Academic Programs

Graduate from RRC Polytech with a certificate, diploma, advanced diploma or degree. Most of our programs take two years or less to complete, allowing you to get a quick start on your career.

RRC Polytech Credentials

These are the credentials available for international students.


Typically 1 year

Certificates are programs designed to provide skills training and education leading to entry-level employment in a particular occupation. Certificate program learning outcomes are typically found at the basic knowledge and application level. These programs usually correspond to one year of study.


Typically 2 years

Diplomas are programs designed to provide comprehensive and advanced skills training and education leading to entry-level employment in a particular occupation. Training and education will lead to the achievement of a higher level of learning and proficiency than a certificate. Diploma programs typically correspond to two years of study. Programs with an extended practicum or a cooperative education component will require additional time for completion.

Advanced Diploma

Typically 1 to 2 years

Advanced diplomas or post-baccalaureate diplomas are programs of study that are open to those who have graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution diploma or baccalaureate degree program. These programs are intended to provide specialized industry-related education and skills training to enhance previously earned credentials.


Typically 4 years

Degrees are programs designed to provide advanced skills and knowledge at the baccalaureate level. In addition to the applied learning focus that is the hallmark of all RRC Polytech programs, degrees add higher level critical thinking, inquiry and problem-solving skills as well as significant depth to the learning experience at a higher level than the diploma. RRC Polytech degree programs emphasize applied coursework and active learning.

What programs are available to international students?

We have over 50 academic programs available to international students.


What programs are available to immigrant students?

All programs in the RRC Polytech catalogue are available to immigrant students.


Scholarships and Awards

A SCHOLARSHIP is given to a recipient primarily based upon academic achievement

An AWARD involves multiple criteria such as academic achievement and school or community involvement

There are hundreds of scholarships and awards available for international students every year. Some are available to all students (except students from the Intensive English for International Students), others are available for a specific area of study or academic program.

Once enrolled in one of our academic programs, you are eligible to apply for a scholarship/award.


Click on General Awards to see the scholarships that apply to all areas of study, and click on the name of your area of study (e.g. Business, Hospitality, etc.) to see the ones that apply to your program.

With our Academic Programs, you will...



“As a newcomer to Canada, I found my RRC Polytech program backed me up with the necessary industry knowledge, and introduced me to the culture and ethics of the Canadian workplace.”

-Wasim Alkabani, Syria
Applied Accounting Graduate

“RRC Polytech has a special place in my heart because it opened doors to my career. I earned a scholarship and participated in a national competition. The opportunities were endless and I am very grateful for the experience!”

-Danielle R. Martins, Brazil
Hospitality and Tourism Management Graduate

“RRC Polytech values all students, no matter where you are from, your age, if you are single or married or have family already. You are part of the community — you feel like you’re at home.”

-Jesus Bojorquez Lahud, Mexico
Precision Metal Machining Graduate

“As an adult international learner, I chose RRC Polytech because I wanted an intense, high-quality program that could lead me straight to employment and add value to my career path.”

-Yueyue Wang, China
International Business Graduate

“My program at RRC Polytech really set me on the right path and helped me figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I was introduced to work I love doing now — which is something that adds value to my life.”

-Aayush Manchanda, India
Business Technology Management Graduate

“RRC Polytech gave me wings to fly, whereas I thought I could barely walk, being thousands of miles away from home. Having studied at this college, I gained immense confidence and knowledge.”

-Anika Maria, Bangladesh
Business Administration Graduate

Academic Programs

Learn more about the academic programs available to international students or see what’s available for immigrant students.

See All Programs

Application Process

Understand the application process for international students or learn about the options for immigrant students.

How to Apply