day above your normal/maintenance consumption to gain one pound. It is impossible to gain weight from just one piece of pie.
  7. Bring your own healthy dish to a holiday gathering.
  8. Practice Healthy Holiday Cooking:
    • Gravy – Refrigerate the gravy and skim the hardened fat off to save 56grams of fat per cup!
    • Turkey – Enjoy roasted turkey breast without the skin and save 11 grams of saturated fat per 3 oz serving.
    • Desserts – Make a crustless pie, or substitute two egg whites for one whole egg in baked recipes.

Flex Re-enrolment Reminder!

The benefits that you selected during the recent flex plan re-enrolment will be effective January 1, 2015.

Are you planning a trip this winter?

You have access to Individual Health Dental Travel Insurance plan assistance through STRATA Select.Oct -Question

  • Annual Multi-Trip plans
  • Top-Up plans for existing coverage
  • Single Trip plans for a quick getaway
  • Specialty Products for Baggage Loss, Trip Cancellation

Log on to your STRATA Select website for more information.

Login: rrc              Password: voluntary


[1] 25 Ways to Fight Holiday Stress. Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen. Health Magazine.,,20306655,00.html. 2014.

[2] Stress, depression and the holidays: Tips for coping. Mayo Clinic Staff. Mayo Clinic. October 3, 2014.

[3] Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating. Greta Macaire, R.D. Sutter Health CPMC. 2014.


2015 Winter Fitness Classes

December 19, 2014

Red River College Athletics and Recreation Services offers Group Fitness Programs suited to all interests and fitness levels. Our highly trained and enthusiastic instructors will lead you through a fun and challenging workout suited to you.

Registered Programs For 2015 Winter Term

boot campBoot Camps with Cameron on Mondays from 11:05am to 11:50am

Yoga with Amanda on Mondays from 4:15pm to 5:15pm and Thursdays from 4:15pm to 5:15pm

Rapid Revolution Spin with Lesley on Tuesdays from 11:05am to 11:50am.

Dynamic Core with Lesley on Tuesdays from 12:05pm to 12:50pm and Thursdays from 12:05pm to 12:50pm.

Zumba with Melissa on Wednesdays from 11:05am to 11:50am

Back Care with Andrea on Wednesdays from 4:00pm to 4:45pm yoga

20/20 Stack Training with Lesley on Thursdays from 11:05pm to 11:50pm

Cardio Fusion with Ming on Fridays from 11:05 to 11:50

Soccer Boot Camp with Jordan on Fridays from 12:05 to 12:50

Regular classes will start January 19th and run until March 30th.

A “Free Week” of Classes will occur starting Monday January 12th. Classes will be held in their normal time slots and locations. A great way to try a new and different class before signing up!

Drop in cards for 5 or 10 classes per term can also be purchased. An unlimited Full Fitness Pass can also be purchased, allowing to attend as many classes as you want.


Registration Starts on Monday January 5th. To register for a class download the attached form, fill it out and take it to the Student Service Centre to make a payment. 2015 Winter Fitness Classes Registration Form

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A festive couscous dish for the holidays

December 11, 2014

Recipe-Box_Chickpea-Cranberry-Couscous-Salad_141204_02-725x483Enjoy the fun of trying new dishes and tastes for the holidays. Try it and share with friends or friends to be!

This dish is festive and nutritious using whole wheat couscous, chickpeas, flax seeds, canola oil, and garden vegetables. Being an excellent source of vitamins and iron it can be served as a meal on its own. Enjoy!”

From Health Services


Chickpea & Cranberry Couscous Salad


1 ¼ C chicken stock

1 C dried whole wheat couscous

¼ tsp each of turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, salt & pepper, cayenne

1 C dried cranberries, 1 medium diced zucchini, carrot, red/green/yellow peppers

3 chopped green onions

2 C cooked chickpeas

1 tsp roasted flax seeds

¼ C each of lemon juice & canola oil

Zest of whole lemon


Combine stock and spices, bring to a boil. Stir in couscous, remove from heat, cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Transfer to large bowl and let cool to room temperature. Break up any couscous lumps with fingers and add the cranberries and chickpeas. Sauté zucchini and carrots in 1 T canola oil for 4 minutes on high, then add to couscous, cranberries, and chickpeas. Add green onions and flax seeds. Optional: chop in bell peppers for colour (I sometimes add chopped black olives and cherry tomatoes). Add lemon zest and juice with canola oil. Refrigerate for at least one hour. Garnish with fresh parsley

Kieran Moolchan’s mental health story

December 10, 2014

Photo credit: Nolan Bicknell

Photo credit: Nolan Bicknell

Red River College student Kieran Moolchan is open and honest about his mental health struggles. In fact, he bravely told the whole world about his experiences with depression and contemplating suicide on his blog.

“I wanted to help breakdown stigma but I was also reaching out for help,” said Kieran. “I poured my heart out and with one click — I told everyone what was really going on with me.”

The beginning of a long-road

After going public on the Internet with his struggles in August, Kieran received an outpouring of support from friends, acquaintances, college instructors and even people he’d never met. At that time, he decided to seek help from a psychologist and began taking anti-depressants for depression.

Over the next few months, Kieran experienced many ups and downs. Eventually, he was diagnosed with bipolar II disorder — a condition that involves feeling ‘up’ for several weeks at a time and then crashing and feeling extremely low.

In January, Kieran began having suicidal thoughts again and turned to his blog to express how he was feeling. He wrote about how close he had come yet again to taking his own life and about the stigma people with mental illnesses face — a blog post that would receive more than 100,000 views.

Getting help

About a month later, Kieran spent some time at the Mental Health Crisis Response Centre at the Health Sciences Centre. It was there that it began to sink in that his mental illness was not his fault.

“I finally accepted that I wasn’t a personal failure for feeling the way I did,” said Kieran. “It sunk in that I don’t have control over the chemicals in my body. I also learned that the best thing I can do is come up with plans and that I need to rely on other people to help me make and stick to those plans.”

One day at a time

It’s been several months since Kieran’s visit to the Mental Health Crisis Response Centre and he is making and sticking to his plans. He’s also involving friends to help him stay accountable.

“If I want to go for a run, I’ll phone someone to go with me. If I feel like playing video games for an hour, I’ll text someone to see if they want to join me online. It doesn’t really matter what it is that I’m doing, as long as I commit to it, I’ll feel a sense of accomplishment, which helps with my mood and maintaining a positive outlook.”

And blogging?

He’s still at it — check out his latest posts at

Beating stress

December 8, 2014


Lauren MacLean is president of the Red River College Students’ Association. She is completing her second year of Business Administration with an accounting major. After receiving her RRC diploma she plans to continue her studies towards a Commerce degree. 

School is enough to stress anyone out, particularly at a fast-paced applied institution like Red River College.

In my program, Business Administration, we take six classes at a time. So when I decided to run to be the VP External of the Red River College Students’ Association (RRCSA) in February of my first year, it wasn’t an easy decision. I knew things were going to be intense and I wasn’t sure if I could do it, so I turned to my personal supports for advice.

I asked my parents, grandparents, sister, teachers, the VP External at the time and my friends what they thought. I received contrasting advice at times, everything from that they thought I would be fabulous at the job to others saying it was too much for me and that I would likely quit early.

In the end, I decided to go for it. After receiving the great news that I was voted in, I extended my program and delayed my graduation by one year so I could work with the RRCSA. I was so nervous and scared that going into my first term I was half-expecting my marks to tank and to have to resign. I figured I would be overwhelmed with responsibilities that I would collapse into a teary mess.

Then, on May 1, 2013 when it actually came time for me to step into the role, I was soaring! Each day got better and better as I launched projects with my team and flew around the country representing the RRCSA at conferences. It was like a light came on and I immediately understood what it meant to be driven, want to give back and thrive under pressure.

Then school hit, and man the pressure on! I went from having time to work on things, to having lightning-fast deadlines. Right before winter break hit was the most difficult time as I was attempting to tie up what felt like hundreds of loose ends before everyone left. December was the worst month I’d had in a long time.

But the funny thing is, I never once considered quitting. It’s like that option didn’t exist. I simply didn’t want or need an exit, no matter how hard things got. Through the all-nighters, massive projects and tight deadlines, I was still having fun! My support network was growing and soon my stress level became more manageable, which gave me the confidence to continue on.

This experience is what gave me the strength to run for President this year. Believe me, this position is a whole other beast, but every day I’m reminded of how many amazing people work and go to school at RRC. There’s simply no challenge I wouldn’t take on for these people, especially because I know I’m not in this alone. When the going gets tough, I’m not afraid or ashamed to turn to my support network to help get me through.

Exam and Holiday Operating Hours

December 5, 2014

North Gym and Loft hours for exams and holidays

From December 12 to the 19th the North Gym and Loft will operate under reduced hours due to exams

Exam hours Read More →

Test anxiety and exam accommodations

November 24, 2014

Test anxiety

Many students find studying and writing exams very stressful. So you’re certainly are not alone if that’s you.

In fact, it’s very normal to feel anxiety about only having a certain amount of time to answer a bunch of tough questions — who wouldn’t!

Depending on your situation, you may be able to get extra time to write exams as well as other accommodations through Exam Services. For example, if you have a diagnosed disability or you experience significant test anxiety then you could be eligible. The first step to finding out if you’re eligible is to schedule an appointment with a counsellor by filling out the online intake form.

If you’re approved for exam accommodations, the next step is to speak with someone in exam accommodations to schedule your exam(s). This must be done at least seven days before your exam.

If you find out you don’t meet the eligibility for exam accommodations, there are still things you can do to help reduce your stress levels around exams. Here are just a few of them:

  • deep breathing
  • positive thinking
  • taking a study-break to listen to music
  • going to bed early the night before an exam
  • eating regular meals (even if you don’t feel like eating, make sure to get some food in your system before writing a test or exam).

Want more tips? Check out this article on overcoming test anxiety.

Are You Prepared for Winter?

November 20, 2014

Winter Tire Financing Program:[1]

Winter roads can be slippery, even if you are driving safely. MPI offers a low-interest financing program to help you put winter tires on your vehicle.

The Winter Tire Program provides financing to eligible Manitobans at a low interest rate for up to $2,000 per vehicle. The financing can be used for the purchase of qualifying winter tires and associated costs from participating retailers.

Eligibility Requirements for the Winter Tire Program:

  • You must be an individual (not corporate) Manitoba Public Insurance customer
  • You must purchase qualifying winter tires for a passenger vehicle or light truck (gross vehicle weight 4,541 kg) registered in your name
  • You must have no financing restrictions or outstanding arrears on your Manitoba Public Insurance account

MPI_snowflakeTo check your eligibility, use the Manitoba Public Insurance eligibility confirmation tool.

Eligible tires will display this symbol, and must appear on the list of eligible tires.

Financing can be applied to the purchase of eligible winter tires, and may also be applied to associated costs including:

  • rimsshutterstock_43229098
  • Tire Pressure Monitoring System
  • addition of studs to tires (some limitations apply)
  • mounting and balancing storage costs (if paid during initial purchase)
  • switchover costs (if paid during initial purchase)
  • wheel alignment
  • nitrogen fill
  • valve stems
  • shop supplies
  • applicable taxes and fees

How do I start the process? Read More →

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›